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Thread: Buyers remorse, NO CONTACT... ?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    If you think that one person doesn't matter and you go around with that attitude...you will end up going through tons of people who you didn't treat very well. Each of those people will know others and the circle becomes much larger than just those individuals (who you thought didn't matter)...and then your reputation spreads like wildfire...even across continents. You should be cautious of how you treat EVERYONE you come into contact with...b/c you never know!
    Last edited by Maple1714; 03-08-12 at 01:22 AM.

  2. #17
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    I read with my eyes, not my ears, so you look like a delusional, ditzy broad. Honestly, you seemed like you had a decent head on your shoulders, but those last two post just made you look batshit crazy. You are an emotional, idealistic, psychobitch whose opinion is just not rooted in reality, and now you just look silly. I know you like to think that you can make people pay for doing you wrong, but the truth is you can't. No matter how many facebook posts you make, or emails you send out about them, people don't care. Your opinion of a guy may have some sway with your close friends, but other than that no one gives a **** what you think about who they date or potentially date, I don't care how many people you know. The truth is, you really can **** a bunch of girls, deny them anything beyond that, and there will always be more..as much as you don't want to believe it. Sorry if you've been treated poorly, but the truth is, it doesn't matter.

    Not to mention, a reputation can actually help sometimes. I nailed 3 women in the same office, and I'm pretty sure the only reason the other two were so easy is because I ****ed the hottest one first.

    I meant one person doesn't matter in the grand scheme of dating, and I thought that was implied, and glaringly obvious given the specific path of the thread to this point. As I said, if one girl doesn't work out, there's always another.

    I was trying to take you seriously, but now I just want a laugh listening to you defend your hopeless ideals.

  3. #18
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    Mar 2011
    Dude this is an online forum...get a life. I guess you have a boring desk job too. I got sucked into this stupid argument playing devils advocate you idiot...and now I am done. Half of what I wrote was bullshit anyway B/C THIS IS NOT REALITY. Goodbye.

  4. #19
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    Check on the boring desk job. Now I wanna take a stab at you..mid 30s, unmarried and fed up with the bullshit?

    All you had to do was admit that most of what you wrote was bullshit when I first called you out on it, and you could've saved us both the trouble. At least it's almost lunchtime now.
    Last edited by BackUpOrGetStng; 03-08-12 at 01:24 AM. Reason: Prediction

  5. #20
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    Mar 2011
    Lol...no I am 29 married (though not legally) and a mother. I have never really dealt with much BS personally...but a lot of my friends have. I have never been single...only for a short stint when I met that one guy. He did break my heart, but I forgave him and we are friends now. I actually tend to stick up for him...most people don't like him for various reasons. I orchestrated that whole situation anyway and I picked him up fully knowing that he wasn't going to fall in love with me. As a mother, it just makes me sad that a lot of men view women only as sex objects...but whatever. I do truly believe that we should always treat everyone we meat with respect, but to each his own. Anyway, go eat!

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Twin Cities
    Quote Originally Posted by Maple1714 View Post
    Lol...no I am 29 married (though not legally) and a mother.
    You are illegally married? How does that work?
    Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.

  7. #22
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    Haha...come on do I really have to explain? Getting formally married soon...

    Backup - you said its almost lunchtime for you? I think we live in the same time zone! I bet we live in the same city...
    Last edited by Maple1714; 03-08-12 at 02:12 AM.

  8. #23
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    I don't view women as only sex objects, it's just that a vagina is all some women are worth and I see no problem with using those ones for just that. The woman originally in question is one of these.

    You're not married, it's okay. I was right about 1 of 3 of things, not exactly Dionne Warwick or Miss Cleo numbers.

    Another thing, I do treat everyone I meet with respect, until they show me they don't deserve it.

    Do you live in Denver? If so, I probably ****ed a few of your friends. Do you know Trista, Kendall, or Natasha? Those are the only 3 over 26, since I moved here in January(I've had a g/f for about 6 months, gimme a break).
    Last edited by BackUpOrGetStng; 03-08-12 at 02:52 AM.

  9. #24
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    Mar 2011
    Yes, I live in Denver! I don't know anyone by those names. Guess my social circle isn't that big after all lol. My boyfriend is 24 so I do know a bunch a younger people too...
    Oh **** you probably know dude who broke my heart too...small world see!

  10. #25
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    Is your name Megan?

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    No...I'm not gonna give out my name on here to everyone...

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    the answer is work on your self esteem!

  13. #28
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BackUpOrGetStng View Post
    I don't view women as only sex objects, it's just that a vagina is all some women are worth and I see no problem with using those ones for just that.
    This attitude does make you sound like an ass. I do agree with Maple's point about karma, tho she does sound rabid on the point. If you treat people well, they generally treat you well back. Those who don't have issues that have nothing to do with you, so best to just move on.

    Which is why I can't fathom wasting any time with someone just for sex. If your goal is a relationship, that is. To 'bang' someone 1-2 last time before dumping them is just classless, and in the case of the OP really sounds like its motivated by revenge. If I knew a guy who acted like this with an ex, I doubt I'd want to date him. Its poor form whether its a guy or a gal doing it. My 2 cents.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
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  14. #29
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    I consider myself a prick, moreso than an ass.

    Like I said, I do treat everyone with respect, but when you show you don't deserve it..you become disposable and subhuman to me, and I feel completely justified to treat you as poorly as I want.

    Anyway, it's clearly a vindictive act, but also a pragmatic one. Being a "nice guy" got the OP where he is, and I feel his pain. I was the proverbial "nice guy" once upon a time and it got me nowhere either. I think this is a good way for the OP to harden himself, especially when he sees that it works(I guarantee this chick flips out). As far as you not wanting to date him goes; in the event that another girl he's dating does find out about this, it's easily explained away. All he has to do is say, "After I slept with her, I realized it wasn't the same and I knew I couldn't trust her not to break my heart." Simple.

  15. #30
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BackUpOrGetStng View Post
    I consider myself a prick, moreso than an ass.

    Like I said, I do treat everyone with respect, but when you show you don't deserve it..you become disposable and subhuman to me, and I feel completely justified to treat you as poorly as I want.

    Anyway, it's clearly a vindictive act, but also a pragmatic one. Being a "nice guy" got the OP where he is, and I feel his pain. I was the proverbial "nice guy" once upon a time and it got me nowhere either. I think this is a good way for the OP to harden himself, especially when he sees that it works(I guarantee this chick flips out). As far as you not wanting to date him goes; in the event that another girl he's dating does find out about this, it's easily explained away. All he has to do is say, "After I slept with her, I realized it wasn't the same and I knew I couldn't trust her not to break my heart." Simple.
    Weren't you also a drug dealer? Really, its hard to take your posts seriously, its clear your sense of what is 'decent' is twisted by your past experience. Why would you ever want to 'guarantee this chick flips out'?

    Your perception of self and what you prescribe are not congruent. You don't treat everyone with respect. No matter how much I thought I hated someone, I can't imagine them 'disposable and subhuman' and justified to treat them 'as poorly as I want'. I might leave them to sort out their own issues, but I wouldn't stoop to their level.

    That attitude says far more about you than the recipient. I suspect you tend toward abusive behaviour. Your attitude screams of a lack of respect for self and others. You sound like one of those hurt, angry people just waiting (hoping?) for someone to hurt you so you can justify your venom. Terribly sad. I really hope the OP has a better moral compass than you. When people do you wrong, you take the high road and leave them. Sticking around to 'hurt them back' is what schoolchildren do.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
    --Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh

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