hi you guys, could use a little impartial advice here...
so a little bit ago i traveled to a foreign country, where i met this incredible guy. we had an amazing date (hooked up but didnt sleep together though) and the next day he was going out of town on work and i was coming back home. this country isnt close by, its like 10 hours away on a plane!
so anyway we kind of decided not to make it a big deal, but eventually a couple of months into me being back we started chatting a lot. i mean we'd be texting all the time, and because of the time difference we were almost always in touch or sending each other photos and videos...hes an incredible guy... needless to say ive kind of really started to like him. hes planning on visiting me around new years...so yeh...well anyway, this weekend hit and he kind of fell off the planet. now the thing is i am a very practical person, I KNOW that its mentally and physically impossible (and ridiculous) for either of us to go exclusive considering its months before we meet next! and also because we've only spent a few hours in real time together...but whats annoying me is that im feeling jealous!...cause i dont know what hes been up to...its been 24 hours since i heard from him... im thinking he mustve gone out, maybe met someone. its really stupid...silly to feel this way... i dont want to get all posessive, my brain is telling me that but my heart is going a little green. how do i deal with this??!!