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Thread: Love can drive you crazy!

  1. #46
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    Oh yeah... we would say "We're not confident, just conceited" or something along those lines.

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoesntMatter View Post
    Yeah it is. Maybe she should try being single longer, it makes some grow up faster
    We're slowly becoming the old farts of the forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    Are you on a scholarship at your college? And is your engineering program one that will get you a P.Eng at the end? I've never heard of 'sale engineer'.
    You know I'm starting to have my doubts about her claiming all these things...I mean she's already bragged about being super hot...and then about being super smart. I claim shenanigans.

    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    Well, stick around then, Lanna. Lots of experience on here.

    3 of my college housemates were engineers, its a good field of study. LOL on not studying for math, tho. Wait until you get into differential calculus and numerical methods, you'll be studying then.

    This was cute, btw. Its good to get some management experience. But its not exactly uncommon at your age & in that kind of work. Retail/service management isn't exactly difficult.
    Exactly...she hasn't even started yet.

    And I agree with the management position...it's not uncommon people her age to get into management positions at jobs like that.

    Cockiness...for Christ sake stop.

    1. Cockiness is a turn off to guys, and people in general...it's annoying as hell.

    2. Stop being so damn obsessive about this guy. You would be gone if you did that crap to me. I don't care how hot you are, or think you are lol, that's annoying as hell.

    And your 18??? When I first say your picture I thought you were mid 20's.

    You need to stick around here and learn a thing or two...you need it.

    Your title for this thread is kind of ironic. I'd change it more to something like "I can drive you crazy!"
    Last edited by 1averagejoe; 29-10-08 at 12:06 PM.

  3. #48
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    Nothing I've ever posted has been a lie. I came here for help. I didn't come here to lie about my life so nothing anyone says here would ever be useful.

  4. #49
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    Alright...well you want help then listen to the things people have been saying.

    It's always funny when people come here asking for help and they ignore what's said because it's not what they want to here.

  5. #50
    vashti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1averagejoe View Post

    You know I'm starting to have my doubts about her claiming all these things...I mean she's already bragged about being super hot...and then about being super smart. I claim shenanigans.
    Isn't this the girl who said she went to her dad's funeral while posting every hour all day long on LF?
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  6. #51
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    Yes, that's me. Get the f*&@ over it.

  7. #52
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    Alright I need to summarize 6 chapters and have a thesis statement by 9 a.m tomorrow. I'm out.

  8. #53
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    Is this the same guy that you said was on opiates?

  9. #54
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    Did I mention make love to my boyfriend?

    Okay I've said my peace.


  10. #55
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    Actually he just got off recently. Physical theory is helping his back so he hasn't needed them.

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by xO Lanna View Post
    ...But my whole life my mother has trained me to be a bitch and be single and get a high education and pretty much just be independent. So the fact that I am with this man who adores me and loves me just makes me feel like it isn't real, I'm dreaming. I have been taught my whole life that all men are scum and can't do anything but make you miserable.
    There we go I think we're getting somewhere.

    There's one thing I've noticed is that those who seem super confident are usually the ones who wound up with super insecurities. I'm modest, I'm not too bad looking, I'm not too bad at getting what I want, in fact I believe I can get what I want in life if I put my mind to it. If you already have it all then of course you're going to think what if I lose it all.

    There's nothing to lose if you have nothing, there's everything to lose when you have it all

    This is the internet darl, you don't need to prove to us you're good just be honest with yourself. From what I've seen you post it seems sometimes the 'real' you comes out sometimes. Stop being that bitch your mother conditioned you to be and you admit to.

    We all win some and lose some. I think you've been successful up to now and the one thing that you can't really have a definite say is... love. We're all in the same boat. Love really is random and I think it's time you come to accept we can't control everything.

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by xO Lanna View Post
    But my whole life my mother has trained me to be a bitch and be single and get a high education and pretty much just be independent.
    Except for the bitch part, this is excellent advice, actually. Well, nothing wrong with being in a relationship, just make sure you are self-satisfied before going into it. You'll get a lot more from it.

    The really classy folk manage to do all that AND still stay humble and human. You're on your way, no worries.

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by xO Lanna View Post
    Actually he just got off recently. Physical theory is helping his back so he hasn't needed them.
    I think he's going to need a refill.

