I really do hate what this world has come to, having to worry about something so menial as Facebook, but I'm honestly curious about this one.
I have been talking to a guy, steadily, since the summer. We talk every day, have a great line of communication, and he seems very open and honest about everything. (Seriously, I often end up knowing what he's eating for dinner we talk so much and he is SO open about what he's up to). I'm coming out of a LT relationship, so we're just enjoying eachother and not rushing anything.
A few months ago, I reactivated my Facebook and mentioned it casually in a conversation. He replied, "I'd say add me, but people at work would talk."
We work together. He's friends with a few people from work on there, but generally, isn't friends with coworkers. I, being paranoid, think this is totally bogus. Automatically I thought - what does he not want me seeing? Who cares what "people at work would think"? There's nothing wrong with being friends with someone, and we're not "in a relationship"...so who cares?
Am I being nuts? He spends SO much time talking to me that I really doubt he has a girlfriend or something extreme. I'm guessing he just doesn't want me seeing any pervy FB flirting?