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Thread: Met a perfrct woman..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Met a perfrct woman..

    Well, didn't exactly meet her. I've known her a long time ago. She was actually my teacher. I know, lol. But only today we talked and really talked after a long, long time. And man, she is perfect. Incredibly attractive and smart. Finally, I felt like someone gets me. Conversation was so flawless and flowing. When you know exactly what the other person thinks and you feel the same way. I now understand the phrase 'finishing each other sentances'.

    Of course, nothing can ever happen. She is married with kids and everyting was just pleasant, with no insinuations of something going on but all along, I kept thinking how perfect she was.
    The hopeless romantic in me wonders what are the odds in this world to meet a person that you click with on so many levels and the situation is right? Good thing is, talking to her and being around her eased the pain of my recent breakup. It showed how much I was missing in my ex on a spiritual level and somewhat on an intellectual level as well.
    My former teacher...man oh man.... That's what I want someday. Someone like her. It's stupid and I know I shouldn't even be thinking about it...but if we were together, it'd be a perfect romance. Just hope I meet someone like her someday. Wonder if she felt something similar. It's weird but you never know lol. Anyway, someone like her. Ever met someone you found to be perfect? Are you with such person?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Caution!! The recent breakup is a big red flag! Come on, men act like they don't have feelings, but after a bad breakup you just want something to ease the pain. A married teacher with kids is really not cool and this is coming from someone who doesn't have huge issues when it comes to who you fall for, but come on man. Ask a good bro and if he is worth anything he will tell you the same.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No man. It's not like that. It's not like I envision anything here. Just think she is perfect. And it was incredibly plesant talking to her. Made me feel like a beautiful human being lol. Just think she is great' that's all. Not like I'm falling for her or anything. It's all respect. Utmost respect.
    What I want is someone like her. I'm just scared it might not happen...although I continue being a dreamer. A perfect romance. That's what I thought about talking to her. How many people experience it? We all develop feelings...or catch feelings after a while....but a perfect romance...that's something. But I know this is a former teacher we're talking about lol. Odds are non existant, I get that....but I guess I have a blueprint now...someone like her. When I feel something similar, I will know.
    Last edited by Zaz01; 19-05-13 at 07:57 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    If it makes you feel any better, I think the odds of finding that perfect person again are pretty good. If they were remote odds, then we'd be unlikely to meet any perfect person at all.
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Ever heard the phrase "nobody's perfect?" When somebody starts throwing the word "perfect" around like popcorn, it sets off warning bells in my head. It shows they are 1) unrealistic, and 2) setting themselves up for disappointment.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by dem862 View Post
    Ever heard the phrase "nobody's perfect?" When somebody starts throwing the word "perfect" around like popcorn, it sets off warning bells in my head. It shows they are 1) unrealistic, and 2) setting themselves up for disappointment.
    Of course no person is perfect. It's a moot point. Yet as imperfect as people are, there are people who are perfect for us as lovers, friends and whatnot. People we're on the same page, we mesh with well, people who make us feel better about who we are.
    I really don't think I throw the word around. In fact, don't think I used it before but yesterday, that was the first and the most obvious word that came to mind. For me, that person is perfect. And yes, it's a bit of a childhood crush as well lol.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Well, you seem perfectly happy in the throes of infatuation. Luck be with you.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2013
    What? Throes? No throes.
    Happy such people exist. Gives me hope. Lifts me up.
    There is nothing here to be in pain about. It was a great conversation, great time, so pleasant.

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