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Thread: how to forget

  1. #46
    Join Date
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    good luck with your university and that's what's this forum is for

  2. #47
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    The problem is, I don't think he is that 1% difference. It must be much more for her to still think about this guy and do for him what she wouldn't do halfway for the other guys. I'm not trying to discourage you at all, just trying to bring out what you might run into later on. See, it's very good advice, like confused said, for you to keep busy - that's one of the best ways to get your mind off someone and if you find a guy, that's even better. What I know though, is that there come the times when you are not busy, you have all the time in the world and you just want to share it with someone...and this is the time when this whole thing might come back. I wouldn't be surprised if I see you back on this board. What you need is to find someone that you like better than that guy, or learn how to settle - that's the only way you won't go back to where you were before - and even then it's not for sure. Again, I'm not trying to discourage you at all - just to give you heads up on what might come up as you are fighting this. Good luck; and we will be here for you if you need us.
    Last edited by JohnMalkovich; 07-04-06 at 11:14 AM.
    "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia"

  3. #48
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    Mar 2006
    yea...i agree with u john, cos with my last relationship, my ex could even tell that i still had feelings with this guy. i dont know how he could sense it. there was one time when my ex and i chat in msn, this guy also chat in msn with me (at the same time...so there i was...chatting with both guys...i knew then, that i still had feelings for him, cos at that moment, i much prefer to talk with this guy rather than my ex) see? even small things like that....i prioritise that guy over anyone.

    what makes it worst was, everytime i had fight with my ex, no matter how upset i was...but as soon as i talk to this guy, i just forget that i was angry. i would be so happy...like nothing happened. so me and my ex got back together....when actually....the one who makes me happy and smile again wasnt him...but that guy.... i wonder if i will be able to find someone else that i would love as much as i do to him...and the one who makes me happy as much as he does. will i ever? i still dont know how to get rid of this feeling completely...i might forget him for a little while...like u said....when i'm busy...but what happen when i'm not? like before sleep...

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    So many good advices - just nothing to add...

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i stll cant forget him!!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......how can i forget him??? just tonight...please....i want to sleep! i cant even close my eyes!!! there's no sleeping pills here! better stock them tomorow! what shoul i do?? really really want to forget him as soon as possible...if only it can be erased just like pencil with eraser....that would make my life soo much easier!

  6. #51
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    you can't erase your past because past is part of who we are. we live with it trying to take a lesson from it. i know it won't be easy for you to forget that's why i told you keep yourself busy hang out with freinds (don't drink too much it's not healthy). ready or watch a movie while trying to sleep it helps for sleeping sometimes

  7. #52
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    A pencil eraser never completely takes the lead off of the paper, if you understand what I'm saying...

  8. #53
    Join Date
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    yes i do....

  9. #54
    Join Date
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    You did the right thing.

  10. #55
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    hi Guys...here i am again...just wanna update my post. anyways..it's been a while since i dwelled with my feelings and trying so hard to find ways to forget him. now i'm back, for the last time talking about that guy before i trully move on.

    these past days, me and him became further and further apart, i feel like he's avoiding me somehow...not like it's unusual...it's just it makes me even more realised that i'm supposed not to have even a slight hope towards him...i'm really tired...i never knew that i could cry because of such a stupid love...i just wish i never met him. i just wish i never liked him, if i knew that i'm gonna be this sad...

    what i feel at this very moment is a real emptiness, and a great grieve, knowing that i have to forget about him entirely, and erase this feeling from my heart for good...i'm so sad, he's been a part of me for so long, a guy who i love so deeply, that i would do anything for him, more than i would do to myself....now i have to leave him behind, otherwise i'll go crazy, and i wouldnt have a life for my own.

    i had a really good talk to my mum, explaining what happened, and thankfully she understands me. she just realised how much i got hurt, and how serious this thing affects me. my mum finally promised to let me choose a guy for my own, and she wouldnt push me to be with that guy (or any guy) anymore...i know she's disapointed...so do i...but i dont wanna live a life like this...i lost him...there's nothing i can do...i hope he knows that he's still the best person that i know in my life. and he would take care of himself well...i still want him to know that he can ALWAYS count on me when he needs me...but i dont know how...geez...how can forgetting someone be this difficult? but i have to...i'll try...

  11. #56
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    A lot of you people are giving her a lot less credit than you should. You don't think that in ten years she hasn't told herself how stupid or sick she was for feeling the way she does? What puzzles me is that those of you who seem the most confident about the advice you give are also the ones who say nothing to the point that you've been through the same thing. No matter how much logic or reason I apply to myself, I haven't been able to bring myself to move on from the feelings I have for a certain girl.

    To some extent, I'm fighting the same frustration that you're experiencing. I know what it's like to want a feeling that you believe you can only have by being with a certain person. The only thing I can offer you is to let you know that I'm also going through it and I'm sure I'll continue to go through it for a long time to come. For two years I've been questioning my own emotions by trying to put them at war with my reasoning. I'm only now starting to surrender to my feelings, which is making my internal struggle much less damaging.

    Spilling my guts is one of the few things that eases my discomfort on the subject, so I hope that this has done something for you. Don't take advice from these people who keep telling you that you're crazy, childish or too stubborn. It's only a product of their own insecurities.

  12. #57
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    i am sorry, i don't really have any advice to give you. i was just extremely touched by the deapth of your feelings. that i had to let you know. i know not the kind of love you carry for him, but it must be truly something. they say if you truly love someone then let them go and if they love you back then they will come back to you of their own accord.

    i couldn't help but wonder at this late hour that there are so many that desire to be loved like you love him, and yet those that are do not value it. ironical.

    i shall make a wish for you.

  13. #58
    vashti's Avatar
    vashti is offline Hot love muffin guru
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    It is good you are accepting (finally) that he is not interested in you and never will be. Now you have a chance to move on. TAVS had this whole thing pegged right from the start. The depth of emotion invested in a childhood crush was irrational and excessive. If you can't move on, get some professional help.

    PS - I can't believe your mother actually encouraged you to hold on to this extremely unhealthy fantasy for so long. She may need some help, too.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by vashti
    It is good you are accepting (finally) that he is not interested in you and never will be. Now you have a chance to move on. TAVS had this whole thing pegged right from the start. The depth of emotion invested in a childhood crush was irrational and excessive. If you can't move on, get some professional help.

    PS - I can't believe your mother actually encouraged you to hold on to this extremely unhealthy fantasy for so long. She may need some help, too.

    Exactly, I havent botherd to read through all of this becouse it sounds like just a childish crush and things like that are always overdone. There are plenty of fish in the sea and thers more then just one person out there for a person. Those storys you hear of where they say thers only one person for you lie. There are overwhelming amounts of people in the world and bound to be you like more then one of them.

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