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Thread: describe your perfect partner and yourself

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by TwillightBrony View Post
    *sigh* nothing against your conversation but it seems every thread here sooner or later goes into some sort of offtopic .
    I was wondering how long it would take you to mention that the thread has gone off topic. I suggest you get used to it.
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    lol thats y when you ask most women to describe their ideal guy all they say is "tall, dark and handsome" is it? ever watch take me out? that is what most of them say and i roll my eyes and think "they must be desperate if thats all they want".

    when you ask most men they dont just list 3 physical qualities-theve normally put more thought into it then that.

    your theory makes men and women sound like alien species to each other. i think in generL most men and women are looking for the same things out of a relationship. the problems start because most men and women dont understand each other coz they believe every bs stereotype and over analyze evrrything. we are all misunderstood in the media etc. they make women look materialistic and shallow and make men look like pervs-its not true.

    men are far more emotional then most women believe they are and they crave the sane things we crave. but one bad experience with one man normally ****s it up for all the rest when she believes there all like him and there not.

    i think were quite similar. equal in every way-intellectually, sexually, emotionally. ive done a lot of research amd thats what i believe.

    a lot of men try to suppress or hide their emotions coz they believe their not normal if they dont just like a lot of women suppress their sexuality coz they were brainwashed to do so but times are changing and the gap is closing all the time.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by FlaCooln View Post
    Wow, Rowen...I had no idea you are only 18. IMHO you are wise beyond your years.
    Aww, thank you so much! lol I just try to put myself in that person's shoes. I love how this forum has so many people with great advice skills; you're all awesome. xD
    Also, I'm so happy you found that special someone! Congrats!

    Quote Originally Posted by basilandthyme View Post
    I was wondering how long it would take you to mention that the thread has gone off topic. I suggest you get used to it.
    Hahaha That's so true, but it keeps it interesting on here.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by michelle23 View Post
    Flacooln thats really great. Im happy for you how did you meet her?
    Thanks....online/match actually. I decided not to remove my profile as I figured it couldn't hurt and I am so glad I didn't. I really have not felt this excited about a woman in almost 5 years. I don't remember liking my exGF this much so quickly. We just had amazing conversation and seemed so open with each other. She totally got my sarcasm/witt and fired back with a lot herself. Easily the best date I have ever been on. Nothing like my ex. I just felt so wanted by her and just drawn to her.

    She has already made me realize (even more than before) how shitty my exGF was to me and how bad the ex used to make me feel when I was doing NOTHING wrong.
    Last edited by FlaCooln; 24-04-13 at 09:49 AM.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by michelle23 View Post
    lol thats y when you ask most women to describe their ideal guy all they say is "tall, dark and handsome" is it? ever watch take me out? that is what most of them say and i roll my eyes and think "they must be desperate if thats all they want".
    I don't know what take me out is... most of my girl friends, as I said, when asked "seriously" to describe their ideal partner, don't talk about appearance straight away. Most of my guy friends do (not ALL of them, but most). This doesn't mean that girls don't care about physical appearance or that guys don't care about emotional and intellectual connection. It's just the order of importance that is different, in average.

    when you ask most men they dont just list 3 physical qualities-theve normally put more thought into it then that.
    Yes, but generally the physical part comes first, or anyway they describe it with more detail than a girl would. Just read the guys' ideal partner thread...

    i think in generL most men and women are looking for the same things out of a relationship.
    I think this too, but this doesn't contradict my "theory".

    a lot of men try to suppress or hide their emotions coz they believe their not normal if they dont just like a lot of women suppress their sexuality coz they were brainwashed to do so but times are changing and the gap is closing all the time.
    I'll repeat again: when I say that men care more than women about physical appearance when seeing a girl for the first time(s) or when describing their ideal partner, I do NOT mean that they don't care about the emotional and intellectual part. I just mean that they care more THAN WOMEN about the physical appearance part.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Im sorry but I disagree. Have you ever seen one of your hot gfs with a below average looking guy? And if yes was she really happy? I doubt it. All my good looking friends are fussy as hell and they are also the nicest girls out of all my friends. Better looking people are more confident, more trustworthy and in general happy with themselves and know what they want. The same goes for guys unless hes narcissistic-but the better looking, confident ones are more loyal because they do not settle for second best and happy with what they have (normally)

