One of the fortunate things for me guys who are in the friend zone flock to forums like these. Most guys want out, I want in.
I've never had a close female friend. I've never had a female in my house that wasn't a romantic interest. I think this has stunted my personal growth in several areas of life. Chief among them is not having well rounded perspective. Like having Masters in testosterone and a top ten bullet point on women. And even a few of those bullet points are definitely in the, "Got it. Don;t get it" category.
I really enjoy female company. Platonic or otherwise. I got along very well with the girls at my last job. I find that the vast of my interesting conversations are with women.I need to be proactive about this. It's not going to fall in my lap just because I think it should.
How does a man who has failed to make female friends correct his course?