View Poll Results: Do You Watch Porn or Look at Porn Pics?

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  • No way. Never.

    10 12.66%
  • Of course.

    52 65.82%
  • Only when I'm single.

    17 21.52%
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Thread: Guys Only: Do You Watch Porn?

  1. #46
    Charlie Boy II's Avatar
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    surfing's actually really cheap. Just need a few hundred for a board, another few hundred for a decent wetty (if it's cold) and another $20 for a leg rope. Also, a lot of the best surf is in really cheap countries like Indonesia. And of course, the ocean is free.

    Snow boarding and skiing are just ridiculous. I used to snowboard a lot when I was younger, but I just don't have the disposable income any more. I'll have to wait until I'm a big shot lawyer.
    Is it burnin'? Well, f-ck, now you're learnin'.

  2. #47
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    I've watched it when single, dating, in a relationship. I hope I am not the only honest one here.
    Anyways, its not a habit. I sometimes well get on it if I'm bored on the net and nothing good in the forums.
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  3. #48
    Charlie Boy II's Avatar
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    the thing about porn is, it's so easy to get. And it's free. If I had to run around with paper bags and stand next to sweaty old man in sweat shops, I honestly don't think I'd bother with it.
    Is it burnin'? Well, f-ck, now you're learnin'.

  4. #49
    Junket's Avatar
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    To be really honest, I can't even remember the last time I jerked off to porn.

    Now it's like once in a blue moon.

    I guess that's kind of weird, now that I think about it.

    I'll just feel compelled to look at fine asses and go ahead and spend 10 minutes or so browsing and once I get bored, close the window.

  5. #50
    Charlie Boy II's Avatar
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    yeah lately I prefer to imagine I'm rooting chicks I know in real life.
    Is it burnin'? Well, f-ck, now you're learnin'.

  6. #51
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    Was thinking of heading to the aussie snowcaps myself this winter (picked up my snowboard while visiting sweden), but the season's all but over and I bet I'd be disappointed, so maybe next year. That, and the ridiculous prices, if I didn't have 80% of the stuff already I wouldn't bother.

    As for the topic, I personally only ever watch amateur porn of similar-aged people, "professional" porn gets boring really fast and is the same bullcrap (and I bet its also the source for many unconventional ideas and beliefs about sex). Only once or twice a week though.

  7. #52
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    I have very little libido if I haven't had a toke and no desire to watch porn, well, I should say no desire to get started (to dig out the mags or surf the web) and it actually seems like too much work. I can't concentrate enough and my mind wanders to grocery lists or how my freinds are doing and there's this barrier of unexplained reluctance. That's not to say I never have (without smoking weed first) but it's like the 40 year old virgin...I just lose interest.

    That being said I'm a habitual user of porn to get my rocks off nightly...conditions permitting (if I have a toke and I'm home with no company). I feel guilty about it, to be honest, because it brings up the question of choice (starve or don't starve for example, an obvious choice isn't really a choice). Many women who are held emotionally or financially "hostage" are abused without it being considered abuse and I think the actual number of women who enjoy doing porn are very few and far between. I also suspect many or most of those women have jaded opinions about men. I have often found that I can be more aroused by my imagination in the dark than by an image intended to arouse me. I prefer pictures to movies and nothing turns me on more than the "surprised smile" look (with the jaw wide open in apparent disbelief, no it's not suggestive of fellatio, it's an expression I simply find very sexy), which is found a lot outside of porn, on billboards or adertisements in magazines etc. (not skin-mags). I prefer pictures of clothed women posing to naked ones for some reason.

    I think the reason porn is so popular isn't so much a matter of meeting your needs but rather that you don't have to explain yourself to anyone. You have a safety and comfort free of judgement (except of yourself) and this can be why we're so easily aroused by it. Any time I've been with a lady and unable to get it up I felt like I was under pressure to do the act, then once I'm embarassed about not getting it up it's time to give up and watch a movie or call it a night. The worst part is women who don't have an understanding of the relation between male psychology and physiology can often feel like they aren't wanted. Often the opposite is the case and thats exactly why it stays limp.

    I could say I have a minor addiction to porn and sometimes I just want to get the oil changed because it helps me think less "macho" (combative, competative, easily frustrated) and I like being clear headed, or at least clearER headed. I don't think that makes it okay, considering I could do an oil change without the assistance of porn.

    It kills my motivation to bother looking for a significant other and this leads me to believe that I'm only interested in looking for a significant other for sex. Everything I've been led to believe suggests that women find this insulting. It's not that I don't want the companionship. I love to cuddle, share our time, hold hands, go out on dates, introduce each other's circle of freinds etc. but the only thing that gives me the motivation to take on what I see as ridiculously difficult endeavor (to find a girl who likes me) is my libido. This de-motivates me out of principal.

    I don't think there's much wrong with a little wrist material but women should be in charge of making porn to alleviate the likelyhood of abuse in the industry, though that's no guarantee, women can be just as greedy and willing to take advantage of another for profit as men. It's likely to remain a predominantly sleazy industry, IMO and I'll continue to feel guilty for supporting it.

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  8. #53
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    I agree that most of the porn out there is sleazy and not particularly sexy. I've actually never encountered any porn that I found fascinating or that really came close to my own imagination.

    I've seen some porn made by women and it had this kind of creepy, art-house bondage thing going on that was every bit as uninteresting to me as the moaning-on-the-boner kind. I'm still waiting for it, I guess.

    Maybe I should make some porn movies. I wonder where I could find good actors that aren't drug addicts. One of my old friends makes porn for a living (produces). It's all pretty much gay porn, actually. He says that's where the money is. I should talk to him about the concept of doing something that targets a different market.
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  9. #54
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    Never... well I have. I just don't get into it.I have to have the real thing

  10. #55
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    Personally I think men who don't watch porn is not normal.

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham Berkeley View Post
    I watch porn weather im single or not however I tend to watch less when I'm dating someone.

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  12. #57
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    I watch porn when I'm single as well as when I'm in a relationship. The types of porn I watch varies, and that is supplemented with erotic literature. I can go weeks without feeling the need to watch porn or watch it everyday, it just depends.

    However, I think about sex 24/7 and countless times a day in fleeting glimpses of imagery -- usually brought on by what I see as I'm very visual. So porn actually helps by offering relief for both me and my boyfriend.

    I am not the norm for females by any stretch of the imagination.

    I didn't vote on the polls... so it's not tainted by me..

  13. #58
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    I'm watching it right now

    Girls should watch porn too so that they know what is expected of them.

  14. #59
    qwertz's Avatar
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    I dont watch a great deal of porn, but i love to watch with bf as it really turns us both on.

    I watch it on my own too, as i think about sex at least every minute (thats no exaggeration) and im never not horny

    in fact..i think i may have a problem!!! lol

  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    I agree that most of the porn out there is sleazy and not particularly sexy. I've actually never encountered any porn that I found fascinating or that really came close to my own imagination.

    I've seen some porn made by women and it had this kind of creepy, art-house bondage thing going on that was every bit as uninteresting to me as the moaning-on-the-boner kind. I'm still waiting for it, I guess.

    Maybe I should make some porn movies. I wonder where I could find good actors that aren't drug addicts. One of my old friends makes porn for a living (produces). It's all pretty much gay porn, actually. He says that's where the money is. I should talk to him about the concept of doing something that targets a different market.
    You take that back ! Porn is awesome.

    Sif the money is in gay porn.

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