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Thread: How many times a week do you see your bf/gf?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I agree with what Searock said...
    I really think that you should back away a bit. If she loves you that much and need you that much then she will communicate with you and she will want to see you....
    But I think that you wanting to see her everyday could be too much for her. Do something with your life...have a new hobby or go out with friends. Go to gym, go for a walk... do something different and new everyday. Make your life busy as possible,

    I am in my late 20's too and When I was with my ex, we were together for 4years... he was really clingy and he was into me too much, but I wasn't really... He would want to see me everyday, want to talk to me ALL the time...so he would text and call ALL the time, but I on the other hand didn't...
    He needed me to talk to him everyday/see him everyday....he ditched all his friends to be with me...he worked/study at the same time, but always have time for me.
    In the end it was too much for me because I didn't feel like speaking to him or seeing him.
    I suppose, we didn't love equally? He loved me too much and I slowly fall out of love because he was pushing too much for too many things.

    I'm now in a really different relationship (my bf never had a gf before) I live with him and I think that I felt that our relationship wasn't equal...our love wasn't either...so I pushed him and told him what I need and I kind of pushed him further.... he was busy and I was being selfish... we were having A lot of problems at the start of the relationship, but I kind of got tired of trying too hard so I stopped being clingy and needy too much and now it is kind of working...
    My bf told me before that, relationship shouldn't be difficult to make it work....... and I think he is right...I was trying too hard and it was just making things worst and I was pushing too hard.
    We now don't have problems and hardly have fights... we sometimes have some disagreement, but we try and work it out.

    To have a good relationship, it needs two people to work hard...so at the moment your trying hard, but your gf may not be? So if you stopped trying and if your gf didn't do anything about it then, maybe she may not love you enough to wanting to make this relationship work.
    This is kind of a test for your gf to see what she does if you stopped trying.
    Last edited by Saya; 01-04-12 at 07:21 AM.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    On a trawler in the Med
    Reminds me of a song...


    Seriously, though...I see my gf when she wants to see me. I'm not clingy, but I think I have a right to let her know what I want, too. A year into this...

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