I'm a guy in 8th grade living in The United States, and I've got a bit of an issue I could use some help with.

First, let me give a little background. I've been friends with this girl named Megan for a while. She's nice and pretty, but it seems like in the only one who sees it. Me and my thought to be best friend, Mike, who like, loves her. they were goin on and off because he felt to embaressed to make it official, and she was over it. Everyone else at my school socially outcasts her. My friends make fun of her, other girls gossip about her, that sort of thing. I've helped her with so many problems, and she tells me she loves me, and I say it back. It's nice, and I like it.

But then comes the twist.

There's another girl, named Hannah. She's the pretty girl at school. Popular, all the guys like her, captain of the cheer squad, and she dates guys older than her. She's been labelled a slut because of a rumor that she blew one of my friends, which I'm still unsure on. But whatever. So we used to be really good friends. SHe told me all her problems (well, some, considering she never mentioned her, ehem, OTHER problems.) I told her mine. She trusted me. But then we got serious and that ended. This was about a year ago. Recently, she's been wanting to be friends again, like, really good friends. I can tell she probably likes me, but she's got a boyfriend 2 years older than me that I know she dump in a minute. Now, keep in mind she may be pretty and popular, but she's been recently outcasted by everyone because of the rumors being spread.

So now you have all the people down, here's my situation:

Megan and I have been talking a lot. She likes me a lot, and I guess I like her too. Mike has been jealous, but won say anythin because he doesn't wan to just be out of this "in" crowd that my school's created. I guess that I'm in it too, but I'm no top-dog hottie like this Latino guy all the girls fall head over heels for. I could easily be brought down by a small action like dating Megan, thus ruining me socially. So now, Megan is wanting to date. Ill admit, I've been hypocritical, telling her she's pretty and Mike's an idiot for not overcoming this social outcasting. But here's the problem. I'm just as bad as him. My social life will be ruined if I go through with this. It seems like I'm being to shallow, but I've already experienced a little bit of it. Tonight was a party, and we watched a scary movie. It's been really chilly where we are, so she snuggled up next to me and everyone started looking at us and gossiping. Eventually, I ended up putting my arm around her. Bad move. She loved it, while my friends have been giving me crap and girls are making fun of me. I'm denying it all and saying I was just putting my arm on the top of the couch to sit, but they think its hilarious to keep this going. Mike just looked at me the whole movie, and at school doesn't really mention it. He seems drifted from being one of m best friends to just one of those guys who makes fun of me behind my back.

So, here comes the part that's crossing me.

Hannah happens to be one of Megan's friends. She's really attractive, but yeah, I'll admit, a bit of a slut. Rejected an invite to the party, she talks to kids from other schools now, and wants to talk to me. She asked me of I was gonna ask out Megan. "Uhh I would, but I kinda like someone else." Is what I said. She was like "OMG WHOOOO?!?" I told her I'd tell her, but shed tell Megan. Obviously I was meaning her, but she probably thought maybe my ex, who is dating someone else now. She asked me again today, and I said I'd tell when Megan "got over me." I really like Hannah, and I wouldn't be as kicked out of everything if I somehow made that work.

Now here's my major dilemma: Should I just go for Megan, have a long nice relationship, or try to make Hannah and I work? It defiantly won last as long, but Megan would get over me and I wouldn't be ruined socially. And yes, before you all have to tell me, I'm aware how dicky my actions have been. So please, could someone give me advice on how to handle this?

Joey J
P.S. Posted from iPhone. So sorry about spelling errors.