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Thread: problems when my gf goes out without me

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Not of this Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by Emerald_Dreams View Post
    Loony, autistic? I don't know what you're talking about, but you're clearly agitated. I think the problem you're experiencing there stems from your own insecurity and feelings of being threatened. You need to stop with the blame and ask yourself where these feelings come from, and then accept responsibility and ask yourself what you can do differently to improve your life.
    Quote Originally Posted by SelflessnHumble View Post
    I can appreciate your delusions...I will post the screen grabs for all to see.
    Just for posterity: here it is:

    I couldn't find the loony comment it may have been deleted.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    I know the weekend is important. This one was exceptionally bad for work though. she knows if I don't work I don't go to college. We've a good understanding together when it comes to our time together or apart. And both appreciate when one another makes the effort to be together. Fortunatly we do see each other during the week a fair bit. Our relationship is good in almost every area. And when a crack shows we are fast and strong to fix it. Things never fall bad in any other issues that we have. I understand my absence during the weekend cant help and it would be an issue. But her day times at the weekend are often spent catching up with her own college work. She works just as hard as me and harder at times. If I wasn't working at the weekend she would still be busy with her own work. This is how its been for most of the 3 years and we have adjusted. Its not a problem to us.

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