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Thread: Love can drive you crazy!

  1. #31
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Well, stick around then, Lanna. Lots of experience on here.

    3 of my college housemates were engineers, its a good field of study. LOL on not studying for math, tho. Wait until you get into differential calculus and numerical methods, you'll be studying then.

    Quote Originally Posted by xO Lanna View Post
    I am 18 years old and after only working at a tanning salon for a month I was promoted to manager because of my sales.
    This was cute, btw. Its good to get some management experience. But its not exactly uncommon at your age & in that kind of work. Retail/service management isn't exactly difficult.
    Last edited by IndiReloaded; 29-10-08 at 09:16 AM.

  2. #32
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    Yeah I know lol... I got a damn 87 on my last college algebra test! I wanted to scream. I was like "I should have studied." Everyone wanted to shoot me because I was the only one who passed.

  3. #33
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    Sweetie, you don't have to prove yourself to me. If you read some of my other posts, you'll realize I was a lot like you at your age (except for the dating my teacher part, lol).

    Are you on a scholarship at your college? And is your engineering program one that will get you a P.Eng at the end? I've never heard of 'sale engineer'.

  4. #34
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    From reading this thread, you're a hot emotional wreck.

  5. #35
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xO Lanna View Post
    I am 18 years old and after only working at a tanning salon for a month I was promoted to manager because of my sales. I am intelligent. .
    This doesn't prove anything. I was a store manager at 18, too. Sales doesn't take intelligence, just the gift of gab.

    Quote Originally Posted by xO Lanna View Post
    I may not be the most suitable girl for him but he loves me. Not because I'm young, not because I'm stupid and give him what he wants, but because we have a lot in common and because we make each other happy.

    What do you have in common? You have yet to say what it is that is the glue that holds you together besides being 'in love' and 'being happy'. There's more to a relationship than that.

    Your mix of cockiness and insecurity (cockiness is usually the byproduct of insecurity anyways, so I should just say insecurity), btw, is a major turn off and becomes tiresome to men in the long run. Doesn't matter how hot you think you are......that behaviour is straight up annoying. Any man will tell you that. Regardless of whether he knows how you feel or not, having THAT kind of emotional issue is a problem. Not just for your relationship, but for you. You can't make a man your world. A good man should be a compliment to your life, not your reason for living.

    There's plenty of girls out there hotter and smarter than you that DON'T have these emotional issues......so don't think HE can't do better. Your cockiness only further screaming out how insecure you are. Men don't like that either.
    Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Mohandas Gandhi

  6. #36
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    A sales engineers is just a fancy name for someone that sells more complex products and services. The job goes further then just sales though. You have to keep track of all clients and help with any issues with the product. I'm not sure about the P.Eng. My advisor never mentioned that. Yeah I have a scholarship. It's called Bright Futures and it pays for everything including books. I also qualified for a athletic scholarship for cheerleading but I didn't take it because I already got my full ride. I am not trying to prove myself. It's more like I am trying to defend myself.

  7. #37
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    Crying without no valid reason is an immature thing.

    That could be one of the factors why boys got discourage to a girl.
    Don't Get Me Wrong

  8. #38
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    ok first off, i absolutely hate when girls say theyr "super hot" and shit like that. get real, you might be goodlooking but lets not get carried away with yourself here.
    dont be so cocky.
    second, you sound very obsessed. you shouldnt get emotional about him not getting you a cup of water. i wouldnt mind a girl that loved me that much that she was already dreading the thought of losing me 2 months in, but i wouldnt be able to deal with the glass of water situation, or little bs like that on a daily basis.
    ^my pride and joy^

  9. #39
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    lmao... yeah. I'm sure he can do better. Actually it's funny what first attracted him to me. On our first date he took me to the movies then later that night he cooked me dinner and we walked down the beach and watched the sunrise (talked all night). Anyways! Before he picked me up he called and said, "I have to warn you, my car has no air-conditioning." I was like, "Yeah well nether does my car, it's okay I've been driving without it for years." He was completely amazed by this because I guess he had issues with other girls (in the middle of july in Florida it gets freaking hot). What really got him was what I've been through though. After I told him all this crazy stories when I was a child and how I over came everything he seemed impressed. I also introduced him to all this really good (IMO) life changing music (ex: modest mouse). We had a really deep connection and I waited awhile until I gave it up. Okay so the CRAZIEST thing about us doesn't even have to do with us.... Apparently 10 years ago his older brother (he's 31) and my sister (she's 28) had sex in a public bathroom! I was telling my sister about him one day and she said the last name was familiar. She looked in her diary and there it was! His brother is about to get a divorce and my sister and her fiance aren't doing so hot so I can only hope but rekindle the flame! Me & my bf want to hook them back up. It's really strange how me and my bf are A LOT alike and my sister and his brother are A LOT alike. They both are artist and we compared their art an it's almost identical.

    UPDATE:My bf is highly interested in moving to NY and now we are planning to move up there and find jobs. I'll take courses online until I become a resident.

  10. #40
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    Yeah well i've already started to control myself. I've been working on it a lot and being conscious of my moods and actions. It has been helping a lot and I've improved immensely over the past few days. Everyone just needs to get over the fact that I think I am hot. It's not like I go around and tell everyone every second of the day. I was just trying to make a point in my post that I am a good-looking person and me finding a new partner would never be an issue.

  11. #41
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    Do you have that same cocky attitude at school? At least where I go, people learned fast it was a good idea to keep their fat egos at the door, if they had one. Because in all honesty, I'm not gonna take you at your word for being anything that special

    Everyone thinks they're special until they find out they're not. If you think you're so smart you should try transferring to an actually challenging school (last time I checked, Florida didn't have a single good one)

  12. #42
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    Great, I just spent 10 minutes while you browsed this board waiting for your fuccking reply. Fuccking bitch doesn't wanna take the opportunity to worship herself some more?

  13. #43
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    You need to tell us what you're really scared of Lanna. We're tossing up ideas as to why you feel the way you do we're not insulting you but if you keep defending yourself and say just how good you are and your relationship IS, some of us are just going to take that as bragging.

    WHY do you think you feel insanely insecure and emotional at times and WHY do you think he'll leave you.

  14. #44
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    But yeah, as others probably have pointed out, the jist of is that looks and intelligence, even if good, don't mean much if your attitude isn't likable. Couple that with crying for no apparent reason and, well, there you go.

  15. #45
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    The thing is I've watched my mom and sister get hurt so many times it just makes me feel like it will happen to me. My father never did anything wrong to my mother. He was awesome but they just weren't right for each other. My mom got pregnant with my sister and wanted a baby so kept her and they got married after only being together for a short time. But my whole life my mother has trained me to be a bitch and be single and get a high education and pretty much just be independent. So the fact that I am with this man who adores me and loves me just makes me feel like it isn't real, I'm dreaming. I have been taught my whole life that all men are scum and can't do anything but make you miserable. In high school everyone knew I was conceited. In fact my friends and I had some stupid line we would always say. i can't even remember it now. I was a huge bitch and everyone probably secretly hated me. I made a lot of people miserable and I felt horrible about it for a while. Now I look at it as a learning experience.

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