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Thread: gf's falling victim to love affairs between the bf and his videogames...

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by girl68 View Post
    One thing I'd like to add to situation #2

    Recently we went to future shop we were looking at games. I saw one with guns (I'm good at these and don't mind playing them). He refused to buy it claiming that he would get addicted to it. So I guess he and I are both aware obviously of the negative consequences that videogames can bring and doesn't want to subject himself to games that could intrude into our relationship. It was nice to see that he cared enough to control himself.
    Communication is all that's necessary. If you don't tell him it bugs you how will he know? Also if he's taking the initiative to say something like that and he's a gamer than he's putting you first.

    This can be a good litmus test for the maturity of someone you're dating. If they understand it as a form of entertainment but not something to do all the time they're probably perfectly sociable people. It's the ones that disappear into Azeroth for 12 hours a day and neglect teir own bodily functions that need help. In this scenario they are just like other drug users. The whole point of drugs is to escape reality. What do you do when you log on for 14 hours a day? Yeah, thought so.

  2. #17
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    I'm sure had I played it, I would have gotten into WoW, but the endless nature of the game, as well as the repetitiveness, and the idea of wasting my life away to it was enough to rebel against it even when all of my buddies binged on it for 2 years.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWizard View Post
    Communication is all that's necessary. If you don't tell him it bugs you how will he know? Also if he's taking the initiative to say something like that and he's a gamer than he's putting you first.
    In situation 1 I didn't speak up for a long time months in fact. At that point I discussed I want to mean more than a videogame, and I needed attention and affection. He promised to change and I promised to stop nagging. I did my part he did not. The next time we had a talk he was dumped.

    My now bf puts me first absolutely which feels wonderful in return I treat him like like a rockstar

    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    I'm sure had I played it, I would have gotten into WoW, but the endless nature of the game, as well as the repetitiveness, and the idea of wasting my life away to it was enough to rebel against it even when all of my buddies binged on it for 2 years.
    You like my bf realize that you can get addicted so you just refuse the game altogether.

  4. #19
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    My husband and I both play video games. Him a little more than me, but I can definitely while away the hours with them. Both of us keep our gaming habits in check so that we're not neglecting other parts of our lives and we don't have kids right now, so we can indulge in these kinds of activities to a degree. If he wants to go on a little gaming binge, I'm fine with it. He'll play and I'll do other things, like read or catch up with shows I like on hulu, and in a small apartment, our "together-but-alone" time is nice. We need a break from each other.

    We have a friend who is currently LIVING in World of Warcraft. He lives with his Dad and has no job and girlfriend and is in his thirties. I can't really tell if he's avoiding getting his shit together in order to play the game or because he plays the game.
    “Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist”--George Carlin

  5. #20
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    My guy recently bought himself an Xbox after years of having gone without a gaming system. He was very excited for the Xbox Elite and wanted to play MW2. The only questioning I did was asking him to make sure he had enough spending money for Mexico (he's studying abroad for the next 10 weeks) before making such a large purchase. He assured me it was fine.

    We play a lot together. I love MW2 and L4D2 right now. But there are times I'd rather not play, and he's cool with that. I like taking advantage of his video game time because it gives me time to chill out with myself. A lot of the time I'll sit on the computer while he plays and keeps my feet warm. He also kisses me in between kills.

    However, my ex from about 7 years ago would play FOREVER. I fell asleep so many nights just waiting for him to finish his games. He would just leave me hanging and sit on Xbox Live all night if he could. But he was selfish and immature, and I have since continued to upgrade.

  6. #21
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    I used to be a hardcore gamer. Really, really obsessive. It didn't interfere with the social life I did have because I cut out doing homework (and sometimes even going to school), but I could run through a game or two in a week, and eventually learned how to download them to my computer and hack them for "unofficial" use.

    Interestingly enough, I grew out of games as I grew into caring about girls, which didn't happen until around my senior year of high school. I actually found it annoying because I didn't know what to do with my spare time. I've now reached a point where I may disavow personal gaming altogether, so I decided to go out with a blast... I got World of Warcraft! Hell, I even paid money for it!

    When I got the game, I texted my friends, "I have entered the World of Warcraft. In case I'm never seen or heard from again, please tell my family I love them." I gained thirty levels in less than a week. Maybe that's just because I'm capable of disavowing sleep, and maybe it's also because I'm not doing anything because I'm in the middle of a university transfer. Or maybe, just maybe, I will regret this for years to come.

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