Quote Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
Well, take them out and get to know them then if they're nice you can start to like them but only if they like you too. You can discover if they like you too by asking them out again and if they keep saying "yes" to your invites then you can start to be infatuated with them.

It a waste of your time to "love" someone before you have even gone on a date with them. Look how you wasted your time on this girl who ended up not even wanting to go out with you. Don't make that same mistake again.

Just meet girls (join a dating site or a meet up site like meetmarketadventures.com) and just have fun with girls until you meet one that actually wants to go out with you. No sense "loving" someone who you haven't even found out if they like you enough to go on a date with you.

That's all I have to tell you. Bottom line: Don't love someone who isn't showing you in actions that they love you too. If you find them attractive then ask them out and then get to love them. Not love them and then ask them out.

Good luck.
Everything you say makes sense! I know this, but its just not that easy at the moment.

Also: this girl was always very nice around me, we had nice chats, teased eachother... I really had the idea that there was the possibility she also liked me as I liked her. I was wrong, I know this now.

And I doubt you can really "control" it when someone becomes infatuated with someone...

Its also more than just finding her attractive to be honest, its her entire personality that I felt for, this makes it even harder.

Anyhow, I know you are right and I know I have to accept it and move on!
Thanks for the advice.