Hi everyone,


- Got a girlfreind this past summer;
- 1st serious one (with sex and feelings and blah) - im 22 yo;
- Relationship was full of problems. From sex (once a week average - wtf) to my social shyness to my imature behavior to the clothes i wear to the fact that i had strong feelings for her ( first she told me she was insecure and that i had to tell her how i feel, then she told me it wasn't normal for me to have that kind of feelings for such short relationship time, great);
- Wanted to break up but didn't have the courage so i just got distant;
- she break it up 4 weeks ago, never talked to me again since;
- first two weeks after were ok;
- Was told she migh already have a guy and i simply went down - sent her a message (going against everything that i believe) - she didn't answer;
- There wasn't any guy according to a girlfreind of hers;
- From a freind's fb acc (i don't have one) i saw from her fb that the break up wasn't easy for her too; (only i could understand the signs, posted our musics, some images etc)
- Im going to spend the next summer with the same group of ppl, her included, so i need to get over her by then;
- Not going well - can't eat and afraid to sleep (have nightmares about her every night) yesterday i had 10 beers and passed out in bed.

Rationally i know we didn't work together and i was miserable (why i wanted to break up), emotionally i want to be with her (why i didnt). Im an obsessed person, and im mostly ok with that, it allows me to get things done. The problem is that due to my obsessive behavior (not stalking or anything like that, just "overliking") and my over analysing i simply can't forget a girl, literally i can't spend a considerable amount of time without thinking of her, usually i focus on the good momemnts we had. I was so messed up that i even tried a shrink but besides sleeping pills, didn't help.

I was advised to move on with a hotter girl but that would be just cicling the problem. The reason i went to the shrink was to understand how i could get involved with a girl without her being the world to me. I only have two stages, either i like a girl A LOT or im indiferent - everything or nothing. Im like that in every way of my life. Also, the hotness of the girl doesnt matter to me, if she breaks my paper defense walls.

I don't expect life changing advices but doesn't hurt to try.

Thanks for reading.