I am recently single after realizing I do not communicate enough with my partner. I am 28 years old and was with my guy for about 5 month until I called it quits due to the lack of communication in our relationship. I dont' feel like I am asking for much but when you go out of town I feel like we should say good morning and good night to each other- while not being in the same town, talk about what your doing for the day.. BUT I was in a relationship with a man/boy who is a selfish texter. Always on his time, he'll text me when it's convenient to him. We are SO good when we are together but when we're not it's hard to get on the same page. I feel like breaking up with him has only been harder cause I hear from him so much less. And I really do love him.

How often should we be talking to our partners? And is texting an okay way to communicate?

Does anyone else feel the same way?