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Thread: Please help. I love her and will do anything to be with her.

  1. #16
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    Jun 2011
    Can anyone give me good advice? I am so depressed right now waiting for her call. I know everyone says move on and give her space but it hurts more than getting punched 10 times in the stomach. I really want to be friends with her at the minimum. Should I tell her right now that whatever she decides, I want to know her and be a big part of her life for as long as she lives? or should I wait until she gets back to me? Thoughts?

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Great advice. I always put her in front of me. I know she loves me as much as I love her and I want to do ANYTHING to make this work. I will wait years if i have to because I've never met anyone who makes me happy as much as she does.
    If you guys who says things like that about woman that are already taken and have no intentions of leaving their well established and comfortable life for you knew how pathetic and unattractive it makes you appear, you'd never utter those words out loud. Not to strangers and certainly not to the woman you are stupid enough to want to wait for. It's unattractive to most woman when a man has no ballz and will hang onto fluff while giving up his own happiness. Unattractive as fk.

    The reason you "fell" for this woman is because you allowed yourself to become vulnerable to her and you became vulnerable to her because she was married and so you felt that you wouldn't have to commit to her because she's already taken. Look into "fear of commitment" there will a picture of you under the definition.

    Grow up, find your own woman and quit cockholding someone elses. She's not going to pick you. She wouldn't have done so by now if she was going to.

    Should I tell her right now that whatever she decides, I want to know her and be a big part of her life for as long as she lives?
    Pathetic. Get a life man and quit hanging everything on some chick who is stuuupid enough to let you fall for her when she had no intentions of leaving her husband.

    Do you not have any hobbies, friends, family things to do that are a passion for you other than someone elses woman to keep you sane?

    Seek therapy. You're delusional and obsessive and I wouldn't want what this woman did to you affect you for the rest of your life by you either hating all woman and taking your hate out on them or by settling once again for someone who you can't have and actually persuing someone you know you shouldn't be persuing. You've got some issues my dear. If nothing else you lack emotional maturity.
    Last edited by Wakeup; 10-06-11 at 11:10 PM.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  3. #18
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    West Michigan
    Can anyone give me good advice? I am so depressed right now waiting for her call. I know everyone says move on and give her space but it hurts more than getting punched 10 times in the stomach.
    Yes, I can give you good advice. Man up and stop this relationship. You are trying to break up a marriage for your own selfish interests. This thing will end, and could end badly. So better that you end it sooner than later. I know it's hard, but it has to be done.

    It will take time for you to get over her, so take that time, then move on.

    I think she loves her husband but has little or no sexual attraction to him. She says she is very sexually attracted to you, and she wanted to explore this, regardless of her marriage vows. You really want to be involved with someone who cheats on their spouse? Really? Your emotions are making decisions for you and that always ends badly.

  4. #19
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    We've all been giving you good advice but you choose not to listen.

  5. #20
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    She's not leaving, you are a distraction nothing more. Women with children almost never leave their marriage, no matter how bad it is. Sorry, but you need to know this to move on and find someone available.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
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  6. #21
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    Everyone is giving you good advice, but you don't want good advice. You want advice that you want to hear. So you might as well put some advice for yourself here, because I think that is the only way you are going to be happy.

    You want advice on how to not be sad while she is "making her decision?" Sleep.

    Btw, you are completely fooling yourself if you think this is so she can determine she can't live without you. This is her kicking you to the curb.
    Brought to you by Dating With Devon!

  7. #22
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    Yup, you didn't come for advice, you came for validation. Sorry, won't find it here.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    She's not leaving, you are a distraction nothing more. Women with children almost never leave their marriage, no matter how bad it is. Sorry, but you need to know this to move on and find someone available.
    The key word is "almost". I am grateful with everything she has given me thus far and I respect her enough to be giving her a break currently. It's so hard for me right now but I know after this break, I am confident she will come to a conclusion that she will want to be my friend and close to me for the rest of our lives. I cannot live without her, even if she's not my girlfriend/wife. Even if I move on and fall for another girl, I still want her to be a big part of my life and be my best friend until the day we die. I love her, I love her children and I think the reason she needed a break is because I constantly bring up stuff about our relationship and she may feel I am rushing everything which is a mistake from my part. I am starting to make things better by giving her space now and hopefully everything goes towards the right direction and we continue talking.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by devonbrown View Post
    Everyone is giving you good advice, but you don't want good advice. You want advice that you want to hear. So you might as well put some advice for yourself here, because I think that is the only way you are going to be happy.

    You want advice on how to not be sad while she is "making her decision?" Sleep.

    Btw, you are completely fooling yourself if you think this is so she can determine she can't live without you. This is her kicking you to the curb.