    Well I'm going to temporarily stop being an asshole at the moment because it's obvious that you're a bit naive and need help.

    I respect that you're majoring in engineer...there's not to many women engineers, you're a rare species. You're a cute girl don't get me wrong, I wasn't putting you down, but you're not super hot. And don't tell people that you think you're hot, you'll just come off as that bitchy girl that's into herself. As you have here. You don't need to tell people something that they can see for themselves, they're not blind.

    Well let's start with your emotions. You're insecure about yourself. You hide behind your looks and good grades and brag to people to reassure yourself that you're that you're worth something. You need to learn that you don't need to brag or be super hot to be worth something. That people will appreciate you for who you are and not just your accomplishments. You're young and you'll hopefully outgrow this with age. You're a mess to say the least. Like I mentioned before it's obvious you're insecure about yourself. Don't tell me you aren't...you are. If you were secure with yourself you wouldn't be strangling this guy and keeping him on a short leash. You're scared of losing him, but you haven't even been together for that long. It's only been two months, you're just getting started. You're going to push this guy away with the things you've been doing. You need to take a step back and relax. Take things easy and give him some space or you will lose him.

    Looks, like I mentioned before...STOP! Stop bragging about being hot, it's annoying as hell. If you said that you were hot in person I'd probably laugh at you. It's narcissistic behavior, in your case because of your insecurities. And it's very obvious to others and it will turn people off. Not just guys but people in general. There's a difference between cockiness and confidence. Confidence is being comfortable in your own skin. Cockiness is bragging to people about it.

    You also mentioned that you were raised to believe all men are scum by your mother. Your mother probably has a lot of resentment towards men because of her situation with your father. And because of that she's basically rubbing it off on you. I can reassure you not all men are scum. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the guys you've been dating have been. From the looks of your picture you seem to be a bit of a party girl, am I right? Guys that party in college tend to be douchebags and usually only after one thing. Getting into your pants.
    Last edited by 1averagejoe; 29-10-08 at 12:56 PM.

  14. #59
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    Luckily for me I've never been easy. I've only had sex with three guys in my life and oddly enough none of them dumped me or anything. The first guy I had sex with wound up going to jail for selling illegal drugs (bad taste) so I broke up with him, the second guy I had sex with moved to california for ufc fighting and now I'm still with the third one. I would also like to add that I've only performed oral for the last two. No other guys. I've never been cheated on so idk what my problem is! I've never been like this with ANY guy. Usually they are the more emotional ones and I'm just going out with my friends and I do my own thing. I pretty much lost most of my friends since we started dating. He is my best friend now... But I DID NOT stop being friends with them because of him. I ended a lot of my friendships because they were all drama and I knew deep inside if I continued being friends with them it would never work with me and my bf. With my clique it was either all or nothing. I hung out with them every night or not at all. I haven't been to a bar or club since the night I first hung out with my boyfriend. But I used to go to clubs/bars every tuesday, thursday, friday, and saturday. If I wasn't out, I was at a party. I've always been the girl who never got too close. But now I'm in way deep. And I love it, I'm just scared of it. It's something I'm not familiar with. But I really have been taking the advice and just relaxing with it and it's been working.

  15. #60
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    xO Lanna, you dont sound like the bitch you TRY to make yourself seem to be. I think you're just hiding behind a mask by putting yourself up by calling yourself hot and smart. I'd suggest you stop because it wont get you really far. Let the guys compliment you, its way more meaningful than hearing it from yourself.

    Cutting off complete contact from your friends isnt a good idea, IMO. What is so hard in going out with them less than you used to? You've got a relationship now, they obviously dont if they're still partying all the time, and that should be understood and respected. So what would you do if you and Mr. Man dont work out(and honestly I dont think it will)? Who would you turn to if you've already cut your friends off? Going out with your friends is something you really need to do, you're becoming way too emotionally attached to this guy that it even scares me.

    Of course things are great now, it's the beginning of the relationship. Every relationship starts out great, like a fairytale. When you've lasted waayyy longer than two months, have seen each other's true colors, have had heated arguements, and have seen each side of one another(happiness,sadness, anger,etc.) and still have the desire to continue, then you could have all the talk in the world about how much love there truly is in the relationship.

    EDIT: Til then, quite frankly, shut up.
    ..::.*Love is giving someone the ability to break your heart but trusting them not to*.::..

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