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Thread: Feel like dying, its too hard to live like this

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Feel like dying, its too hard to live like this

    My situations are :

    1. Jobless after break up (still searching for a job with no results so far) have so little money now
    2. Live in a country side where not many things or people are available
    3. All my friends happily married or attached, they dont care about my broken heart problem
    4. My family doesnt support my situation
    5. The only thing I can vent out is go to online forum and write to strangers
    6. Cannot watch movie esp. romantic one because only reminds me of my ex- that had left and will only brought back the sadness

    I carry my sorrow in this heavy metal heart of mine, shattered in tears everyday, wishing somebody out there talk to me, support me in this heavy situation. He is my first real relationship, left me in despair, his feeling changed, wishing him back.. done with begging, pleading --> no results off course! people advice for NC and how am I going through the NC?? will he come back??

    Somebody PLEASE HELP!! I feel like wanna kill myself
    Last edited by Axis; 29-11-12 at 04:40 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    its normal to feel sad after a break up. u will be fine soon and happily dating. if u let go and move on.
    i dont understand how u lost your job cause of break up and not many people r available for what?

    not having a job gives u too much time to moan and think about break up.
    so get busy with stuff that u still have aces to.
    like sports, jogging in the park or walk is for free,(great especially in the morning) do unpaid jobs,google and see what u can find in your area.
    doing those stuff gives u the chance to meet new people and not thinking the whole time
    about sadness and ex and breakup.

    so get busy,soon u will realize that u did not even think about your ex.cause u r busy with other stuff that r more important.
    and u think your friends dont wants to hear your issue,but u assume it.
    so just be open to them.let them know whats going on with u right now.

    u dont have to do it all alone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hey thanks for your reply, after the break up I couldnt focus on my job, brooding in a dark though everyday and finally I lost my job cause of that.

    I live in a country side and most everybody here already married and busy with their own family, not many people available for socializing or single people to meet up to hang out or doing activities.

    Im still searching for a new job now, I keep myself busy and doing sports (I did swimming, running and walking) but no matter how tired I am, I still wont be able to sleep through the night.

    I tried to tell some friends about my problem but even if they "listen" to what I said, they didnt respond! most of them were just busy with their family life and I left alone being single and broken. They have no time to hang out or talk heart to heart to even just listen to me. I always made an effort to visit them and when i get there just ended up playing with their kids and there wont be time for us to talk about my problem.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Twin Cities
    Most of the good jobs are in the cities these days. Try to borrow some money from one of your happy friends and get a fresh start in a place with jobs and single women.
    Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    You didn't say anything about the guy who left you and why you want him back so bad. Those little details are important. In the meantime don't do anything stupid, life is beautiful and worth living.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    We were in a relationship for one and a half year and some months of long distance due to our jobs. There were some fights due to this long distance but we always manage to solve it. Out of the blue He said his feeling change and want the break up. Im lost, didnt see it coming! he's the love of my life and Im really devastated. I put everything into this relationship, and he is my hope for the future.

    For the very first time in my life someone has cross my path, we're in love and build the relationship. He's my first relationship, someone that I love and loved me. I know, people said Im old and so late for 1st relationship. Is not that Im too choosy but Im just not easy to fall in love. He talked alot about married and have future together and I was so happy with our relationship. We both in our 30ist and Im so looking forward to have family with him.

    I love him so much and i believe his love was real but now he broke my heart into thousand pieces. I cried, begged and pleaded.. it doesnt work and I guess looked stupid for him. I dont know what I should do.. my life mean nothing without him.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    you will eventually rebuild your life and move on. It just takes time. For some people, it may be days - for others, it may take months or years. When I broke up with my first girlfriend, it took me a year to move on. It got easier over time to handle breakups. I learned that the adventure was in meeting new people while also trying to better myself, and that's how I met my wife. The worst thing you can do is lose your identity in a breakup and sulk alone at home.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    The internet
    You sound like me 7 months ago.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    You can't have a relationship as an accessory to your life and expect it will be worth anything. If you keep a long distance relationship for a long time, it might look like a good thing, but it's not. That shows you don't truly believe in the relationship and you will not commit to it. If you truly wanted the relationship, both of you would be in one place at the moment.

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