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Thread: Friends with benefits, casual partners, **** buddies, etc...

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    well it's cool it worked out for you.

    however for every "success" story like yours, i've heard a million others cry about it not turning out right.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  2. #32
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    Doesn't matter
    I've had four succesfull FWB relationships. By successful, I mean that I have been fuking them for the the past two-six years.

    Most women secretly want a FWB relationship(s) but they are particular and want it with the right guy. The right guy makes love to them, is chivalrous, intelligent, a good friend and a good listener and he makes her cum..often more than once every time she sees him. The guy is her buddy and when they are hanging out in public, they don't appear as bf and gf but more like friends/older brother vs. kid sister. When they are alone, they have a secret sexual addition type relationship.

    The four girls in a nutshell are: a highschool friend who has cheated on about 10 or more of her bfs with me (because they didn't satisfy her/didn't listen/pissed her off). An old girlfriend, who can't find better sex, who can blame her? I won't comment on the third because its too personal and fourth, just a girl who is a player herself and i rarely tap her"s and its always with a rubber.

    Btw, don't put any stock in it when women tell you that they don't want this type of relationship. What women verbalize about themeselves in public is not the same as how they are physically when you bring out the primeval woman in them in private.
    Last edited by Everlovin; 31-12-08 at 10:31 AM.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Everlovin View Post
    Btw, don't put any stock in it when women tell you that they don't want this type of relationship. What women verbalize about themeselves in public is not the same as how they are physically when you bring out the primeval woman in them in private.

    According to your experience... please don't generalize all women based on the incredibly limited portion of the female population you have sampled. Not all of us are that way... point in case, me. I don't like FWB relationships and I will tell you straight up what I want... no misleading to anyone else or myself -- it's a waste of their time and mine.
    "The weakest soul, knowing its own weakness, and believing this truth that strength can only be developed by effort and practice, will, thus believing, at once begin to exert itself, and, adding effort to effort, patience to patience, and strength to strength, will never cease to develop, and will at last grow divinely strong."

    - James Allen

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Everlovin View Post
    I've had four succesfull FWB relationships. By successful, I mean that I have been fuking them for the the past two-six years.

    Most women secretly want a FWB relationship(s) but they are particular and want it with the right guy. The right guy makes love to them, is chivalrous, intelligent, a good friend and a good listener and he makes her cum..often more than once every time she sees him. The guy is her buddy and when they are hanging out in public, they don't appear as bf and gf but more like friends/older brother vs. kid sister. When they are alone, they have a secret sexual addition type relationship.

    The four girls in a nutshell are: a highschool friend who has cheated on about 10 or more of her bfs with me (because they didn't satisfy her/didn't listen/pissed her off). An old girlfriend, who can't find better sex, who can blame her? I won't comment on the third because its too personal and fourth, just a girl who is a player herself and i rarely tap her"s and its always with a rubber.

    Btw, don't put any stock in it when women tell you that they don't want this type of relationship. What women verbalize about themeselves in public is not the same as how they are physically when you bring out the primeval woman in them in private.
    So what you're saying is that you are a typical "bad boy" who preys on sad women who can't enjoy a real relationship because they are wired to be attracted to guys like you (the "primal" urge). Unfortunately there are way too many women like that who hate the way they are and wish they could be satisfied with more stable relationships but they come to you instead to have their pu**ies rubbed and then hate themselves in the morning for cheating on a decent man.

    Mother Nature at her worst!

    But before you pat yourself on the back for being a great lover, you aren't ... you're just a dangerous and illicit lover who satisfies their particular unfortunate warped needs. Let me ask you ... do you wipe your d**k on the drapes?


  5. #35
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    Go get'em Carl! LMAO...

    But seriously, I could care less how many women fall prey to your tactics (it's on them to protect themselves - physically and emotionally)... just don't group all women together, because we're not all the same.
    Last edited by Aeradalia; 31-12-08 at 11:01 AM.
    "The weakest soul, knowing its own weakness, and believing this truth that strength can only be developed by effort and practice, will, thus believing, at once begin to exert itself, and, adding effort to effort, patience to patience, and strength to strength, will never cease to develop, and will at last grow divinely strong."

    - James Allen

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeradalia View Post
    Go get'em Carl! LMAO...

    But seriously, I could care less how many women fall prey to your tactics (it's on them to protect themselves - physically and emotionally)... just don't group all women together, because we're not all the same.

    What's shocking Aeradalia is that he's accurately describing about 10 to 20% of women!


  7. #37
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    I think if women aren't in a romantic relationship for whatever reason, then often we'll turn to our circle of friends for a sexual relationship that doesn't have romantic complications.

    Sometimes you're just going through a phase where romance just doesn't suit for one of any number of reasons and rather than just have no sex life its possible to turn to your circle of friends for a partner.

    For a time I didn't want a relationship, I also wanted to maintain some sort of a sex life, so rather than just hooking up with some stranger that I knew nothing about I turned to a male friend. It was a pretty positive experience for both of us, the sex went in different directions from what I was used to but it was good, and our friendship while changed is still pretty strong.

