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Thread: Is she really interested or too afraid to say no thanks....

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    So the lady and I go out to a nice dinner (Tuesday) and we both have a good time. She seemed really into it and all and even before dinner was over said we should do it again soon. Anyway, we both had to work the next day so I drop her off and she says lets do it again next week, so I am like no problem. Then she says how about we get together Friday afternoon and play golf. I say that would be great. I text her on Wednesday and say Friday afternoon is a go and she says cool. Well I get a text from her Friday afternoon saying she is studying and is not going to stop. She suggests Saturday and I say okay. No word from her since then. I deleted her number from my phone so if I have a moment of weakness I will not be tempted to text her.

    My question is though, why keep suggesting things only to flake? I mean obviously she is not interested but why all the run around. She is 28 and should be past this right?

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Perhaps she has some warped way of testing you to see how interested you really are. Don't buy into those games though. You've put in enough effort and she needs to reciprocate if she wants to continue seeing you. If she doesn't get back to you, then just cut your losses.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK: England
    I reckon she aint that interested.

    I mean c'mon.....prefers to study, rather than go out with you?

    Hell if this was a guy I liked, I'd be jumping at the chance to go out and when he called and I wouldn't take the risk of losing the guy, to another woman...

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    My thoughts exactly. That is the whole reason I deleted her from my phone. She can chase me if she changes her mind but I have put in my effort. Thanks to all who contributed. I do not see any further updates on this in the future.

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