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Thread: Ok so things did not work out :(

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    We will thank you! But if it was not for this Fourm then we would not have met i am so pleased that i found this forum!! And all the help every one has given me ofer the last few months! I also want to say that she is not a replacement for what i did not have with the other girl i lost! as we was not that involved not. The girl i love now we are able to talk about our feeling and also i have told her somethings that i was not able to tell any one elce!!! I am so lucky to her her in my life! and i wont change it for the world i thank you all for your help ad understanding! And i thank the founder of this fourm for bringing me and mrs X together!
    I apologise in advanced for my atrocious spelling. The advice or View I give probably wont be much good but it may help some one make a good suggestion!
    Cheers Steve

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Hello all again its been some time now since i have visitied this fourm. Any way i have some great news Me and that one special Girl that i was talking about on hear a few months back I have decided to tell you what happened in November. Well lets just say that things have gone so well for us she is still the one sweet love of my life i dont know what i would do with out her now. She has made on very big diffrence to my life and its all for the better. When i first met her at the Airport it the feelings going on inside me was nothing that i have ever felt before i can't realey explain it because what i was feeling was just so powerfull in a loving sort of way it was like to soles getting together that was intended to be together Even now i still cant beleve what i was feeling. Any way to cut a long story short we are now prepaering for marrage i am so happy about this and sorting all of our future plans out and organising everything this has been and still will be alot of work for us but we are going thought it all and with both of us loving eachother only makes it so easy to do. I will post again when we have got married and we will both thank you all personaly of brining us together because if it had not have been for this website then we will have never ever go togehter in the first place. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH Steve
    I apologise in advanced for my atrocious spelling. The advice or View I give probably wont be much good but it may help some one make a good suggestion!
    Cheers Steve

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Today is 8/07/2009 UK Date and Me and charmedone2000 are celebrating our 2nd year of marriage and have a beautiful baby daughter of 7 months with thanks to this forum and even this very post made it all happen. And yes we are the Swuftys Since we was both in different countries when we met and now we have got all the visas sorted and my darling wife is hear with me in our own home together. So thank you once again everyone.
    I apologise in advanced for my atrocious spelling. The advice or View I give probably wont be much good but it may help some one make a good suggestion!
    Cheers Steve

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I am so glad i went to this website June 2006 ,Now me (Charmedone2000) and Steven (Steven715) is celebrating our 2nd year wedding anniversary. I can simply say that this is really our destiny to meet up online and exchange opinion about relationship and now we are both doing our very best to keep our love alive and now its not just the 2 of us to celebrate our love we have a wonderful daughter.We have all the reason to be happy and stay in love because we have our little family in our little shack God is good and we thank HIM for giving us the opportunity to share our lives together may you all find your one true love

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