View Poll Results: Is there still hope - should I continue contacting her?

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Thread: Advice/opinion needed on my situation!!! (email corresponding attached)

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    ok, here are the two other emails. both are a little big long. comments are also welcome that is if people here are patient enough to read through them.

    Omitted email # one
    (my 2nd email to her, she replied, names deleted)

    It looks like you have laid your full plans out for the summer. How long
    are you going to stay in ****? I heard about this a little bit during
    those faculty meetings but don’t know the details. It certainly sounds like
    a great program and good opportunity. Will you have chance to visit cities
    other than ****? If I were to visit ****, I would like to go to the
    **** too. You know people always talked about how different **** is and it might be interesting to see the contrast.

    Oh, speaking of rock climbing, I have to say I don’t know much about it -
    if that’s wild rock you are talking about. I’ve only been to climbing club
    several times. Although I enjoyed it very much every time, I think I need
    more practice to catch up. In my impression **** is very
    mountainous, and I found out about that while driving across those
    mountains before. Maybe that’s the reason they have good climbing resorts

    Anyway, outdoor activities are great, great activities, and I love them,
    and if only I could join you sometime.

    As for my plans, unfortunately this summer is going to be a little bit
    plain for me – more practical things than fun to concern with. Basically
    since I am still stuck with my dissertation I am trying to get it done
    (hopefully get some writing done during the summer!). I am planning on
    looking for jobs starting this summer as well, either in academic area or
    industry. My appointment with **** department is only for one semester
    which means that I am unemployed once the semester is over, and it’s not
    likely there’s a chance for me to continue teaching in the fall.

    It would be better if I had more exciting plans as yours, but I will be
    just as happy if it turns out to be a productive summer for me.

    and you have a great weekend in ****.


    Omitted email # two (my 3rd email to her, she didn’t reply)

    Good to hear you are enjoying your time in ****. Hope you are also
    having nice weather there (**** is quite cool these days). It looks
    like your bike is your best buddy and you must have it wherever you go.
    I am sure **** has beautiful landscape and is just the right place
    for your bike adventure, and don’t forget to bring some pictures back
    later. Are you doing your academic work in a university there? do you
    need to speak **** for your stay? If so, hope speaking foreign
    language is also part of your fun (It’s hardly the case for me).

    Your account of your adventure in **** is very vivid to me. I
    am especially impressed by your braveness on the jumping. Even though I
    was a little at a loss when you said the cliff is 60 feet, it is indeed
    very high once I convert the feet to meters (why American have to use
    foot by the way). I remember in my childhood, I had the chance to jump
    from a not-that-high bridge in my hometown, yet I was not willing to do
    so with the fear that my head might be cracked by the rock under the
    water. Though I still consider myself somewhat an adventurous person.

    Getting close to nature is always refreshing and outdoor adventures are
    probably the best way to do so. Sometimes I found myself buried into
    daily chores and forget about going out for a while. However, it looks
    like you are doing very well balancing the two.

    Hope you are having a good day. And keep me posted on your adventure there.


    Quote Originally Posted by outblog View Post
    those emails are longer than the ones i posted here and i dont want to make this post too lengthy. besides, i guess the tone of the two omitted emails is similar to those posted here. only i didnt' ask her out then.
    Originally Posted by Tigger_ View Post
    i dont think you should send any more emails... and why did u omit the two emails that you wrote??

  2. #32
    Ellynn's Avatar
    Ellynn is offline Love Gurus
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    Somewhere out there...
    Don't feel bad. You tried.
    But I noticed that she never asked you anything in her emails. She just informed you of her plans. If she was interested, she would have been asking you questions. Well, at least now you know.
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

  3. #33
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Hmm. Generally I think its a bad idea to express any interest in students, other than professionally. However, since your teaching appt was only temporary (i.e. you're not tenure-track faculty) I don't really see the harm in trying to contact this girl *after* the course was finished.

    I remember a TA expressing interest in me when I was a grad student. Mind, he was rather more subtle about it, and completely let it go when I didn't reciprocate.

    Its a bad idea, generally, to pursue any kind of relationship with students or fellow faculty at work. Just leads to drama when things go bad. As they usually do. There are lots of interesting girls outside of work; try to find one would be my suggestion.

  4. #34
    vashti's Avatar
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    Hey!! Indi is back!! The IQ level of this forum is about to rise, hallelujah! Welcome back, woman!
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

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