    How am I fooling myself? That is a completely valid point from her end. Do you have a family? Kids? Wife? If you had to make such a big decision in your life, I am sure you'd need some time too. Don't speculate anything about her or what her motives are when you don't know her personally. You need to understand that this is really a big choice and she isn't single. If she was single, and said she needed a break, it would be a different story.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
    If you guys who says things like that about woman that are already taken and have no intentions of leaving their well established and comfortable life for you knew how pathetic and unattractive it makes you appear, you'd never utter those words out loud. Not to strangers and certainly not to the woman you are stupid enough to want to wait for. It's unattractive to most woman when a man has no ballz and will hang onto fluff while giving up his own happiness. Unattractive as fk.

    Unattractive? Dude.. by being upfront and telling her how I feel is unattractive? I feel bad for you and your future spouse because if you suppress those feelings and don't communicate well, your relationship is doom to fail Mr. Egomaniac.

    The reason you "fell" for this woman is because you allowed yourself to become vulnerable to her and you became vulnerable to her because she was married and so you felt that you wouldn't have to commit to her because she's already taken. Look into "fear of commitment" there will a picture of you under the definition.

    Actually buddy, if I had a fear of commitment, why would I be asking her to marry me? Why would I keep telling her that I want to have kids? The whole reason she is taking a break is because SHE has a fear of commitment after the commitment she currently has with her family.

    Grow up, find your own woman and quit cockholding someone elses. She's not going to pick you. She wouldn't have done so by now if she was going to.

    Again, I will answer this just like the other guy. She needs time and space to understand the whole situation. It's a bid step and decision in her life and she really needs to look at every detail to make sure what she is doing is right.

    Pathetic. Get a life man and quit hanging everything on some chick who is stuuupid enough to let you fall for her when she had no intentions of leaving her husband.

    She fell for me just as much as I fell for her. You don't decide that you're going to love someone. I didn't plan to love someone with kids and a husband, it just happened. True love doesn't need any thinking about, it just simply happens.
    Do you not have any hobbies, friends, family things to do that are a passion for you other than someone elses woman to keep you sane?

    To be honest, I can keep myself busy, but she will always be on my mind. If I preoccupy myself with something, I will still be thinking about her but of course on a much lower scale then if I'm not doing anything. When I talk to her, I am the happiest person, and when I don't, I miss her a lot.

    Seek therapy. You're delusional and obsessive and I wouldn't want what this woman did to you affect you for the rest of your life by you either hating all woman and taking your hate out on them or by settling once again for someone who you can't have and actually persuing someone you know you shouldn't be persuing. You've got some issues my dear. If nothing else you lack emotional maturity.
    If you came to this forum to insult people, you should get off. I am smart enough to see that you posted in this thread to make me feel like shit, but if I was as low as you, I'd take your advice. You just don't understand the situation and what we have, so stop trolling.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by loveme123 View Post
    If you came to this forum to insult people, you should get off. I am smart enough to see that you posted in this thread to make me feel like shit, but if I was as low as you, I'd take your advice. You just don't understand the situation and what we have, so stop trolling.
    Everything Wakeup said is true. The person who should get off is you. You are the one who asked for advice and then started arguing with everyone who pretty much gave you the same correct advice that you did not want to hear.

  12. #27
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    I've heard stories about women leaving their husbands for another man that they loved more but you have to understand that these situations do not happen in the majority of cases because "divorce" is a quite complex process. However if it's meant to be then it's meant to be.

    However I know what it's like to be in love with unobtainable women (or any sort of unobtainium for that matter). It hurts to be in this situation because you see that another man is happy and got the love of his life while you are on the outside looking in, alone and unhappy and without the love of your life.
    Last edited by aspie guy; 12-06-11 at 01:04 AM.

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by loveme123 View Post
    If you came to this forum to insult people, you should get off. I am smart enough to see that you posted in this thread to make me feel like shit, but if I was as low as you, I'd take your advice. You just don't understand the situation and what we have, so stop trolling.
    No they posted in this forum to give you their advice. Which you choose to ignore. We all understand your situation perfectly well - you are completely ****ed.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by aspie guy View Post
    I've heard stories about women leaving their husbands for another man that they loved more but you have to understand that these situations do not happen in the majority of cases because "divorce" is a quite complex process. However if it's meant to be then it's meant to be.

    However I know what it's like to be in love with unobtainable women (or any sort of unobtainium for that matter). It hurts to be in this situation because you see that another man is happy and got the love of his life while you are on the outside looking in, alone and unhappy and without the love of your life.
    Thank you for being one of the very few people in this thread to really understand. You're right, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. But even if there is no divorce, I love her too much and want to be close to her in our lives. I am so happy to hear her voice. Thank you again for understanding.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by loveme123 View Post
    Thank you for being one of the very few people in this thread to really understand. You're right, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. But even if there is no divorce, I love her too much and want to be close to her in our lives. I am so happy to hear her voice. Thank you again for understanding.
    So, really, you weren't looking for advice, you were simply looking for someone who shared your opinion.

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