Hey there!
I have been sort of seeing this girl for a few weeks now, and I really REALLY like her! haha
So we have gone out on a few dates, and towards the end of each date, we have spent quite some time making out passionately. We have told each other that we both really like each other, and we have also made it clear that we both really enjoy making out.
At this point, we have not slept together.
On Saturday night, after we were at a party together, we left and went to a school (obviously at night, there was no one there!), where we hung out for a few hours, talked/vibed, and made out alot. At the end of the night, she didnt seem keen to come home with me (which I'm ok with, obviously she just wants to take things slow), so i dropped her off at home, kissed her good night and went home.
The next day, she sent me a text saying that she enjoyed making out with me in the garden bed and asked when im free to catch up again. To this i replied that i also enjoyed kissing her in the garden bed, and that i would be free in the next few days to catch up.
So far, she has not replied to this. Now here's my concern: up until this message, i have kept my cool a little bit, and avoided showing too much affection, as from past experience i have learned that being too emotional, especially via text message, can be off-putting to a girl, as, apparently, (most) girls like a guy thats a bit hard to get etc, as it keeps things exciting and mysterious etc. Im worried that now, all of a sudden, since i told her via the text message that i enjoyed kissing her, that she has lost a bit of interest.
Or on the contrary, perhaps im just reading too much into things too much. I guess I'm just a bit paranoid, because like i said, i really like this girl and don't wanna blow my chances!
I'd love a females perspective on this, cos its really hard as a guy to understand how females think. Could something so small as this completely kill the progress this girl and i have made together thus far? Put yourself in her shoes, would you be turned off by a guy you like telling you that he enjoyed kissing you, or would it make you feel good? Bare in mind, that we have been interacting with each other for about a month now, from the moment we met and started flirting, to the last few weeks where we have been on dates, and have kissed each time.
Thanks in advance! I really hope i can put my mind at ease!