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Thread: Do a lot of guys go to Strip clubs?

  1. #46
    Join Date
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    GA, USA
    Oh my Gosh! Sami what is wrong with you girl? You need to realize this is not just a guy thing (and the people who are saying it is are guys for the most part). Do not accept that from im or HE WILL push his luck with you..you know what I mean by that also.

  2. #47
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    reply to Sami09

    Dear Sami09,
    No, I do not have a boyfriend who goes to strip clubs, and for that I am very thankful. In my opinion, your boyfriend should respect you and the fact that he is dating you, and going to strip clubs is not a form of respect by any means. I really don't care if there are boyfriends who do that or girlfriends who have boyfriends that do that, because it is wrong plain and simple. If you have a boyfriend who goes to strip clubs, than he clearly doesn't respect women and therefore probably doesn't respect you. You deserve someone who respects you. You are a gift and I hope you realize that when you choose the men that you date.
    Romans 8:38-39

  3. #48
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    Do you really think every advertisement made with a sexy man or woman is only aimed at single people who are in no kind of relationship with another person?
    What about the Brawny ad, with the beefy guy making the birthday cake?

    People find other people attractive all the time. That never changes.

  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALovelyLady86
    Cause theyre guys...
    Alrighty then... lol
    I'm sorry but I'm not seeing a legit argument..please explain.

    I mean to me I might as well be saying girls are allowed to PMS because theyre girls.. make sense?
    OK, I'll be the one to say it... YES, girls are allowed to PMS because they are girls. Have you ever seen a man be able to stop a girl from PMSing?

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by snickers
    Dear Sami09,
    No, I do not have a boyfriend who goes to strip clubs, and for that I am very thankful. In my opinion, your boyfriend should respect you and the fact that he is dating you, and going to strip clubs is not a form of respect by any means. I really don't care if there are boyfriends who do that or girlfriends who have boyfriends that do that, because it is wrong plain and simple. If you have a boyfriend who goes to strip clubs, than he clearly doesn't respect women and therefore probably doesn't respect you. You deserve someone who respects you. You are a gift and I hope you realize that when you choose the men that you date.
    Romans 8:38-39
    You know, I'm not such a big fan of strip clubs - I think I already said that on this thread - but in defense of men, isn't it possible that men DO respect women that have earned his respect? I mean, really - why should men respect strippers when they obviously don't respect themselves? I don't respect every man I see just because he is a man. Why should a man respect a woman JUST BECAUSE she is a woman? I think a man CAN respect his wife or girlfriend AND simultaneously not respect a stripper.

  6. #51
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    Jun 2004
    thanks for the replys. I know he loves me and i love him but the fact that he spend like 200 dollars on two different stripper its like crazy i know its better then what his friends did which was get a blow job but they are all single he isnt. Its hurt like hell because i love him and his ways are hard sometimes. were are both 21 and he been really loyal to me never cheated on me he a good guy he takes me out for dinner and a movie. Its almost like he needs the single life because he wants to go to an escort but still be with me. any more advice would be very nice

    Quote Originally Posted by snickers
    Dear Sami09,
    No, I do not have a boyfriend who goes to strip clubs, and for that I am very thankful. In my opinion, your boyfriend should respect you and the fact that he is dating you, and going to strip clubs is not a form of respect by any means. I really don't care if there are boyfriends who do that or girlfriends who have boyfriends that do that, because it is wrong plain and simple. If you have a boyfriend who goes to strip clubs, than he clearly doesn't respect women and therefore probably doesn't respect you. You deserve someone who respects you. You are a gift and I hope you realize that when you choose the men that you date.
    Romans 8:38-39

  7. #52
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    Saying that something is "just plain wrong" doens't mean anything!

    Men are in no way obliged to go to strip clubs. Tell your bf how much you don't like it, and if he still goes that will show you how much he oh-so-really cares about you.

  8. #53
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALovelyLady86
    I find it completely amazing that there are people out there who wouldnt think logically enough to realize that someone who gets off at looking at someone else (whether it be a strip club or porn) is someone whos looking for a lustful feeling! There ARE men out there who believe that when they are in a committed relationship that they shouldnt lustfully look at another woman. Lets get real here! I keep seeing all this "its just looking..." No its not! There is a reason a person goes to a strip club or looks at porn and that is for a lustful feeling which you should be getting from your own lover or wife or girlfriend.
    This had absolutely zero to do with insecurity. As a matter of fact its opposite. A woman who wont deal with that is a woman with standards and I give props to her. I, for one, am a very secure person in my relationships. I dont have trust issues or the such, but if I found out my man wanted to look at other women naked and even touch them I would number one be asking myself whats missing in our relationship and number two I'd be gone. Thats security because a woman who isnt secure would stay through it and tell herself he loves her <--a joke to me
    I have much higher standards than most women, proabably even you, and I'm also incredibly secure in my relationship. So I should dump my bf for going to a strip bar once or twice in the three years I've been with him? Please. You are completely fooling yourself if you think you can find a man who is never ever going to have a lustful thought or feeling (however fleeting) of any other woman than you. It is not humanly possible....like I said before, men are hardwired to be this way, whether they (or you) like it or not. IT'S HUMAN NATURE. If you think that you can achieve this, it is not a matter of standards; it's a simple case of naivete, lack of adult relationship experience, misunderstanding of the basics of human psychology (a couple of years of university courses will clear that up) and a giant dose of 'head-in-the sand' syndrome.

