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Thread: Guys I have one more question sorry about this

  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by confusedguy1012 View Post
    Can I ask why you think she cheated? Do you guys really think that?
    Umm... Let's see. She is distancing herself from you, and cuddling with her "friend". You are being PLAYED!

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by THX View Post
    Umm... Let's see. She is distancing herself from you, and cuddling with her "friend". You are being PLAYED!
    Well, when you put it that way.. Maybe me and her should just take a break...

  3. #18
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    Feb 2013
    You have a baby on the way. Its not that simple that you can just "take a break". Ignore people here. How long have you been together? Maybe she did just need a friend-it doesn't mean something is going on. All we are trying to say is that you should be the closest male in her life. He could pose a threat to your relationship at some point-particularly if they spend a lot of time together and she is leaning on him for emotional support. That is how affairs start. This isn't something you need to break up over-you need to be able to communicate with her without her working herself up so much that it endangers her or the baby. Tell her you are not accusing her of anything and you do trust her. You just worry that they may be getting too close and she may start to develop feelings for him IF they continue to be this close. Emotions are running high right now. You went crazy when you saw them cuddling. She is emotional and hormonal which is probably why she reacted that way today.
    "Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answer".

  4. #19
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by michelle23 View Post
    How long have you been together?
    4 years and we were friends for almost a year before I finally got the guts to ask her out. Before all of this we had a storybook relationship, we barely argued if ever, i've never been happier than I was. My parents love her like she's their daughter, we had an amazing sex life, it really was something I thought only happened in movies till this baby came along and started making her sick.

    Quote Originally Posted by michelle23 View Post
    she may start to develop feelings for him IF they continue to be this close
    I think i'm going to talk to him next he doesn't need to be a big part of her life anymore and i'll make sure he knows that. I'm going to try to talk my boss into letting me work from home or something so he just can dissappear from our lives forever. I really don't wanna lose her and I feel like i'm going crazy right now trying to figure this out.

    Quote Originally Posted by michelle23 View Post
    you need to be able to communicate with her without her working herself up so much that it endangers her or the baby.
    She's either hiding something or so "fragile" that she can't talk either way I don't know what to say to her anymore. Either way I think she needs to be alone so I'm letting her stay in the bedroom and i'll be sleeping in the guest room. I can't do this anymore I just want things the way they were before...

    Quote Originally Posted by michelle23 View Post
    You went crazy when you saw them cuddling.
    She's my girlfriend I should be the only person she cuddles with and sleeps on. I even have a d*mn ring I bought to propose to her with. I just was waiting till I could find the right time to make it special.
    Last edited by confusedguy1012; 12-02-14 at 11:07 AM.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You'd be a fool to think about proposing in the near future. It is as simple as taking a break. Just because she's pregnant, doesn't mean you have to be in a relationship with her, particularly when she's all hugged up with other dudes. Stay in the guest room and tell her to figure out which relationship is more important, her "friendship" with this guy or the relationship with you. When she starts with the "you don't trust me" crap, tell her she's right and if she wants you to, distancing herself from him will be a major step. Make sure you get a paternity test done immediately after the baby is born too.

    Michelle, if a guy was doing what this girl did, you'd up in arms about what a low life he is.

  6. #21
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by michelle23 View Post
    Emotions are running high right now. You went crazy when you saw them cuddling. She is emotional and hormonal which is probably why she reacted that way today.
    It's wrong and aint no way around it. I don't care if she is pregnant. It's still unacceptable. I had the whole experience and I know tons of chics that were pregnant. Most people don't want people touching all over them during this time. That's not an excuse to cuddle with another guy. It was definitely some sort of feeling there.

    I guess Chris would be okay with you cuddling with another guy while your pregnant or him cudding his pregnant female friend? I didn't think so. For one, your man is not even allowed to have female friends, let alone cuddle with one. You'd go off.(I don't blame you. Mines neither). So don't even go there.=)

  7. #22
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    May 2010
    Look confusedguy1012. I have been holding back as much as possible. One guy telling you that this whole situation is bullshit isn't going to convince you . So I ask you to do this as a favor to yourself. Look up 10 random articles or video's on google. Type in, "Signs your girlfriend is cheating on you." If something doesn't reach out and grab you ingore everything I've said.

  8. #23
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by THX View Post
    Look confusedguy1012. I have been holding back as much as possible. One guy telling you that this whole situation is bullshit isn't going to convince you . So I ask you to do this as a favor to yourself. Look up 10 random articles or video's on google. Type in, "Signs your girlfriend is cheating on you." If something doesn't reach out and grab you ingore everything I've said.
    Well, you guys have me convinced she's cheating..... I guess now all there's left to do is talk to her either get her to admit it or leave her.....

