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Thread: Your worst fears?

  1. #31
    Illusional's Avatar
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    errr.. i don't remember saying anything about being timid about the oceans.. however i love to watch the waves. i can sit there and get lost at the beach all day long. like blue however, i don't really care to be in the oceans. i hate getting all sandy, and i not a very good swimmer. i don't mind boats and what not, but here in hawaii, we tend to have our share of shark attacks.

    oh shit, that reminds me, we went kayaking this past summer..or was it last summer?? well anyways, for those of you who don't know, kayaking is like a canoe where you can paddle with a partner. we went out to this little island off shore and it was great. actually we got to see a beautiful coral reef.. but it is kinda scary when you think about it because when the tide is low, you can actually get stuck out there in the water. on the way back, the tide was lower and i was paddling alone because of the odd number of paddlers. it's kinda spooky to see the rocks peeking out of the water waiting for you to paddle across because you wanna take the shorter route haha. well i didn't get stuck but after the entire trip.. my friends told me that a lot of sharks love to hang out where we were paddling because of all the tourist.. i think that's the last time that i'll be paddling out there

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by blue
    why are we timid mr? cuz i dont want to get swallowed by some wave or eaten by a shark? or cuz i love my mommy and feel totaly safe with her?
    oh and lots of people dont like spiders they kill. so tell me big boy whats your worst fear?

  3. #33
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    My worst fear would prob be walking into derek in a dark alleyway XD
    Live together. Die alone - [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvi_RCM3FAM[/url]

  4. #34
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    kiechi,i'm not a stickup~

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by squirrley
    ok~snakes. I hate snakes, of ANY kind. Shoot I cant remember those spiders that leave wholes, but had a pt who had gotten bitten, damn near lost half of his face, it was sick. I fear snakes.
    Agreed!!!!! Snakes, why does it have to be snakes.......Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark!
    They say blondes have more fun, I agree!

  6. #36
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    Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico
    I think Indy said "Why DID it have to be snakes"...but I'm not sure.. quotes just stick to me sometimes.

    Wow, raver, so you guys get shark action often, eh? I wouldn't want to get chewed up by a shark or a gator, but I don't know that I'd classify them under my greatest fears. I don't like heights either, but mainly they just make me week at the knees when I peep over a high edge..I'd still go skydiving and bungee and all that. So I haven't answered what my worst fear is, and I guess I don't know. I can think of some really bad situations I've either dreamed or thought of that I would not like at all, but there is no clear cut worst fear.

    I think among my worst feelings are the feeling of impotence...not sexual impotence, but in the "helplessness" sense of the word. Unable to do something about something, especially like injustice. I hate injustice, unfairness, and it sucks because life is not fair. Life is not fair. This is true.

    I know I also don't like poisonous and venomous insects and arachnids or any animal. I'd rather be eaten by a tiger than have something sting me and not be able to get medical attention and just rot and have fevers until I die. I saw the email on the brown recluse with the pictures on how it rots away your skin. That's horrible. You guys have a lot of those in Florida? I know we have a few here in the desert, and black widows are plenty poisonous too, and they're in any region. It especially sucks because poor animals mostly are not aggressive and only want to be left alone and they'll leave you alone..but sometimes we accidentally cross each other's personal space and they attack.

    That reminds me..I saw this jackass spinoff, I think they called it "wild boys" with Steeve-O and...that other guy, and Steve-O was letting a black scorpion sting him in the ass cheeks a couple of times! The things these guys do!!


  7. #37
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    Oak Ridge, North Carolina
    Being alone. Not just without a mate, but without any friends either. I only have 2 really great close friends right now as is. They have helped me get through so much and helped me not feel so alone since I have been single for 2 years now. I have lost so many friends from moving from NY to NC and then after graduating high school people go their own way.


  8. #38
    Illusional's Avatar
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    derek.. you might not be a stick up.. but then you might be a rapist.. you never know.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  9. #39
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    i didint see a pic of a recluse bite where is it at?
    oh by the way i have a question has anyone ever read LIFe of pie? excellent book!
    nomas you reminded me of that book cuz you were talking about tigers.

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    oh whats a stick up?

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by nomas
    "wild boys" with Steeve-O and...that other guy
    You remembered that morons name but not Ryan Dunn's? BLASPHEMY. As a very devoted CKY fan I cannot stand for such disrespect for the Random Hero. AAAAAAAHHHHHH.
    Heit ist mein taug.

  12. #42
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    Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico
    Blue..ha ha, actually that's exactly why I said a tiger rather than a lion. Ha ha, I was thinking of Richard Parker. Yeah, I read it, but I didn't understand it much. That happens to me a lot..I don't see the deeper meaning because my experiences can't relate to anything the writer is trying to convey...that I can think of. I'm interested on discussing the book with you and see what you got out of it. Email me on that..

    And Zekk, I looked it up and the other guy's name is Chris Pontius...who is Ryan Dunn?? Sorry, man I don't know who that is...and what's CKY??


  13. #43
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    roger that will do cuz it was a great book! of survival and facing adversit. we willtalk more......

  14. #44
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    bad car accident!

    so my worst fear happen to someone that i know on monday october 4. they dont know if he is going to make it, it is critical very critical. head on collision. he was flown to broward general and there is a 90% chance that he may not make it.
    i do know this that God works in mysterious ways and my prayers go out to his family his girl and i just hope that he will be ok. i pray that he will fight he has alot to fight for. i pray that if he makes it through this he realizes he has been given a second chance at life and to finally make things right for himself and his family.
    last nite when i heard it felt like someone punched me in the stomach three times. i spoke to his dad and things dont sound good. i will continue to pray for him and give him reason to hang on. today he goes in for a very critical surgery. i cant belive that this has happened!

  15. #45
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    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by nomas
    And Zekk, I looked it up and the other guy's name is Chris Pontius...who is Ryan Dunn?? Sorry, man I don't know who that is...and what's CKY??
    Hmm, that was Pontius in that? I never actually watched the show but I thought I remembered seeing Ryan Dunn with him. Oh well, it makes more sense for Pontius to be there. If you know Jackass but don't know CKY then I feel nothing but shame and pity for thee.
    Heit ist mein taug.

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