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Thread: Ex fiance on the rebound, but wants to remain friends

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Ex fiance on the rebound, but wants to remain friends

    Hey, first time poster. Seeking opinions/advice on my situation. I apologize for the length.
    It'll be very much appreciated if you actually read all of this.

    Me and my girlfriend of 2 years/fiance of 6 months recently broke up.
    Things between us had been rocky for awhile, and reached the breaking point 3 weeks ago.
    She had just started a second job, and with our constant fighting over the past 2 months, she said she needed a break for herself.
    Our fighting was mostly the result of outside stress that caused us to take it out on one another.
    We had always resolved our differences and pushed forward prior to this.

    Once this breaking point occured, she completely changed. She was colder than she had ever been towards me, even during our worst fights.
    She simply seemed to not care about the relationship anymore.

    Well, she decided to move out of our apt and go back to her parents.
    The weird thing is, we were perfectly normal on her moving day. Things between us were the best they had been in quite some time.
    It was like when we first started dating. We hugged, kissed, joked around. Our relationship seemed very hopeful.
    I wrote her a 3 page card telling her how i felt and what I wanted to do to save our relationship. And she loved it.
    She told me we could still see each other on her days off, and see how things go.

    Once she left though, she began to ignore my texts and became indifferent again.
    I got to the point where I had to seek advice from her best friend, to see what was up.

    This is when I found out that my ex had been talking to someone new for about 3 weeks. So, basically when we broke up.
    Outraged, I called out my ex on it, and she denied it. She also stopped being friends with the girl who told me.
    Eventually she admitted to it, and said that they were just talking.
    And that we have zero chance of getting back together.

    After pestering her and pouring my heart out, I eventually gave up.
    I told her I wish her the best, and will still be there for her.

    Today, we texted each other very sporadically and she eventually starting joking with me and being nice.
    She told me that she doesn't hate me, and still wants to remain friends.

    This is where I become completely confused. She has NEVER wanted to remain friends with ANY past boyfriends.
    Why would she want to stay friends with me, if there's no feelings still there?
    I told her I'd be willing to wait for her to find herself and realize we truly are meant to be together.
    Even if it means her seeing new people, to realize this.
    After saying these things, she never replied back.

    The biggest factor in all of this, is that I moved to this state to be with her.
    I now have the opportunity to move back to where I'm from next month.
    But with her wanting to remain friends, and her sudden jump to a new guy, I wonder if there's still hope.
    Both me and her now ex best friend don't see this new fling lasting very long.

    I'm faced with the decision of staying here, where I have a steady job and hope for the best in getting her back
    or going back home where I have no job or set place to live. To clarify, I have pretty much no one out here and would be alone for the most part.

    My gut feeling is telling me to stay, but I just don't know what to think.
    I know it's cliche, but I truly feel that she is the one. We were two peas in a pod, and our chemistry was perfect, when we were at our best.
    We have the same personalities, and I can't see myself with anyone else. I just think she's very confused right now.
    Should I avoid contact, and see if she shows signs of missing my interaction?
    Any insight at all?
    Last edited by actualpain; 19-04-12 at 05:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I went through this EXACT same situation about 4 years ago. I can't tell you exactly what will work for you but I think our stories are common enough for my input to warrant some merit.

    Honestly, it sounds like she feels bad. Let's be honest, she screwed you over and found another guy super fast. Happened to me, and just like your sit she wanted to be friends, turns out only because she felt guilty that she ripped my guts out. Could be the same with your situation.

    You don't have too many options except to find out directly from her. If is making you crazy to be around her, than you need to find out and find out soon. Just straight up ask her why she is still being friends with you. It isn't going to make things worse! Worst case scenario she says: "I don't have feelings for you. I just feel bad." Then you say: "Ok see ya." and you can move on with your life. OR she could say: "Well I do have feelings for you." then you say secretly in your head "yes!". Either way...

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