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Thread: Possible 2 love som1 when you hardly know them

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    the smiley that i post.... I'm sorry....

    *Good Luck to you!!*

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2004
    ahhhhhhhhh ok ive never needed every1s help as i do now so plz plz help rite if u read above u kno i really like her but didnt really know her well now ive got 2 know her i like her even more n she said im really nice n tht BUT she said she really likes my m8 i asked her out n she said she dont no bcus of this but the thing is my m8 has a g/f and is kinda pretending to be interested in her and she likes him even more im meetin her 2mo but i dnt see the point she still likes my m8 more than me but my m8 is sayin hes got a g/f or anything he is just like kinda flirting with her and that i really dont know what 2 do cus she likes him sooooooo much and i like her but what can i do if she likes my m8 but she did say she liked me but she dunno cus of my m8 plz plz help i going like kinda of on a date with her in less than 14 hours so som1 give me som advise plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  3. #18
    Join Date
    May 2004
    thanks for no1 replying anyways we spent 10 hours 2getha 2day but i dont think she likes me mayb i should give up i like her sooo much shud i giv up? she likes my m8 more and i dont think i can live with her likin my m8 more knowing tht while im going out wiv her jus seems wrong i like her sooooo much now tht i think she h8s me and i love her but relationship cant be like that mayb i should just give up cus dnt think theres no chance things have changed soo much the last week ive spoke 2 her loads before that i never even spoke 2 her we get along welll but i dont think we are goin 2 be any more than friends known her like5 days and i love everything about her just wish she would feel same way is there anything i can do?? HELP

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    In front of this screen.
    Hey man, sorry for not replying in the last few days. I have been away on business and wasnt able to check the forums.

    A couple things you should realize:

    1) She doesnt hate you. I really doubt, unless you held a gun to her head, that she would spend 7 hours with you and not at least like you a little bit.

    2) I havent heard you talk about your friend. Does he like her as well? What is going on with your friend and her, if anything at all?

    3) Some things you should NOT be talking with her about:
    a) Your friend. Dont even bring him up unless its very brief and to the point. You arent here to get information for her about him.
    b) How much you like her, how much you want a relationship etc. Dont even worry about that stuff. Ever hear the old saying that Rome wasnt built in a day? Well, neither are relationships. These things take time. And lots of it. You should simply talk to her about stuff. Lots of stuff. But keep the relationship chatter at a minimum. This will scare her off.
    c) Whether or not she likes you. This doesnt matter. If she doesnt like you, she wont spend time with you. Simply assume that she does.

    4) Remember what I told you before about being better off knowing instead of being in the dark. There are billions of women on this planet. If this one doesnt work out, at least realize that you gave it a chance. Thousands of relationships a day never happen because people are too chicken shit to express themselves or make the move. Bravo to you for at least learning to make a move!

    5) You cant make her love you. As much as it sucks, sometimes it will or wont work out. The best you can do is keep trying, flirting with her, spend some time with her. She knows you like her Im sure. But even if she doesnt feel the same way about you, at least you know. You can never force someone into loving you, but you can help them see the real you.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    May 2004
    thanks again cybog ill show u the txt she sent me afta we spent hours 2getha she said " heya the answer 2 your question is no cus we seem better off as friends sorry" ( i asked her out but she said after we spent the day 2gther she wud tell me the answer) she said she had nothing 2 do for 2 weeks so i suggested she came and hang around with me and my m8's if i could turn back time i wud of gave her my jacket when she was cold cus tht happened but 1 of my m8s gave her his jacket, i didnt really speak to her in a long convosation alone bcus there was lots of us bout 15, i sould of walked her home but she said she was ok so i went in and another 1 of my so called m8s walk her home. it really seems that out of all of the people we where hanging around with it seems she liked me the least but out of everyone i know i like her the most but i didnt really show that. what really sould i do she may not hate me but it isnt far off i do no i can work on it and it isnt over yet but she likes my m8 sooooo much u can tell my m8 said to me he doesnt like her but wat i want to no why does he call her and txt her bhind my back my m8 has a girlfriend and said he doesnt want to go out with her but i think he likes her. she liked me but she now im not sure she even likes me as her friend. im not myself infront of her and i dont know why im still shy. i think ive blew my chances shame cus i dont think ive ever liked a girl as much as i do this 1

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    In front of this screen.
    How many other girls have you walked up to and started talking to like you did this one?

    How many really close girl "friends" do you currently have?

    How many girlfriends have you had for over 1 month?

  7. #22
    Join Date
    May 2004
    urm 1st question 1. i dont think i have ever gone up 2 a girl like i did to her. 2. i have bout 5 close girl m8's 3. ive had 3 ralationships over 1 month last 1 was over a year

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Sometimes the best thing to do in your case where she isn't giving you the same signals of interest back, is to just act like she's another guy. Seriously. If she's someone fun who you want to hang with BESIDES the fact that you are attracted to her, then hang with her. Treat her like someone you don't have any relationship interest in and let her see what kind of guy you are. If she enjoys your company and you don't do the "You're my friend so i'll be like a big brother to you.", she might see something in you that piques her interest. Be friendly, be yourself, don't be all over her throwing in advice and acting like everything she says is like gold coming out of her mouth, and you shouldn't fall into the complete "friends" category. Let her know you have a social life besides her, date other girls and such but don't brag. Just be open and easy to talk to. Women see guys with dates/gf's, as possible potentials for dating. It's just how they judge us sometimes. Just go out and have fun. Don't worry about this one because it's pretty early and sometimes people need time to make judgements. If she already has and TELLS you, than accept it and be happy for your friend if she chooses him. It's her choice and it's not like you should be fighting over a girl. As Nelson said "Bro's before ho's." (no offense to all the women out there who are most definatly not ho's. It's just an expression.) :-P
    3 out of 2 people have problems with fractions.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    May 2004
    2day was alrite i gettin 2 be myself abit more around her she being more of a friend now as before it seemed like she didnt even want to know me. she asked me advise for few problems she had and she came to me first so i think thing are looking up for me a little bit still she likes me least thats my opinion but 4get a relationship with her i just want to be friend i jumped into things abit to quick i want to make her realize how much i like her but when she wants to hang around with me and all my m8s not just me its hard. what i really want to no still why does my m8 tell me he doesnt like her then when shes around he like makes out he loves her he has a girlfriend why is he acting interested in her? bonovox40 thanks for the advise thats a good way 2 be myself around her. its really hard watching her like everyone else more than me i have only really known her a week and i like her more every time i see her spk 2 her ect. it feels as if i was going out with her and she has broke up with me but that hasnt happened we never was going out with eachother it really hard her not liking me when in the start she said she did i rushed things 2 much