    As for the insecurity part....I think it's 99% about that. If you aren't secure in the fact that you are an amazing person or secure in the fact that your relationship is solidly based on trust, love and respect.....then what else could it be? You doubt his intentions, therefore you doubt the relationship, and you doubt yourself, making you what? INSECURE.

    Quote Originally Posted by MISOMBRA
    if you really trust somebody then why would it matter if they went to a strip club and even got a lap dance? that's just stupid, shallow entertainment for them. i wouldn't care if my guy was out with his friends and those little perverts decided to go to the strip club. those girls can try whatever they want with him but he still thinks i'm much much much sexier and wouldn't do shit with them. it's called trust and security.
    See? Misombra gets it. But then, she usually does.
    Last edited by bluesummer; 12-06-05 at 08:28 AM.

  9. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer
    I have much higher standards than most women, proabably even you, and I'm also incredibly secure in my relationship. So I should dump my bf for going to a strip bar once or twice in the three years I've been with him? Please. You are completely fooling yourself if you think you can find a man who is never ever going to have a lustful thought or feeling (however fleeting) of any other woman than you. It is not humanly possible....like I said before, men are hardwired to be this way, whether they (or you) like it or not. IT'S HUMAN NATURE. If you think that you can achieve this, it is not a matter of standards; it's a simple case of naivete, lack of adult relationship experience, misunderstanding of the basics of human psychology (a couple of years of university courses will clear that up) and a giant dose of 'head-in-the sand' syndrome.

    As for the insecurity part....I think it's 99% about that. If you aren't secure in the fact that you are an amazing person or secure in the fact that your relationship is solidly based on trust, love and respect.....then what else could it be? You doubt his intentions, therefore you doubt the relationship, and you doubt yourself, making you what? INSECURE.

    See? Misombra gets it. But then, she usually does.
    (giggle) Careful, there Blue - LL will "ban" you!

  10. #55
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    The truth is the truth....and sometimes it hurts.

    Ban away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

  11. #56
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    Those who are convinced they have a monopoly on The Truth always feel that they are only saving the world when they slaughter the heretics. - Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr

    Any man more right than his neighbors constitutes a majority of one. - Henry David Thoreau

    Historically...those who told the truth about a particular regime have been exiled, jailed, or killed by those in power whose fury has been aroused. To be sure, the obvious explanation is that they were dangerous to their respective establishments, and that killing them seemed the best way to protect the status quo. This is true enough, but it does not explain the fact that the truth-sayers are so deeply hated even when they do not constitute a real threat to the established order. The reason lies, I believe, in that by speaking the truth they mobilize the [psychological] resistance of those who repress it. To the latter, the truth is dangerous not only because it can threaten their power but because it shakes their whole conscious system of orientation, deprives them of their rationalizations, and might even force them to act differently. Only those who have experienced the process of becoming aware of important impulses that were repressed know the earthquakelike sense of bewilderment and confusion that occurs as a result. Not all people are willing to risk this adventure, lest of all those people who profit, at least for the moment, from being blind. - Erich Fromm

    The truth is rarely pure and never simple. -oscar wilde

    The enemy of the truth is very often not the lie - deliberate, contrived, and dishonest - but the myth-persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. -john f. kennedy

    Kindness and honesty can only be expected from the strong. -unknown

    Every truth has two sides. It is well to look at both sides before we commit ourselves to either side. -aesop

  12. #57
    Tone's Avatar
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    Preach on ladies!

  13. #58
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    It just amazes me there are women out there who are as brainwashed by men as you. You call me names all you want but its not going to change what I believe lol. And you know what? Even if everyone on this site teamed up on me it wouldnt make a difference because even then I wouldnt stump under pressure. I'm not going to call any of you names because I dont feel a need to because I am secure.
    I just find it hard to believe there are women out there who believe that a man who goes to a strip club is being faithful. If he is taking his time from being with you, and his money that he could spend on you, and his eyes away from you and he is spending it with women he doesnt even know you tell me how good your relationship is! You might have in your head "hey this guy really loves me" but maybe YOU need to reevaluate your priorities.
    Sometimes people stay in a relationship because they feel like they cant do any better. They feel stuck, they might even have children together and are staying for the kids, but I'm not about to believe that you genuinely think this man loves you. I pray and hope that you have more sense in you than that. I really do.
    I'm not going to ban you unless you really give me a reason to. If you cant speak to me like an adult and express that you have an opinion without calling me names then of course I would ban you because there is no reason for me to read that.
    I hope that you can look inside yourself and ask yourself if youre truly happy with the man you love looking at other women. You need to ask yourself what is missing in the relationship that he feels the need to fill with nude ladies. Just because a man may tell you he loves you, actions speak louder than words, and to me from what I know his actions dont seem to show it.

  14. #59
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    what the f.uck do you know about security or relationships, or life, or people?

    you don't know shit.

  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by misombra
    what the f.uck do you know about security or relationships, or life, or people?

    you don't know shit.

    And you know?

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