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Thread: What is happening right now? Im confused..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    What is happening right now? Im confused..

    Ok so I was dumb and stopped talking to her because she was way to clingy, this was like 4 months ago. So last month I decided to text her and I got feelings back for her.Ever since then we've been texting again. She has told me 3 times she was so happy I texted her and I was the guy she texted the most. We talked on the phone for like 3 hours one night. But last week she started getting weird. Stopped texting back right away, wouldn't text me like she used to.

    I asked her Wednesday night if she wanted to go back to the way we used to be or just stay friends and to hangout Saturday. She said she was doing bad in school, and if she doesn't pass her tests on Thursday, she was going to get grounded and wouldn't have her phone for two months (her punishment last time). If that would happen she'd hate to get into anything. So I said okay. I texted her Thursday telling her goodluck, and never got a response. Then followed back later that night with a "Or not. Ill just leave you alone text."

    We didn't text Friday, and Saturday I asked her if we were doing anything or not, and she said she can't and she didn't know why I seemed mad at her. I told her I wasn't mad and didn't want to bug her that's why I haven't been texting her then she proceeded to tell me how she did on her tests, then just randomly stopped texting me after about an hour.

    Whats up with this and what should I do?
    She still retweets me on twitter and favorites my stuff on there too. So she isn't like completely cutting me off from her. I don't plan on text her for a couple weeks if not longer. But I was wondering, in all of your opinions, if like in a couple of days I should tweet, "Miss texting #oomf (one of my followers)" or would that be a turnoff?

    (Side note: I'm a senior and shes a junior in highschool. We hung out once four months ago, and since I have started texting her again asked her three different times to hangout and she couldn't. Also, last week we had a 3 hour phone conversation.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Do you think that she would be flattered to see you tweet about her or would you be doing it to be passive aggressive?

    I think texting is such a difficult way to gauge someone's interests or intentions - it might be better if you give her a call next time so you can hear the tone of her voice. Otherwise, don't blow up her phone every hour - and certainly don't send those bitter "Or not. I'll just leave you alone" messages if you don't hear from her. Not because it's mean, but because it's annoying and you don't want to get on her nerves (or get clingy like she did to you before).

    Is it possible that she wants a little more control this time than you gave her before when you guys were hanging out? Maybe she does *want* to respond to every one of your texts as soon as she receives it, but last time she came on too strong and scared you away! I think this reaction from you, where you're worried about whether she likes you or not, is exactly what she wants. Just enjoy flirting with her and don't read too much into it. Try to appreciate that she is probably trying to keep you interested and letting her know that you are, by simply telling her so, is probably the best plan of action.

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