    I have read the last thread and Flacooln and bearz both put way more emphasis on personality than looks even though looks were still important to them. The guys answering the new thread are not even taking it seriously coz they have answered these stupid qs 100 times already. Did you hear surf say "blah blah blah"

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by michelle23 View Post
    Im sorry but I disagree. Have you ever seen one of your hot gfs with a below average looking guy? And if yes was she really happy? I doubt it. All my good looking friends are fussy as hell and they are also the nicest girls out of all my friends. Better looking people are more confident, more trustworthy and in general happy with themselves and know what they want. The same goes for guys unless hes narcissistic-but the better looking, confident ones are more loyal because they do not settle for second best and happy with what they have (normally)
    I fundamentally disagree: I don't believe there is an objective attractiveness scale. I may think a guy is really hot, a girl friend of mine may think he isn't good looking. It's totally subjective. So, yes: I have seen girl friends of mine whom I think are attractive with guys whom I am not attracted to, and yes, they are/were very happy with them. Attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder. Confident persons are more attractive, NOT the other way around.

    I have read the last thread
    Then you will have noticed that most (if not all) guys who replied there put more emphasis THAN GIRLS on the physical appearance part. It does not mean that they didn't put emphasis on the emotional/personality part.

  8. #38
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    Feb 2013
    I am not talking about physical attraction. You can notice someone is attractive without wanting them. And most the good looking people I know are with good looking people-that is all I am saying.

    I agree that everyone's "type" is different. But just because someone is not your specific "type" does not mean you think they are ugly.

    I think you just picked up what I was saying wrong. But I think confidence and good looks generally go together with a few exceptions

  9. #39
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    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by michelle23 View Post
    I am not talking about physical attraction. You can notice someone is attractive without wanting them. And most the good looking people I know are with good looking people-that is all I am saying.

    I agree that everyone's "type" is different. But just because someone is not your specific "type" does not mean you think they are ugly.

    I think you just picked up what I was saying wrong. But I think confidence and good looks generally go together with a few exceptions
    Confidence and attractiveness go together (the first implies the other), confidence and good looks don't, not in general (I know people whom I think are beautiful with low self-confidence). "Good looks" isn't something objective... I may think someone is beautiful (even without being attracted to them), and another person may think the same person isn't beautiful (again, nothing to do with being attracted to them or not). There is no objective good looks, just as there is no objective attractiveness.

    Beauty and attractiveness are both in the eye of the beholder.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Yes and I agree with you but I dont think your getting my point. Everything you said makes sense but people who think they are unnattractive are lacking in confidence and normally the worst people to be with in a relationship.

    Its better to be with someone who knows there hot and you think they are too.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Current Age: 26
    Social Class: I guess upper class
    Studies: MBA, speak 6 languages
    Income: making enough money for everything I want to do/have
    Appearance: Light skin; oval face, blond hair, gray eyes, 178cm, 50kg, everyone says I have great looks
    Attributes: adventurous, well traveled, honest, ambitious, not a cheater, high maintenance, caring, talkative, friendly, helpful, faithful

    Mr. Perfect*
    Age: 26-33
    Social Class: Middle or Upper
    Studies:well-educated person, MSc, MBA or PhD, speak at least one foreign language
    Income: enough to follow me. As long as I am not a sugar mama everything is OK
    Appearance: he must be at least 187cm, I dated guys of my height and it was hard to cuddle or put your head on their shoulder. Blue/gray/green eyes, and dark hair, tanned preferably
    Attributes: He must be reliable, not a cheater, open minded, keen to travel, move around the world, caring, warm, not selfish, honest, not promiscuous

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