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Thread: Lifestyle Changes for Smokers

  1. #46
    Join Date
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    Lubbock, TX
    lol That's good. Yeah, on edge is an understatment, but I couldn't think of a better way of putting it lol. I have traded my nicotine addiction for a caffeine one!

  2. #47
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    I'll tell ya, the worst part of ditching nicotine & caffiene is the DRAG that follows. I was so tired by 8:30 last night I couldnt even *think*. Nuts!

    Coffee isnt bad, so I am going to keep that in my morning routine. Besides I use 2% milk instead of creamer, and am cutting down on my sugar a bit each day (till I can do without it in my coffee altogether).

    Cutting out the pepsis alone was a huge cutback in caffiene and calories for me. I think the morning coffee is pretty much okay...

  3. #48
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    Lubbock, TX
    Ahhh I see. I use Splenda in my coffee and I only drink diet drinks. Yeah, coffee isn't bad for you, but those sugary drinks sure are!

  4. #49
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    I tried the Splenda in my coffee... but I just didnt like it. Never have been able to drink diet drinks either. Switching to water, and sometimes unsweet tea (when I eat out, for example) was the best bet for me.

    I would sooner drink coffee with no sugar (just 2% milk) than with Splenda... so thats what I'm working towards.

  5. #50
    indigosoul's Avatar
    indigosoul Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Late_vamp
    never meet someone to nagged me to go to the doctor ... 4 hour wait , 10 mins visit with a little scribbled paper at the end ... ahh well , at least its free for ME ... too bad USA ....

    bahahahah HAHAHHAHAHHA... ok im done
    Psssst... LV, c'mere...

    :whispers quietly:
    I'm Canadian too, so I know what you mean. But I've lived in the US: our health system in Canada SUCKS by comparison. I'd rather pay to see a good doc the same day than wait 6 months for surgery I should've had w/in 2 weeks.

  6. #51
    indigosoul's Avatar
    indigosoul Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by independent
    What a shitty post. Tell me this - what makes your post better than mine?

    I am NOT critical of others. In fact I never said a word, or even made a face, when they lit up beside me at the bowling alley last night.

    I have been feeling very isolated since I quit, because everyone that I know smokes - and everywhere that I go people are smoking. I live in an area (SE US) where it is still very acceptable - even indoors. So I've stayed home, until last night.

    To tell you the truth, I wasnt sure if my will power was up to the test. I found out last night it was. Instead of kicking in a craving, I just thought it smelled really bad. REALLY bad. That's a good sign (for me).

    I am NOT the type to say anything to anybody else, or to be judgemental. I certainly dont nag.

    And yes, I am crabby this morning. I havent had caffiene in the last 2 days and I just switched to a 14mg patch (cutting out 1/3 more of my nicotine). Whats your excuse? :p
    For the record, I wasn't referring to you in my post. I NEVER said YOU would become a "Nazi" as it was put. I was just agreeing they are annoying.

    I happen to think highly of your quitting.


  7. #52
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    Thank you... I have to admit that I was feeling very irritable when I responded. This is certainly a difficult task (the quitting) and this is just a phase I have to get through.

    I find smokers to be especially NON-supportive of anyones mission to quit. Tomorrow, for example, I'll be feasting with a house full of heavy smokers - that scoff at my "attempt" (what they consider it) or make remarks like "more power to ya" with a smirk (as if I'll never make it)... or taunt me even by saying things like "dont you wish you could light up??" right after the big dinner, exaggerating how much they are enjoying their own cigs.

    It's just how it goes. I've quit twice before (both times for a year during and after my pregnancies). And I've seen other people try to quit.

    I wont let it get to me, of course - I just see it for what it is.

    Hayward's comment "got to me" though. I guess because I wasnt expecting it from HIM.

  8. #53
    indigosoul's Avatar
    indigosoul Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by independent
    Thank you... I have to admit that I was feeling very irritable when I responded. This is certainly a difficult task (the quitting) and this is just a phase I have to get through.

    I find smokers to be especially NON-supportive of anyones mission to quit. Tomorrow, for example, I'll be feasting with a house full of heavy smokers - that scoff at my "attempt" (what they consider it) or make remarks like "more power to ya" with a smirk (as if I'll never make it)... or taunt me even by saying things like "dont you wish you could light up??" right after the big dinner, exaggerating how much they are enjoying their own cigs.

    It's just how it goes. I've quit twice before (both times for a year during and after my pregnancies). And I've seen other people try to quit.
    I once heard what I thought was a very good idea for how to quit. Maybe you'll find this useful. I don't smoke, never have, so I'm not sure how good an idea it is, except I know it worked very well for someone I know. And I don't mean anything by the non-smoker thing...its just that I really don't know what I'm talking about directly and I always like to admit that. I have huge amounts of respect for ppl trying to change their habits. I think that you either control your habits or they will control you.

