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Thread: Oh dear...

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Hi - from the way she's speaking yes, I'm sure. She wouldn't lie about something like that and I can tell in her voice/explanations. Horrible as it is, she said that she might call me one day to return some cash I lent her - can't face her at all. Just going through the emotions after being trashed - killer.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Having a really bad day, in pain thinking that I've been so stupid. All thoughts are that she's doing fine and after the last conversation all she did was shout and blame me for not helping her enough. My head is f***ed - keep thinking that perhaps I shouldn't have shouted at her but I just wanted her to help her and because of this I'm a some sort of potential wife beater in her eyes. I know I didn't do anything wrong - I took so much grief hoping she would change and now she's this reformed character with another guy is real hard to swallow. I hate how she's made me feel - weak, whinny, miserable and loss of my self-respect. I'll get over it but I invested so much of myself for nothing. Don't know who I'm more angry about - her or myself.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Its easier to blame her, but in reality the short of its your own fault. Because you allowed it. Ive been there and blame myself. But I got over it and learned a hard ass lesson.

    you will be fine!!
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by the_b View Post
    Update: she called again y'day and I decided to answer. She tells me that this new guy is so good for her, that she's changed - no drinking etc when with him. She gones on about how I never helped her like this when we went out, she sees a future with him.

    Can't believe it, I spent months worrying, pleading with her to change, putting up with crap nobody should have to. 3 weeks later it's all forgotten and I'm just a bad memory for her.

    I guess her heart is changed and I'm left outside. This guy maybe the best thing for her. She sounded so sincere this time, the old her. It's over for her. How do I got over feeling used? I stood by her through it all, gave her my love always. So easy for her to get angry and use this to forget me. I'm busted.
    Oh, please. Give me a break. What kind of a girl actually calls her ex to tell him something like this?

    She's a ****ing vampire, man. You won't get over feeling used, because you were used. Used! And you're still being used- every time she needs a little boost, she can just give you a call and suck the life right out of you.

    Can you please tell me what was so great about her? She sounds like a charming liar. You keep focusing on the charming part. You need to look harder at the liar part.

    You also need to look yourself in the eye and promise yourself you'll never date someone so messed up, ever again. You aren't a low-functioning sorry excuse for a human being, are you? Then why should you saddle yourself with a broken person? If you need a project, take up knitting.
    Spammer Spanker

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