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Thread: I forgot my anniversary

  1. #16
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    Huh. Here, Today's Best is Tomorrow's Bitch. :?
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  2. #17
    Join Date
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    i'm gonna go find something to be mad about.

    it's not saturday.


    i'm so FUKING PISSED that it's not saturday fukkkk lifeeee!
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbt5 View Post
    ok i get it. im being a wuss thanks.

    but can you honestly tell me youve never celebrated a 1month anniversary before. cmon seriously did you read my post? our "2month" anniversary was to make up for the first one. and we arent the kind of couple that celebrates every month. cmon now

    ps whats with all the harsh attacks on here anyways? does it make you feel better to kick someone who is down already?
    You're not the kind of couple that celebrates every month?

    You've been going out exactly two months. You couldn't do the first one, and so now she is pissed you forgot the second one. I think she thinks you celebrate your anniversary every month. I think she probably expects some kind of monetary reimbursement for that too.

    Honestly, I had a bf like that once, in high school. He made a big deal out of them, and would set his cellphone alarm for the day he asked me out. I thought he was just good at it, until his cellphone got dropped in the pool, lol!

    I think this is ridiculous behavior for the two month anniversary though. You JUST started dating, and she's gonna flip and not talk to you for a week???? That's one eighth of the time you have been dating LOL.

    She is really being ridiculous. Don't YOU think so? I can see her being slightly mad for 6 months, and a little peeved for a year, but give me a break it's two months. It's only this big of a deal when you have been married for 20 years and someone forgets.

    Average joe is right. This is a red flag.
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  4. #19
    Join Date
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    I came here thinking you were married.

    <<walks out of thread>>
    If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. ~ Marilyn Monroe

  5. #20
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    She is behaving like a spoilt child. If you allow yourself to be manipulated by a woman like this so early in your life, you risk being hen-pecked for the rest of your life. You sound like you are in love, but remember love is blind. Lots and lots of women out there would really appreciate a great romantic guy like you, so appreciate yourself. Stand up and be a man, take charge. Romance is given not demanded. I heard a really good thing once: Before marriage, keep both eyes open. After marriage, close one eye. Hope this helps.
    Till you're sure you've found your soulmate, never stop searching.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

  6. #21
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    Her loss

    If she is gonna get upset over a 2 month anniversary she is showing her true colors to you. If it was a year or more I could understand that. 2 months though is not worth your worry. You did not intentionally forget the date you had other things going on. I hope she wakes up and realizes she is mad at you for a petty reason. Best of luck

  7. #22
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    Aw, you've all done me proud!

    There's nothing I could have said that hasn't already been said that I wouldn't say myself.

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