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Thread: lingerie and underwear

  1. #16
    vashti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stalin_Skaya View Post

    Those boys have really small penises.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    Those boys have really small penises.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    Those boys have really small penises.
    i agree. they look like 8 year old boys or something.

  4. #19
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    I'm worried about you stalin.where did you find that picture?under favourites?
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  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by gartlas View Post
    I'm worried about you stalin.where did you find that picture?under favourites?

  6. #21
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    I wear what's cheap and comfortable. That, for me, has always been the low-cut underwear and/or boy shorts, and whatever bra is friendly. Though I like the wire beneath--makes me feel more secure, I guess. My sister doesn't, but she's kind of stuck with it. You can't get something without when you have DDs, you know? She swears she'll get a reduction when she's eighteen. Er, right. XD; I've had a fascination with the front-clasp bras as of late, though. Almost everything I own is cotton.

    But hey, I'm not trying to impress anyone anyway. *shrugs* I'd refuse to wear anything uncomfortable just to impress someone. It's part of the reason I don't wear heels, lace, or anything that makes me feel like my boobs are going to fall out. I can dress in an attractive manner and not feel like a slut! =D

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moonchild View Post
    I don't wear heels, lace, or anything that makes me feel like my boobs are going to fall out. I can dress in an attractive manner and not feel like a slut! =D
    clap clap.. (sarcasm)

    honestly.. there's nothing slutty about heals or lace..

    plenty of women are sexy, hot, feminie, and classy while wearing heals and lace..

    there's a pretty large and clear line between sexy & slutty.. guys see it.. but women don't mostly because nearly all women have no idea what sexy is.. so in their eyes, the two look almost the same..

    but in all honesty.. let's not lie to ourselves, and let's beat around the bush.. the reason you don't wear attractive clothing.. (which you don't, because when a woman says something like "i don't wear heals because I don't want to look like a slut".. it's pretty safe to assume that all she wears are jeans and unattractive "creative & unique" shirts).. but anyway.. the reason you do.. is not so that you don't feel slutty... (you resent the sky-high confidence slutty women have, and the attention they get from guys).. but instead choose to deny it be claiming (i don't want that kind of attention, i'm confident too).. yeah.. just not THAT confident in yourself and your body, to know that you can pull of heals, skirts, tees, and anything else really, and not come off as slutty..

    so insteady.. you hide under the facade' that you don't want to dress like a slut.. and oh "these loose fitted jeans are so cute, I think I dress pretty nice, everything I wear is attractive".. right? yeah.. to you.. probably not to a guy...

    and now you're going to give me the (well, that's not what my bf says).. let me tell you something.. I got out of a 3 year relationship.. with someone like you.. the first year.. ok.. fine.. I thought, her confidence will go up.. and she'll start dressing better, so i'm not going to say anything.. everytime she would ask me "does this look nice, YOU pick something out".. i'd say yeah, that looks nice, and i'd pick out crappy sh*t I knew she wouldn't object to.. after the 2nd year.. I really couldn't take it.. so I started to get very obvious that what she was wearing, needed to change, because she was a woman, not a girl, and not a nun.. well.. that didn't happen.. so during the 3rd year.. I was as clear as day explicit to her that what she was wearing was very unattractive.. I couldn't take it anymore.. I didn't feel like I was dating someone attractive, only because of what she was wearing..

    well.. she refused to understand.. so, I refused to have things go on.. now.. if you want that to be you.. go ahead.. but sooner or later.. whoever HE happens to be.. he's not going to be able to take it anymore.. he's going to want to feel like a man, and not a boy in HS.. he's going to want to feel like he's dating someone sexy and attractive.. and a HUGE part of that is what you wear.. so my advice to you is.. start to slowly transition your confidence in the upwards direction, and start to take out all the grandma/conservative clothing, and start to improve your closet/dresser..
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moonchild View Post
    I wear what's cheap and comfortable. That, for me, has always been the low-cut underwear and/or boy shorts, and whatever bra is friendly. Though I like the wire beneath--makes me feel more secure, I guess.
    Thats hot!

  9. #24
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    ok ok no pics please lol so matching is always best? hmm
    Dangerously In Love

  10. #25
    Charlie Boy II's Avatar
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    I love lingerie and all kinds of underwear on my girl. I don't like anything too full-on though. Nothing crotchless, for example. Also, nothing goes better with lingerie than a pair of high heels.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie Boy II View Post
    I love lingerie and all kinds of underwear on my girl. I don't like anything too full-on though. Nothing crotchless, for example. Also, nothing goes better with lingerie than a pair of high heels.
    yes yes.. all guys I know want heals in the bedroom.. I personally prefer bear feet.. with ankle braceletts.. :drools:..

    high heals would make me feel like I'm shooting a porno movie.. but hey.. it seems to work for most guys..
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  12. #27
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    I don't ever match, just because they will come off anyways right? The only bras I love is Victoria's Secret. That is the best, and guys if you are wanting to get anything for your sweetheart, a trip to Victoria's Secret is a must!