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    A week is pretty much just crushin right there. I won't say it's not possible to actually start feeling genuine feelings but love takes time. My current gf, I met her and wasn't infatuated or anything with her. But we sat up one night from 11:45 PM -8:00 AM. We didn't sleep, just talked until we realized the sun was shining through the windows and we couldn't believe we talked for so much and discovered so much about each other. I felt love-type feelings, but knew that I had found things that I loved about her, but I wanted know if I could LOVE her. And over the span of a week or so, she told me that she knows she loves me unlike anyone else but knows she should have more time to get to know me. And she did, and I knew I loved her too. It's very fast, but the feelings I have are stronger than when I had a 3 yr relationship so I can't deny this is something amazing.

    But knowing someone slighly for 1 week shouldn't change your life to going crazy about them. Sure it's nice to have a crush, just don't let it rule you. You're the man.
    3 out of 2 people have problems with fractions.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I think this is the end of this thread bcus there isnt no way im gunna get with her she hardley likes me at all not even as friends i havent known som1 2 dislike me this much being honest she doesnt like me 1 bit at first she said she liked me but know shes met all my m8s she likes them all more and her m8s telling her stuff bout me 2day probley 1 of the worst days i have evr had cant believe how she blanked me out like i wasnt even there and yeh i do really like her but 2day has made me like her a little bit less cus i cant take this no more she propper hates me somthings just ent ment to be. there was me n 2 m8 she sayed hi n that to both of them and just ignored me what sould i do now jus move on or is there any chance ?? what should i say 2 her tell her how much i like her or just let her go?? HELP
    Last edited by S4T; 22-07-04 at 12:36 AM.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    May 2004
    hey every1 jus kinda got a new problem here really dont no whats going on the girl that i really like has been crying her eyes out all day and i asked her what was wrong and she said she wish she could tell me but she cant she has been like this all day maybe she doesnt like me that much but i like her i just want to know whats wrong bcus i hate seieng her upset can i say anything to her or just leave it? i kinda affraid its about me in away bcus she said i dont think ill be able 2 hang around with you no more

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    In front of this screen.
    Well, I wouldnt assume that. I really doubt that she would be crying her eyes out over the little fling you guys have had so far. Chances are that its about one of your other friends or something that didnt work out. Maybe she asked one of your friends on a date and got rejected?

    Maybe she found out she is moving to a different city?

    Could be a whole lot of things, but dont think that it is about you. Unless you beat up her dog or kicked her in the kneecaps I dont really see why she would be crying over you.

    BTW, the reason I asked you about your dating history is this:

    1. i dont think i have ever gone up 2 a girl like i did to her
    Lets think about the odds of meeting women and dating girls, or girls that you like. Now, if you went to Vegas, and stood outside the casino, what are the chances of winning one of the sots?


    If you never walked up to any girl like you did this one and started flirting with them, how do you know if it was a girl that you could or could not like? How would you meet women if you werent totally interested in "hooking up" or getting to know new girls you could possibly date? What are your odds of meeting a girl you could really, really like, like you do this one, without "exploring" and getting to know new girls?


    2. i have bout 5 close girl m8's
    This is good to hear. Obviously there are some women out there who dont think you are a total leper. So dont let this minor "dating" setback give you any negative ideas.

    3. ive had 3 ralationships over 1 month last 1 was over a year
    This is also good, so at least you have the basics down of dating. One thing you have to realize about dating girls, is that no matter how fascinating you think some of them are, they ALL have issues that can reveal themselves once you really get to know them.

    This can be as simple as "not liking you", which boils down to the hard fact that some girls just might not find you attractive. No matter what happens, you CANNOT let this bother you. Some chicks just arent going to like you. Remember this simple rule and you will be fine: For every girl we dream of being with that think we are pond scum, there is a girl out there that will dream to be WITH you.

    Its like poker, and back to the Vegas analogy. You win some, and you lose some. Right now you probably think it sucks and life is hard.

    But, step back and realize this. This is ONE girl. There are billions more out there, and just because you strike out once or twice or even fifty times in life, at least you are playing a hand.

    Remember how excited you were when you first started talking about this girl? How you couldnt wait to get to see her or talk to her again? As hard as it is, keep that enthusiasm, and keep your chin up. Go out there and meet some more girls. Feed off of that confidence you had when you talked to this girl, and go talk to some more. "Fish in the Sea" im sure you have heard before as well.

    Believe me when I tell you its gonna be ok, and we have all been down that road. It sucks yes, but once we realize that its not the end of the world, the better off we all are.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    England, Somerset
    Anything is possible
    - Claire -

  15. #30
    Join Date
    May 2004
    No, I don't believe it's true, and it completely screwed my relationship with my ex, she's now dating the guy. It's only been a month.

    "Don't let your memories kill you"
    I express my emotion by shooting things....

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