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Thread: is my gf cheating on me?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    After month or so.. what if she decides she has made a mistake, should i take her back? give her a chance?

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Yducky View Post
    After month or so.. what if she decides she has made a mistake, should i take her back? give her a chance?
    NOPE! Not in a million years.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Syracuse, NY
    I would love to agree and say don't look back ever, but being a person that just got dumped and genuinely learned from my mistakes to become a more grown up person, I say don't rule out the future. Right now it's probably much too soon. I'd say give it a couple months at least. See how you feel then. If you still care about her, repost and we'll take it from there.

    And if you think about it, you broke up with her because of how she currently is. You would be foolish to go back to that same person and expect a different result. That is what crazy people do. She would need to change and do some maturing before a future could happen with you two. And you will be able to tell if she changed just by meeting her in person. No rash decisions yet though. It's too soon.
    Waking up next to a beautiful girl,
    Step outside and say hello to my beautiful world.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    She rang me to wish me happy xmas and that she still loves me so much, then we had a positive chat, a chat that I thought would lead us working it out..

    How wrong was I, at the end of the call she said she still wanted that break and how she still wanted to experiment and that shes interested in someone, and in doing this, this will see how much she truely loves me... WTF?

    I don't understand this, why would she lead me on then drop the bombshell on me yet again.

    I'm sorry for giving in, im sorry for answering her calls, but as most of you know, it's so hard to let go but I do try.

  5. #35
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    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Yducky View Post
    She rang me to wish me happy xmas and that she still loves me so much, then we had a positive chat, a chat that I thought would lead us working it out..

    How wrong was I, at the end of the call she said she still wanted that break and how she still wanted to experiment and that shes interested in someone, and in doing this, this will see how much she truely loves me... WTF?

    I don't understand this, why would she lead me on then drop the bombshell on me yet again.

    I'm sorry for giving in, im sorry for answering her calls, but as most of you know, it's so hard to let go but I do try.

    Hey man, we all understand its like when they call your heart skip a beat, we started to feel good because we can hear their voice. Its like they give us so much hope. But in the end, we're back to square one. Thats why when you start the NC. Its important that you stick with it. As day goes on it get easier and you eventually forget about them. The faster you let her go/faster you will be heal.

  6. #36
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    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Yducky View Post
    She rang me to wish me happy xmas and that she still loves me so much, then we had a positive chat, a chat that I thought would lead us working it out..

    How wrong was I, at the end of the call she said she still wanted that break and how she still wanted to experiment and that shes interested in someone, and in doing this, this will see how much she truely loves me... WTF?

    I don't understand this, why would she lead me on then drop the bombshell on me yet again.

    I'm sorry for giving in, im sorry for answering her calls, but as most of you know, it's so hard to let go but I do try.
    C'mon man, listen to us. She's just trying to get attention from you. The moment you give it, she runs away. She likes to satisfy her ego. Don't give in!!!


  7. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by kai View Post
    C'mon man, listen to us. She's just trying to get attention from you. The moment you give it, she runs away. She likes to satisfy her ego. Don't give in!!!

    buddy - you MUST listen to us. Answering her calls is the LAST thing you should be doing. DONT BE THERE FOR HER. Make her wonder. Make her crave your attention again.

    Please, please, please dont answer any more calls or texts. If you truly want her back, you will NOT talk to her.

    You are digging your own grave her. Trust me, I know how hard it is, I had a 7 year and a 2 year relationship end like yours. I KNOW the feeling. All you want to do is hear her voice...and you have that little glimmer of hope that she is going to want to get back together. I KNOW IT. Make her wonder, make her think, make her worry that you've moved on. She knows you haven't if you keep talking to her. Give it at LEAST a month and one way or another, you will have what you want, whether its with her, or you are over her.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Man, I really hope you can fight the temptation of communicating with her. Its just going to complicate your healing process. Its all about YOU now bro. Remember, she didnt want your attention not so long ago. Dont let her emotionally abuse you like this man, you dont deserve it. Put yourself first, theres a chick out there for you that for you man, believe me. Keep it simple for now. 1 day at a time, go and do some things that YOU enjoy, get back in touch with yourself as a single guy. There's nothing wrong with being single man. Gluck!

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Guys, you all speak a lot of sense and I'm 100% sure you guys have a lot more experience than me, but atm, Im just so confused, I do trust you guys but... would it be ok to stick with her for a couple of days or so?

    She mentioned that she wasnt interested in that other guy and that she wants to still talk to me but still wants a break with less spending time together.

    What do you think? I'm gonna keep close tabs on her texts and calls and see if shes limited it down. Last couple of days she'd hardly txt'd this sleezeball, so maybe shes starting to come round ish?

    wishful thinking? :S

  10. #40
    Join Date
    May 2006
    What the hell is wrong with you? I'm telling you man, she's not coming back. If you want to ruin your life then go ahead, be my guest.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Holy Crap

    Please man, I'm begging you not to send that letter! If you are anything like me, unfortunately, you probably already have and are looking for approval now. But, on the off chance that you were smart and started looking for advice BEFORE making a colossal mistake, don't send it! The facts are simple. You should want a girl that wants you for you. You should not have any worry about leaving a girl that gives you a doubt about whether or not she feels that way. It simply won't work out. This is one of the only posts on here that has gotten a consistent message. I know you don't like what any of us are saying to you. This is one of the best places to get advice on relationships because everyone on here is completely impartial. Listen to us! Man up, and dump her face to face. You don't have to explain yourself. Just do it. This is about you, and your happiness and not hers. You only get to live once. Do you want to live the rest of your life feeling like this. I promise, afterwards its going to suck! Its not going to feel good for a while. But it will!!!!!!!! I promise. Do it for yourself!!!!!!

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Well I apparently didn't read the other pages.....damn. Just dump her for crying out loud!

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Wales UK

    You have obviously sort out some advise on what to do here because how stuck you were and that was a smart move whether you take that advise is up to you of course. Lots of us here found the advise way too late in the day or didnt seek it until it made no difference and we learned badly from experience.

    You both are finished now, ended in the past, she's betrayed you.... other person came before you both. Now what you do next is going to effect you, Do Not respond to her in anyway, TXT, Email, Phone, etc... if you do she will realise that she can just play you anytime she wants too, and she will until someone else comes along then you WILL be dumped again.

    She mentioned that she wasnt interested in that other guy and that she wants to still talk to me but still wants a break with less spending time together.

    What do you think? I'm gonna keep close tabs on her texts and calls and see if shes limited it down. Last couple of days she'd hardly txt'd this sleezeball, so maybe shes starting to come round ish?

    Ok the first part, shes not interested in the otherguy but also is saying she's less interested in you...

    Second bit.. I think your trust in her has been shattered and reasons why are obvious, do you want to spend time with her looking at her phone? Worryin that ever time it goes off it could be a message from someone else? Has she bought another phone you dont know about? Are you going to follow her around seeing wheres shes going when shes not with you? Without trust there's not much to build on.

    Upto you of course, but I'd leave this situation perminantly having had a relationship end pretty simular when the Ex Gf stopped talking/Txting and I found out she was with someone else. I did the whole wrong approach you described and it all ended in disaster... If you think if you getting back together it will be like it was before, it wont be... It will just repeat all over. When trust is lost it takes a massive effort from you both to restore it and I don't see that. We all been where you have, listen or not its upto you but its pretty one sided advise here.

    Move on Yducky and don't look back. Goodluck
    Last edited by Chazza2k; 30-12-09 at 03:23 AM.

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