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Okay so it really looks like she's cheating but...

    today when she came home I started doing stuff she came down to get a drink I was doing the dishes and she said I looked stressed and asked what was going on I said nothing and went back to doing dishes and she said why don't you just come lay down and relax and I just ignored her she started getting sad and asking why I was ignoring her and then I lashed out by saying if you want someone to lay down with go call your "friend" and she burst into tears saying she'd never talk to another guy again if it made me so mad. Then she told me she's fine staying home alone if she has to that she never will do that again. That she was just having a bad day and needed a hug and was tired and fell asleep and all this stuff. So now i'm just confused and ready to be done with her... Sorry I needed to vent

  10. #25
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    Feb 2013
    Backup under normal circumstances I would be totally against this but this is a high risk pregnancy, she has been ill, she has also gone into early labor which needed to be stopped.. right now i think its more important that the baby is delivered safe and healthy then causing major issues and arguments (more stress) in their relationship.

    OP people here are working you up more about this. This is just going to cause more issues. Regardless of what is right and wrong-she is the mother of your child and it is your job to protect her and make her feel safe through this. Yes cuddling that guy was wrong. Ask her why she did that and does she understand why it hurt you. Send her to this forum for some advice. We can help her understand why cuddling another guy is wrong if she doesnt get it. We are outsiders so an outside opinion may change her perspective.

    Do you really think she would cheat on you whilst pregnant with your baby? I bet sex is the last thing on her mind right now-shes ill, tired, stressed and most pregnant women feel unattractive
    "Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answer".

  11. #26
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    Feb 2013
    I do believe that it was innocent and she is telling you the truth and she gets it-wont do it again..

    If this was some new work colleague that she all of a sudden became v close to-I would be v worried. Hes a childhood friend, shes pregnant, ill, housebound, stressed, tired and emotional. I think it was just comforting to her

    You said you want to marry her and love her. Your having a baby together. This should be a happy time for you both.
    "Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answer".

  12. #27
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by michelle23 View Post
    Backup under normal circumstances I would be totally against this but this is a high risk pregnancy, she has been ill, she has also gone into early labor which needed to be stopped.. right now i think its more important that the baby is delivered safe and healthy then causing major issues and arguments (more stress) in their relationship.

    OP people here are working you up more about this. This is just going to cause more issues. Regardless of what is right and wrong-she is the mother of your child and it is your job to protect her and make her feel safe through this. Yes cuddling that guy was wrong. Ask her why she did that and does she understand why it hurt you. Send her to this forum for some advice. We can help her understand why cuddling another guy is wrong if she doesnt get it. We are outsiders so an outside opinion may change her perspective.

    Do you really think she would cheat on you whilst pregnant with your baby? I bet sex is the last thing on her mind right now-shes ill, tired, stressed and most pregnant women feel unattractive
    I don't know your right about the sex thing a least I know I haven't been getting any which i'm not saying in a bad way or anything I get why she wouldn't want it. Also no she doesn't understand why it made me upset she just knows that it made me upset and when I get upset 9 times outta 10 she will do whatever she can to make me not be upset so i know that's why she's saying it.

  13. #28
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    It definitely sounds like she's placating you. If she doesn't understand why sleeping, cuddled up with another guy is upsetting, and calls you controlling for being upset about it, then she is definitely not worth having a relationship with. If you aren't going to dump her outright, please, in the name of Jesus, take that ring and get your money back. Use it for the child..if it is in fact your child.

    Michelle, I think there is a reasonable possibility the baby is not his. I really don't see how being a childhood friend vs. new work guy makes the situation any better.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by confusedguy1012 View Post
    Well, when you put it that way.. Maybe me and her should just take a break...
    Don't be a fool young man. I don't think your being played and if your so quick to believe you are, well, hmmm. Perhaps she is sensing your easy to sway.
    As far as her going into early labor because of you two having a calm chat, hormones are CRAZY when pregnant.

    Wording is everything when dealing with touchy subjects. Wording. AGAin, I suggest using the words, 'COMFORT LEVELS' over boundaries or respect.

  15. #30
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    Feb 2014
    Save the drama leave the trauma! What if it is his baby and she's not done anything wrong. Now that would be really awful if you are assuming, making up stories and creating fear in him, and confusing him. So what if she is telling the truth and he acts on your advice and their relationship is totally destroyed because you all sharing your negative perspectives and thinking the worst. Once upon a time I was a pregnant, never cheated, and left the father because he was abusive. His parents and friends told him I left because it wasn't his baby and cheated. lol Not that I wanted the man in my life anyway, but can tell you people have the right intentions, and give advice, but not everyone is cheating and there are more illusions in the world because we don't always have the whole story, all the facts, or evidence. It's amazing I followed missing person cases, and the whole time they argued and blamed the mother in one case, and told them it wasn't so. lol Watched the create all kinds of stories, and the mind is very creative. They were dissapointed because they found out she wasn't guilty. lol This happens everywhere on different topics, and fortunately we all really need to stop being so negative when it effects people's lives. That is what rumormongers and gossips do. He came here for advice.

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