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Thread: Choosing sucks

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by starbuck View Post
    Yep, it's total emotional blackmail. You shouldn't take her fear of losing your attention as any indication that this girl really cares about you. If she really gave a damn about you, she'd be happy for you if you got a new girlfriend.

    Something tells me you're not the only guy that she has relationships with on the side. This girl is addicted to attention. I wouldn't be surprised.

    If you cut this woman out of your life, you can stop living this lie of a relationship and get a real girlfriend. I'm not seeing the downside to this plan.
    Well, she did say once that if I found the "girl of my dreams" she'd be happy for me, but she (indirectly) said she'd stop the relationship with me too.. I just don't get what her problem with that is, she apparently wants all my attention or nothing...

    About other guys, it's possible because I have no way to tell for sure, but she tells me every time she is talking to someone else, I have no reasons to think she is lying..

    And I agree I could do that, but I've never met anyone who is as close as what I want as this girl (despite her insanity and the problems I have with her) and I really love her, so it's kinda hard to make the choice of cutting it with her completely... It would leave me with no one I trust and depressed thinking I've made the worse choice of my life. Finding a girlfriend doesn't seem likely any time soon being the way I am and as I said looking for an ideal...

  2. #17
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    Snap out of it dude!

    There are so many women in this world, that chick is not worth the heart ache. kthxbai.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by LailaK View Post
    There are so many women in this world, that chick is not worth the heart ache. kthxbai.
    I know there's a lot of women, but one close to what I want who wants me? That's one every billion at best.

  4. #19
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    Well you'll never know if you spend all of your time screwing around with some crazy b***h.

    I'm a very picky person myself but I have complete faith that the person I want and the man who is right for me is out there. I don't know what you mean by "ideal". If you are looking for the perfect woman you'll be disappointed. No one's perfect and it's not fair to hold anyone to that standard. But if you looking for the girl who is right for you, she's out there.

    If you're picky it's going to take a long time to find someone you like. During that time work on yourself. Enjoy your life and concentrate on making your self the best you can possibly be so that when you meet the person of your dreams you're ready for a great relationship with them. Date a lot of people. Practice your social skills. But most of all have fun. That's what I'm doing.

    Keeping some selfish broad around is only going to confuse you and add drama to your life and you might just miss out when the girl of your dreams comes along.

  5. #20
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    Yeah, what I meant by "ideal" is pretty much the idea of what I think the "girl right for me" would be, but I have a hard time thinking it's real, it's more like a movie character or something like that for me...

    And yes, I am the definition of picky, I think some day they'll put my picture just next to the definition of both picky and weird.

    What you say about making the best of me is what I've been trying since I started "dreaming" of having anything, I used to be a fat and lazy kid when I was 15-16, but at that time I decided I had to change that in order to have what I want, so I started working out, and I managed to loose weight and now this girl, my sisters and some of their friends say I'm "hot", so I think I did a decent work with that part. Also, this girl convinced me that I could be something in life, so I started trying harder when we met (I was about to screw up my university) and now I'm about to graduate and I already own a small company...

    The social part is what I really need to learn how to handle.. I'm kind of a lonely guy, I don't like being with a lot of people and I live in a big city, so every time I go out of my house for anything I find myself surrounded by thousands of people, which makes me block the rest of the world automatically.. rarely anyone gets my attention from that point.. and that's just on top of the things I mentioned in other threads, lack of time, and my weirdness...

  6. #21
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    She just talked to me for 2 minutes... she needed me to fix a computer "emergency" and she is gone... times like this I feel like a tool

  7. #22
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    The next time she asks for your computer emergency help, just remember that she's probably web camming with someone and her system crashed.

    Name an hourly rate or suggest a Dell or Compaq/Acer/IBM hotline if she gets uppity.

  8. #23
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    Yeah, 'cause you are just her little plaything, Robot. She wants you when it's convenient and doesn't give a crap when it's not.

    If you genuinely have no concerns with being her toy, then keep it up with her, but be prepared to feel like a tool alot.

    Trust us when we say that there are girls out there who will treat you much better than this one. You're making alot of excuses not to go out there and find one.
    “Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist”--George Carlin

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Durian View Post
    The next time she asks for your computer emergency help, just remember that she's probably web camming with someone and her system crashed.
    Yeah, I she was going to watch a movie with her boyfriend... weekends are his.

    Quote Originally Posted by starbuck View Post
    Yeah, 'cause you are just her little plaything, Robot. She wants you when it's convenient and doesn't give a crap when it's not.

    If you genuinely have no concerns with being her toy, then keep it up with her, but be prepared to feel like a tool alot.

    Trust us when we say that there are girls out there who will treat you much better than this one. You're making alot of excuses not to go out there and find one.
    I know in a way that she uses me at times and there might be girls that would treat me better or I wouldn't be here... but I'm just scared of loosing someone important for me and having nothing I guess...

    I'm beginning to think I could still talk to her while I look for a potential gf, and if I do find someone, give her the choice to have me as a friend or not.. if I had someone to be with other than her it would be easier, but it kinda feels like lying.

  10. #25
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    Well.. today is the day I'll try to man up.

    I just talked to her for about half an hour, before she left shopping as she said "I'm not talking to her", she knows there's something up. When she's back I'll talk to her about this.

    Gotta be strong.

  11. #26
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    After having a talk I now feel I should have waited for because she wasn't feeling right, I think I've managed to make her see my point.

    She told me her problem is not with me having a gf but with living with another female.. She thinks another girl would want her to go away from my life, "females are territorial" she said.
    I've told her that I wouldn't give her up the same way I'm doing with the "possibility of a gf" and I think that made her a bit more calmed, she told me not to worry about it, but seems to be sad about us "just being friends"...

    I need to talk about this further with her, but I don't want to make her think too much of this now, she has a lot of trouble and is badly sick...

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_robot View Post
    Yeah, I don't really know what's up with my self esteem, if I analyze myself from third person perspective I find that I'm pretty successful, but in my own head I feel like I'm never good enough for anything.. this girl thinks I have some kind of disease...

    You really think this is blackmailing? I mean, yeah she shouldn't be making me choose between her or having girlfriend, but I think she is just afraid of loosing me (or my attention) if I got a girlfriend... from our last argument, she told if I had a girlfriend she'd always want to be "#1" and that would mean trouble, but I think I could them both proper attention... specially because she'll have her boyfriend too.
    No girl in her right mind would settle for being second best to the crazy phsyco. And it's stilly for you to think that you could satisfy both. You will not be able to. This girl is toxic she wants the whole world and she wants to shut yours down just so she can have all of you to herself yet she isn't giving you even half of herself.

    Please drop this chick like yesterdays garbage. She no good for you.

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_robot View Post
    I know there's a lot of women, but one close to what I want who wants me? That's one every billion at best.
    This girl doesn't want you. If she really wanted you she'd drop her bf and be with you.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by girl68 View Post
    No girl in her right mind would settle for being second best to the crazy phsyco. And it's stilly for you to think that you could satisfy both. You will not be able to. This girl is toxic she wants the whole world and she wants to shut yours down just so she can have all of you to herself yet she isn't giving you even half of herself.

    Please drop this chick like yesterdays garbage. She no good for you.

    This girl doesn't want you. If she really wanted you she'd drop her bf and be with you.
    Well, now it seems we are just going to be friends, no "power" over me, and I can have who I want... is it so bad?
    No one would have to settle as second best, just accept she is my friend.. Maybe I'm just seeing everything wrong, but if I can have whoever I want, and keep my friend it doesn't seem bad..

  15. #30
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    ummmmm WHAT? Does that have to do with my post?

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