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Thread: opinions please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    opinions please

    Ok here goes........I recently posted my problem about the ex and I splitting etc........well we kinda talking now or rather we WERE and things were going good.
    new problem is we had a discussion yesterday which got out of hand..
    he says ALL men look at other woman regardless of how happy they are with their partner.......is this true??
    also he says its normal for a man to think about having sex with someone else or cheating on their partner again regardless of how happy they are....again is this true??? hes says its just the nature of men and doesnt mean anything and that thinking about cheating and doing it are totally different things...
    i would just like some male opinions really on these points........

    ps he wants start seeing me again but after what he said last night i have doubts

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by tigger1969 View Post
    Ok here goes........I recently posted my problem about the ex and I splitting etc........well we kinda talking now or rather we WERE and things were going good.
    new problem is we had a discussion yesterday which got out of hand..
    he says ALL men look at other woman regardless of how happy they are with their partner.......is this true??
    also he says its normal for a man to think about having sex with someone else or cheating on their partner again regardless of how happy they are....again is this true??? hes says its just the nature of men and doesnt mean anything and that thinking about cheating and doing it are totally different things...
    i would just like some male opinions really on these points........

    ps he wants start seeing me again but after what he said last night i have doubts
    The cheating thing isnt true but we all fantasize about other women sometimes. Yep!....its true and as you get older you will start to care less and less about BS like this and just enjoy the person you are with. Were hard wired to seek out seek and fucck as many women as possible.....its not out faults and its only social boundaries which stop (most) us

    Like you dont look at other guys? LOL
    Last edited by surfhb; 07-09-12 at 05:23 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    lol of course i look at other guys but only fleetingly.
    he says i got the wrong end of the stick so to speak and that by "thinking about cheating" he didnt mean he sits there plotting it ....more that if he sees a good looking woman he might think "wow shes fit wonder what it would be like to sleep with her"....he says hes just being honest and that as i said in original post that thinking and doing are 2 different things....
    im just wondering though if he can be trusted.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Yeah....we pretty much all wonder what's it would be like to sleep with other women. Like I said, it's just the way were made. I wouldn't take it personal since he the one CHOOSING to go home with you every night....that says alot !

    Feel lucky you have an honest and secure man. Lots of guys would deny it and roll over and be a lap dog....those are the guys you don't want

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by tigger1969 View Post
    he says ALL men look at other woman regardless of how happy they are with their partner.......is this true??
    Does the pope pray? Do bears shit in the woods? Does the pope shit in the woods?

    (... Ok, maybe not that last one.) The answer I was getting at is 'yes'. Your boyfriend is right on the money, be grateful for his honesty. All this "I only have eyes for you, sweetie pie" is just sycophantic bollocks from men who want a quiet life with their over-paranoid other-half.
    "... Tread softly because you tread on my dreams"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    thanks surfhb and TheCafeTerrace.........i am glad hes so honest...maybe a little too honest....but i agree i rather that than the sycophantic bollocks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Cheeks= Fithly Snatch

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    I hear about this silliness from the young ones all the time....it's time for a reality check. Stop thinking that you should all your partner should need, fantasy or other wise....it's not going to happen, ever. Men like variety, mostly like looking at body parts (tits and ass). It's how they are wired. IMO whatever goes on in one's mind is nobody's business. Lets face it we all fantasize about other people whether it's a celebrity or a co-worker....no harm done.

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