    Anyway, this person used to carry around a cigarette w/them. Only one. When they got the "urge", strong, they would take out the C. and roll it in their fingers. Smell it. Tell themselves that if they REALLY needed it in 1 hour, they could have it. Apparently the touch and olfactory feedback is often enough to help control the urge. Also the permission that you COULD have it, if really needed, in a set amount of time. Apparently the urge almost always passes by then.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by indigosoul; 24-11-05 at 02:59 AM.

  9. #54
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Hey you're doing good, indy, by PREPARING yourself for what you know is going to come, so tomorrow no one can catch you off guard! Nice move!

    And YOU KNOW what's important, and it's YOUR body, YOUR life, so don't let them get to you girl! You have your mind set, your goals set, there is only ONE thing that can get in the way of you accomplishing this. You.

  10. #55
    Join Date
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    The most sunny place in Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by RSK
    As a smoker, I am very lazy. I don't like to move much. I get tired walking a flight of stairs. I drink a lot of soda, and junk food. I don't look after my body weight as much as I should...

    ...I'm sure there is more you can add.

    BUT, to quit smoking ---> we must change our LIFESTYLES!

    Start drinking WATER. You will find that water and cigs don't mix that well! It's true!

    Start an Exercise routine. After a 3-5 mile jog/run, you'll find that you will not crave a cig for at least the remaining half of the day.

    Find a hobby (Golf, Basketball, or anything that can take your mind off the crave). Just DO SOMETHING ELSE!

    Drink More Water ---> It's amazing how much this can help you quit!

    DON'T SET DATES when you will quit -> you are asking for failure!

    The best time to quit ----> IS NOW!

    Yes, NOW!

    Create a vision of where you want to be in the future!
    Create a vision of your health!
    Create a vision of your well being!
    Create a vision of the long term goals in your life, and how These Lifestyle changes WILL get you there.

    SMOKING KILLS (the bottom line)

    It's funny, even though people know that smoking kills (we still do it). Because we don't see the long term effects.

    In the 70's, it was 'fashionable' to smoke. Today, it is down right disgusting, filthy, annoying, and sickening - for both smoker AND non-smoker.


    (I am about to smoke a cig, but after that ---> I am REALLY going to make another effort to QUIT)

    We should all do this together.

    If you want to quit, add your name here:

    1) RSK

    We can form a support group, and share what we did, what we ate, how we handled craves...and so on...

    ...if not, then good luck. After this ONE cig, I am REALLY going to make this effort!
    I am sure that its very hard to do this but at the end you will benefit from it..
    I never smoke but I have been around smoker and see that you need a lots of weel power to do it...so again CONGRATULATION and keep yourself busy.. I heard that you can buy a STRESS BALL TOO it help to keep your hand busy...

  11. #56
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    Sep 2005
    Thank you Tone - I feel good about this, and I feel confident I can get through the day tomorrow (and then come straight home and shower and put my smoke-smelling clothes in the washer!). It'll be good for me, actually - I am sure I will feel even better when I get that day behind me, knowing I didnt cave in!

    Indigo - that's actually not a bad idea. Setting a time (not "now") gives you an opportunity to get past the craving. I'm not going to tempt myself though

  12. #57
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Hey... speaking of which...

    RK how is your quitting coming along??

    Come on man you gotta quit too, you and indy can keep each other motivated... think of little Timmy.....

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Yes, do join me!!!

    I actually did well this morning - even on the 14mg patch - but the cravings really kicked in early this afternoon. I took that as my sign to start the daily workout... and went 27 minutes today. It's a vigorous cardio work-out with muscle toning mixed in, so my goal is to get up to 30 minutes a day and hold steady at that number - 7 days a week.

    I've been moving up in 3 minute increments, which basically means I get to workout to one new song on the CD every day. It's been fun! And of course, at 27 minutes today means I finally reach my goal (of 30 min) tomorrow!!

  14. #59
    Join Date
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    The most sunny place in Canada
    So do you see a big difference in your energy level?

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by FrenchMaid
    So do you see a big difference in your energy level?
    Initially a huge DEcrease in energy, because I cut out 8-12 pepsis a day plus the 2+ packs of smokes. Add in that I was working out daily - and I was worn out, wore down, etc. I just took naps during the day and went to bed a little early that first 3 or 4 days.

    But now I actually feel fine. I'm sure I'm still adjusting too...

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