    You just need to go in with your eyes open and be aware of possible complications before they happen.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by carl1222 View Post
    What's shocking Aeradalia is that he's accurately describing about 10 to 20% of women!

    This is one of those cases where you really can't fault the wolf for nabbing a straying sheep. It's bad, it's horrible... I feel for the women he does this to.. I really do... but it is up to the women to learn from each experience - to better themselves.

    All that can really be done with these 10 - 20% of women that are like this is warn them, give them advice, and encourage them to do better... but it is still their decision to be taken advantage of or not.

    Though as a word of advice for Everlovin... be careful.. protect yourself. If these women fall for you, they've fallen for other guys with similar tricks and may have diseases, so get yourself checked often and brush up on learning what kind of STD's are out there. If you're going to be playing these games... at least play responsibly.
    "The weakest soul, knowing its own weakness, and believing this truth that strength can only be developed by effort and practice, will, thus believing, at once begin to exert itself, and, adding effort to effort, patience to patience, and strength to strength, will never cease to develop, and will at last grow divinely strong."

    - James Allen

  9. #39
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Meh, I don't see a problem with ELs post. The women he describes are adult & can make their own decisions (or mistakes) like everyone else.

    What's interesting is how later, when these women manage to find a guy they really care about, how they wish they could hide or erase their past. They end up coming to a forum like this one wondering how much they should be telling their husbands.

    Moral is: think before spreading your legs. I don't know ANY women who ever regret turning away casual sex. But there are a hell of a lot that wish they had.

  10. #40
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    I had a FWB relationship quite a few years ago. I was 30 and he was 22. The only reason it didn't turn into something bad is because I knew he was way too young for me, and he knew I didn't take him seriously.

    What busted it up? As odd as it may sound, September 11 happened, and I got really depressed. The relationship just ended up seeming really frivolous after something like that, so I told him that we should just cool it.

    It was only for a short time, and the sex was great. I have no regrets. I definitely wouldn't recommend it for everyone, and only for single people of course.
    Last edited by starbuck; 31-12-08 at 12:06 PM.
    “Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist”--George Carlin

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Everlovin View Post
    I've had four succesfull FWB relationships. By successful, I mean that I have been fuking them for the the past two-six years.

    Most women secretly want a FWB relationship(s) but they are particular and want it with the right guy. The right guy makes love to them, is chivalrous, intelligent, a good friend and a good listener and he makes her cum..often more than once every time she sees him. The guy is her buddy and when they are hanging out in public, they don't appear as bf and gf but more like friends/older brother vs. kid sister. When they are alone, they have a secret sexual addition type relationship.

    The four girls in a nutshell are: a highschool friend who has cheated on about 10 or more of her bfs with me (because they didn't satisfy her/didn't listen/pissed her off). An old girlfriend, who can't find better sex, who can blame her? I won't comment on the third because its too personal and fourth, just a girl who is a player herself and i rarely tap her"s and its always with a rubber.

    Btw, don't put any stock in it when women tell you that they don't want this type of relationship. What women verbalize about themeselves in public is not the same as how they are physically when you bring out the primeval woman in them in private.
    is the third one a prostitute? also, do you only use a condom with that one girl. the one who cheated on her ten boyfriends with you also sounds like a player.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  12. #42
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    generally i agree, if everyone is happy and safe what's harm right? it's point no 4 i have an issue with, sharin the love...how many chances does one want to take in life? seriously? casual sex is not casual 'safe' sex is it? what about all the fluids you're picking up on your way? this is soooo jerry springer. don't be spreadin' the love (diseases)

    why aren't people more picky?
    Last edited by ecojeanne; 31-12-08 at 01:49 PM.
    Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    Meh, I don't see a problem with ELs post. The women he describes are adult & can make their own decisions (or mistakes) like everyone else.

    What's interesting is how later, when these women manage to find a guy they really care about, how they wish they could hide or erase their past. They end up coming to a forum like this one wondering how much they should be telling their husbands.

    Moral is: think before spreading your legs. I don't know ANY women who ever regret turning away casual sex. But there are a hell of a lot that wish they had.
    that's very true indie

  14. #44
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    As much as I love sex, and I think I've made it pretty clear that I do, I am really uncomfortable with the idea of having sex with no emotional context. I've done it before, many times in my 20's, and it was extremely unsatisfying.

    If it's just about having an orgasm, I can do that for myself. For me, sex is about human connection and if there's no connection, the sex just feels empty.
    Spammer Spanker

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    As much as I love sex, and I think I've made it pretty clear that I do, I am really uncomfortable with the idea of having sex with no emotional context. I've done it before, many times in my 20's, and it was extremely unsatisfying.

    If it's just about having an orgasm, I can do that for myself. For me, sex is about human connection and if there's no connection, the sex just feels empty.
    Well your friendship will surely provide an emotional context, just a different one from romantic relationships.

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