I work part-time on campus at my university and recently found out that another student that I work with has been bad-mouthing me on her Twitter account. I found out through someone else that had retweeted what she had written a general page site and upon seeing that it had been her, saw that her twitter account was public and that she's written other negative posts about me as well. I've always been really friendly and nice towards her so was very surprised upon finding out that she had come to form a negative opinion of me. At first, she had been writing things about me being creepy, stalkerish, and weird all from asking her general questions about one of her family members and her boyfriend, of which she had brought up in conversation in the first place and for what I responded to in keeping conversation going. I then started keeping to myself at work and have kept conversation with her to a minimum. However, I then lately found out she found yet another complaint to make about me, her claim that I only do my share of work when our boss enters into the room and is not true at all. I've worked there far longer than she has and know that our boss has no problem with us having our email open for work-related purposes or reading news when there is no work to be done. Despite this fact, I see her constantly going on her phone to text and she's mentioned in passing about going onto Twitter on her phone at work. I haven't said anything about knowing about what she has been writing me as I haven't wanted to start drama at work. She hasn't used my name but refers to where she works in her posts and describes all encounters she's had when working with me. I guess I'm just wondering if the way I've been dealing with it has been the best for situation? I only have to work with her for another month as she'll be going home for the summer and chances are good that she may be working less hours in the fall.