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Thread: BIG life decision...RIGHT NOW!

  1. #16
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." - Martin Luther King Jr.

  2. #17
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    late_vamp----"-In order to be together , i will have to turn Muslim (not a problem)"

    Since you guys plan on 80% running away together, why go through all the hassle of turning Muslim. Just convert her to Christianity.

  3. #18
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    It would be no less a hassle for her to convert to Christianity, and in fact might be more so since theologically speaking, Christianity requires faith in a "man-god" whereas Islam does not...

  4. #19
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    wow. if i was Lv i would be kinda intimidated by all these negative (in the sense they arnt agreeing with him) posts. and what ellynn said was perfect:

    "I agree. You should never change your religion for someone else.....only for yourself."

    if you werent going to change to islam anyway then you probabliy arnt really a true believer....ya know what i mean?

    hey man key points here:

    take it slow
    dont dive in head first!

  5. #20
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    ok , i JUST finished reading all this ...

    well , i just came online , after finishing reading all the posts , here's what i have to say

    i'v been reading about islam for the past 6 months and im very aware of what its about and the beliefs , i even went to the (i dunno in english) ... moskee , their praying place , and i prayed in their way ... wich is now mine also (muslim) ... i have read the qur'an (koran), not fully but my muslim friends summed it up for me , i do plan on reading it fully and i even read it while i was christian about 4 months ago . basically , im muslim now , im just not an ismailie .

    anyways , we talked , very seriously , i know all of you here think this is REALLY fast , but the truth is that its not as you think it is .

    this is not a normal relationship , its not 2 normal ppl dating and they choose when too see each other and other usual couple things .

    ill explain to you guys in DETAIL ,

    -We CANNOT see each other more than like twice per week , thats like 4 hours in total ...this will make us miss each other and keep the relationship from getting bored after 3-4 years of waiting .

    -We are like made for each other , i REALLY mean this , i have had many experiences before , and this one is unique . i know i sound dumb saying this but we both find this to be the truth .
    dont forget that i almost got married to the last GF i had , and even she doesnt compare to my new GF .

    -We took this decision because its better for both of us and thats exactly what we want , isntead of playing the whole dating game like everyone else , we set everything clear , no bullsHit . and we took a decision and we both agreed on all the terms .

    another thing i forgot to mention ... she did love me before wanting me to marry her , the thing is that , she choose me because she loves me and wants to be with me , since we have dated for a little while its better than her just getting engaged to some random dude .

    she has 2 choices , either she picks the random dude wich she will most probably , for sure NOT love or even like and be "forced" to marry him without even getting to know him . or would she rather marry me , wich she knows already to some extent , she loves me and she wishes to marry me ,

    only thing missing is that i change to ismailie "her religion type of muslim" so her family cant say shit , they cant say anything as long as i practice the same religion , so even if they dont like me they cant refuse me , in the end its her choice . also , we "need" to wait about 3-4 years in order to finish out studies and get some $$$ . once we get married , or even once i propose officially , we will have to support ourselves , so we need a pro JOB , so we need to finish our studies .

    in my side , i REALLY want to be with her for the rest of my life , it took lots of thinking , but i know that i would rather be with her than to keep looking for the rest of my life .

    why would i go looking somewhere else if what i always wanted and whats best for me is right in front of me ??? it makes no sense NOT to keep her . my logic and heart both say yes . what ? a couple of obstacles are gonna keep me from having the near if not perfect person i would like to have for the rest of my life ?

    its funny how life is , usually life sends you all the right things BUT the right person , but in our case , its the opposite , we are the right ones for each other , now doubt , i have seen the signs , we both know it , believe me . but what keeping us from being together now fully is not because we have something bad between us , its because everything BUT us is kinda going against us , well not against , more like not our way .

    i see it one of lifes biggest tests and decisions . Maybe god is testing my faith in islam . all the things in our lives point to us being together .


    - i never did my confirmation , so this has keept an open door for me to easely change religions

    -I never was a "real" christian , i was once an atheist , for like 4 years

    -We both wanted to marry someone else , but they both cheated or lied to us . so now that we know how much pain this can cause to a loves one , we will not do that to each other .

    -i wanted to be an muslim for the past 6 months or so .

    -I want to marry a girl JUST like her , she wants to marry a guy JUST like me .

    -We both had a feeling that this was gonna happen before any of it started . we even went as far as dreaming of each other before meeting each other .

    -we get along 100% , i dont even need to speak to her and she will know what im feeling or thinking , same for me , sometimes it even freaks me out .

    could all these things just be coincidence or is it destiny ? to both of us , it seems like life had a plan in store for us .... and we are gonna make that plan happen .

    my mind is set , no way anyone can change it . i would still like to hear your imputs .it really helps me realize other things but it wont change my mind .

    anyways , today i spent the whole day with her , we really are going a bit fast , but its ok because i wont get to spend a whole day with her until probably next month ... so when things happen , their fast , but things wont happen often. so in the end , its a good balance .

    i got to see the jugs and eat em out . what a rack , on top of that shes a virgin , and i cant believe im already doing this to her , but we both know we wont get the chance to be alone for hours very often , just like once every couple of months ... guess either shes gonna be a virgin till i marry her or until next month or so .
    Last edited by Late_vamp; 13-10-05 at 12:36 PM.

  6. #21
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    i forgot to mention , i got absolutely nothing to lose BUT time and dedication . thats IT . my family and past religion arent close , so thats outta the window , i have nobody but her , my friends will always be there no matter what or almost , im gonna keep going to college no matter what ... so whats so bad about this , what ? the rest of my life ... i never really expected much from that anyways ... it probably would have been , jumping from broad to broad through college , finish college alone and miserable , work everyday after that , probably not find any potential "wives" or GF cuz of work and lack of time and other things ... blablah blah ... better this way (with the girl im with now) , its kinda set , but not in stone . the cement is still drying .

  7. #22
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    "i got to see the jugs and eat em out . what a rack "

    Awww such the romantic, it really is love!

  8. #23
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Late_vamp
    dont forget that i almost got married to the last GF i had , and even she doesnt compare to my new GF .
    How can she? You've known this girl for a week. You don't even "know" her yet... but hey it's your life... good luck...

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tone
    How can she? You've known this girl for a week. You don't even "know" her yet... but hey it's your life... good luck...
    Agreed; and who calls someone their "girlfriend" after 1 week? Whackjob.

  10. #25
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    What those two said....good luck with this relationship

  11. #26
    Rosebud's Avatar
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    well all I have to say is Good luck to you, and I hope things work out for you!

  12. #27
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    late_vamp----"-......i never did my confirmation , so this has keept an open door for me to easely change religions "

    Confirmation is just another rite. Same as praying 5 times a day and facing Mecca if you're Muslim. The rites are just an outward show of beliefs. Importantly, in your heart, do you truly believe in Allah? If not Christ, why Allah? Both are God. Converting to Islam is easy. Sustaining it is another matter.

    Not aiming to proselytize.....just think you should re-examine your reasons for converting.

  13. #28
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    My god. This is craziness.

    Oh, and LV: I know a few muslims since my bf is Indian.....and Ismailis are just weird my friend. They worship a living guy as a god.....the Aga Khan, this billionaire guy who lives in the middle east who they believe is a direct descendent of Mohammed. I mean, worshipping a dead guy (Jesus) is weird enough, but a living one? Come on. If you're going to go Muslim, at least do it right.
    Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Mohandas Gandhi

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