    I'm a big fan of boy shorts and bikini panties. Thongs are ok when I wear certain pants or whatever. I would rather wear nothing at all.
    Last edited by BVSensation27; 16-11-07 at 09:12 AM.
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  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    clap clap.. (sarcasm)

    honestly.. there's nothing slutty about heals or lace..
    I was referring to my boobs falling out, actually.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    there's a pretty large and clear line between sexy & slutty.. guys see it.. but women don't mostly because nearly all women have no idea what sexy is..
    I'm sexually attracted to women too, you know. I do have some idea of what's sexy--maybe not to a man, because I'm not one, but I can tell when a woman does look sexy. It's not that difficult.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    but in all honesty.. let's not lie to ourselves, and let's beat around the bush.. the reason you don't wear attractive clothing.. (which you don't, because when a woman says something like "i don't wear heals because I don't want to look like a slut"..
    See above. I was not talking about the heels. Heels are freaking uncomfortable and awkward. You want to have a go at me for that? /You/ try wearing 'em to work.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    it's pretty safe to assume that all she wears are jeans

    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    and unattractive "creative & unique" shirts)..
    Also false.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    but anyway.. the reason you do.. is not so that you don't feel slutty... (you resent the sky-high confidence slutty women have, and the attention they get from guys)..
    Actually, I quite dislike the "**** me now" look, because I'm rather into personality. If a guy doesn't want to get to know me as I am, then he's a bastard and not worth my time anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    but instead choose to deny it be claiming (i don't want that kind of attention, i'm confident too).. yeah.. just not THAT confident in yourself and your body,
    If I disliked my body, I'd be on a diet. I'm not. I'm really quite happy with how I look, thank you. Just because I don't want every man and his grandfather to get a free topless shot if I bend over doesn't mean I'm lacking self-confidence.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    to know that you can pull of heals, skirts, tees, and anything else really, and not come off as slutty..
    Heels. Are. Uncomfortable. I do pull of skirts, thanks. And jeans, and cotton pants, and shorts, and t-shirts, and tank tops, and long-sleeved shirts, and sweaters, and dresses, all just as well as I pull off my PJs and oversized shirts.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    so insteady.. you hide under the facade' that you don't want to dress like a slut.. and oh "these loose fitted jeans are so cute, I think I dress pretty nice, everything I wear is attractive".. right? yeah.. to you.. probably not to a guy...
    One, loose jeans are impossible to find when you're female, and two, I wear rather tight ones. I prefer the hip-huggers, actually, because the others come up uncomfortably high. It just so happens that I buy shirts long enough to cover my stomach, oh em gee.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    and now you're going to give me the (well, that's not what my bf says)..
    Don't have one. And if he were anything like you, I'd have to kill him. Like Stalin, you should never breed.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    let me tell you something.. I got out of a 3 year relationship.. with someone like you.. the first year.. ok.. fine.. I thought, her confidence will go up.. and she'll start dressing better, so i'm not going to say anything.. everytime she would ask me "does this look nice, YOU pick something out"..
    I'm not so insecure that I need a guy to help me pick out what I'm going to wear. I'm not five.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    i'd say yeah, that looks nice, and i'd pick out crappy sh*t I knew she wouldn't object to..
    Maybe you shouldn't have lied, eh?

    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    after the 2nd year.. I really couldn't take it.. so I started to get very obvious that what she was wearing, needed to change, because she was a woman, not a girl, and not a nun.. well.. that didn't happen.. so during the 3rd year.. I was as clear as day explicit to her that what she was wearing was very unattractive.. I couldn't take it anymore.. I didn't feel like I was dating someone attractive, only because of what she was wearing..
    Which makes you a liar to start, and her dense as a rock. How is that like me again?

    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    well.. she refused to understand.. so, I refused to have things go on.. now.. if you want that to be you..
    I wouldn't date a guy like you to start with. You really get under my skin.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    go ahead.. but sooner or later.. whoever HE happens to be.. he's not going to be able to take it anymore.. he's going to want to feel like a man, and not a boy in HS.. he's going to want to feel like he's dating someone sexy and attractive.. and a HUGE part of that is what you wear..
    Again, if he doesn't accept what I wear (and I do /not/ run around in sweat pants and giant shirts all the time, thanks) then he isn't worth my time anyway. What I wear is a reflection of who I am, and, again, I am not going to wear what isn't comfortable or shows an amount of skin that would not have been acceptable in a class environment, for example. I rather liked my high school dress code--it was reasonable.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    so my advice to you is.. start to slowly transition your confidence in the upwards direction, and start to take out all the grandma/conservative clothing, and start to improve your closet/dresser..
    XD If the only way not to have "grandma" clothing is to show my boobs and stomach 24/7, I prefer staying the way I am, thanks. You want to know if what I wear is horrible? Ask Gribble. I've shown him pictures.

  14. #29
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    You need to release your inner whore moonchild. I can just about hear her rattling the gates.

  15. #30
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    How can she rattle gates if she's bleeding from the head where I hit her? I murder various inner selves that I don't take to. XD

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