Hi, I think my friends are tired of listening to me and hoping I'll get over my heartbreak, so I thought I'd come here instead.
Quick summary:
Was friends with a man I met in my social circle. We hit it off, flirted, started going out.
He's abnormally quirky and there were a lot of red flags, but I ignored them because we'd been such good friends and I couldn't imagine that he would hurt me.
Things progressed slowly, but we talked about not wanting to rush things.
It was a slow relationship, but because it built slowly over time I found myself falling in love with him.
Until he realized I was falling for him and right before I went on a three week vacation told me he didn't think he could be in a relationship. We talked, cried, he ended up telling me it would all be ok. Kissing me as I was crying.
We emailed the whole time I was on my trip, he said everything was fine.
Came back, all good.
Then he got distant, didn't communicate with me at all. Not out of the blue for his personality, since he's a withdrawn introvert. And had warned me he'd be busy with a lot of things.
Then an email saying he wanted no further contact with me.
Sent back a present I'd given him, which had a lot of sentimental value.
We dated over a period of 9 months, had been friends for over a year.
I find myself still crying and upset that it's over.
When I write it out, it seems evident it was never going to work. But my heart is still broken. And when we were dating, we seemed perfect for each other. Made each other laugh, so many of the same interests, enjoyed each other's company, were attracted to each other, listened to each other,could talk for hours had so many of the same values and concerns.
I don't know what went wrong, except as my friends say, it had nothing to do with me.
But it still hurts.
It's been almost two months since he dumped me by email and I'm still hurting.
Time heals all wounds etc, but right now I just want to get through this.
We both belong to a group that might entail that we'll see each other again. We have a lot of the same friends in common. He's avoiding seeing me (as a friend told me), so I don't know what's going on.
I feel like I walked into an alternate universe.
Thanks for listening.