View Poll Results: Views on Cigarettes

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  • I think Cigarettes should be illegal, because I believe I know what's best for everyone

    4 23.53%
  • Clove Cigarettes should be taxed higher but not illegal

    4 23.53%
  • During a recession, they should leave cigarettes and taxes the **** alone

    3 17.65%
  • Making things illegal undercuts my constitutional rights

    7 41.18%
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Thread: Obama's Cigarette Banning

  1. #61
    Junket's Avatar
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    Have any of you ever gone camping?

  2. #62
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    Why do you ask Fras?

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by CocoChanel View Post
    Why do you ask Fras?
    Because I fail to see a significant difference between camp fire smoke and second hand smoke outdoors.

    Some people can't seem to accept smoking even when it is out doors in public places.

  4. #64
    Illusional's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecojeanne View Post
    why can't we just die of old age without suffering in the process? it's a pipe dream for most people.
    if everywhere were to die of old age, the world would be over populated. why do you think that we have so many wars?? it's not over territory, but it's an excuse to kill people so that we can balance the world's population.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  5. #65
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    Good point hun. Maybe Cigarette Smoke is more of contribution to Air Pollution than Campfires, yes?

  6. #66
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    come to think of it... f*ck the cigarettes... but could you please bring back the cubans... those are some good smokes.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  7. #67
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    come to think of it... f*ck the cigarettes... but could you please bring back the cubans... those are some good smokes.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by miSSleepy View Post
    You're right. I shouldn't bother debating with someone who has to resort to insults and racism.
    AKA, you shouldn't be verifying your locality and stunted philosophical growth by confusing such a simple concept as "racism" with "zenophobism" when I've exhibited neither and my origins can be traced back to your very own unlucky country.

    You're quick to defend your shithole... maybe one day you'll be quicker to judge it for what it is without watching a pulp newscast from ACA or the like (The only alternative to taking an Australian Federal or State dick up the bum, and only if you can appeal to the ancient values of housewives and diggers who've since given up on the voting process or waving a flag in a sea of multiculturalism gone bad.)

    It's a shame that your type proliferates the Aussie landscape. But your easy immigration process has a flipside for my type. We can import proper partners who still hold tight to traditionally well balanced and ethical values.

    One day, many decades or even centuries from now, we, the more recent imports will mount the revolution against tyranny that your forefathers never had the balls to carry through.

    The Eureka Stockade will be remembered for what it was... A bunch of mouthy cunts without the courage to carry through.

    Federation will be laughed at.

    And we'll have bred away your knobby knees, haggard facial features, and refusal to stand up to unjust authority into something beautiful.

    The country of Australia will for the first time, be a truely exotic destination.

    (and your grandchildren will have distinctly non-penal quality export/English dregs physical features, and proper convictions, for once.)

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yggdrasil View Post

    The discovery could help explain the long-standing medical mystery of why non-smokers develop tobacco-related diseases like lung cancer, said H. Barry Dellinger, Ph.D., the Patrick F. Taylor Chair of Environmental Chemistry at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.

    Sayonara Mish,

    this conversation is over.

    It's very obvious to me that you are another victim of our wonderfull media world. The names of the people listed above should give you enough leads to do your own research.
    It's pretty amusing how you bluster about how the media distorts the view and everyone's kept in the dark when you treat a 1-week old research paper as absolute truth.

  10. #70
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    Fras, what on earth do you burn in your campfires? the difference between cigarette smoke and campfire smoke is all the chemicals they add to tobacco, though campfire smoke isn't that great for you either.

    Doc, please take your bitter dribble elsewhere.

    Or just keep going actually...

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illusional View Post
    if everywhere were to die of old age, the world would be over populated. why do you think that we have so many wars?? it's not over territory, but it's an excuse to kill people so that we can balance the world's population.

    Our whole civilization is an enemy of nature. As soon as we learn how to harness fire we defied the natural cycle of life and began to overstay our welcome. To combat this problem we invented drug cartels and drive by shootings.

    Obama has made some BOLD steps thus far, but I don't see a problem with what he has done regarding cigarettes.

    Look, here's the deal; when you go to the store and buy a pack of cigarettes, what does it say on the package? Surgeons general warning: "This shit WILL kill you, it contains tars, formaldehyde, carcinogens and many other chemicals not found in healthy habits."

    I'm sorry, you have rights? I don't remember in what part of the constitution is says "I have the right to jeopardize my health at the fiscal and physical heath expense of the rest of mankind." You are either so easily influenced or so incredibly stupid that you choose to take up a habit that WILL kill you.

    There are hundreds of thousands of studies that document health related complications of smoking, they are public information, extremely thorough and all come to the same conclusion Every. Single. Time.

    Every time you light up, you are burning a small amount of money. You contract some fantastic smoking related ailment. You bus your sorry ass to the nearest health facility, where they charge astronomical amounts to delay the inevitable. When you egt the bill, your insurance covers the majority of it. Guess what? Someone has to foot that bill and guess who the hell it is? Me. Don't give me some bullshit reasoning that you pay premiums too and are somehow entitled to your health care and that as non smokers, we are wrong. You know what it does to you and you choose to continue smoking and/or start, thats just plain selfishness and ignorance.

    What needs to be done with health care is this:

    We need to take all the available funds for health care and pool them together. We then need to divide it into 3 equal amounts. One third for smokers, one for overweight people and one for the healthy non smokers. You then set premiums according to risk factors associated with each of the three lifestyles. Let this system run for 10 years, then look at where its at. The smokers and overweight will have chewed up a significantly larger portion of the available funds than the healthy population which is fine, they are paying for it.

    Let this process run long enough and you will see a social class system emerge pretty quickly. The healthy will live long, comfortable lives with many extra perks. The over weight and smoking population will have visibly less than the healthy population and live shorter lives. Why? because you will either a.) Die prematurely from complications from your ignorant habits or b.) Pay such ridiculously high premiums (because we know that these things are bad for you, therefore set premiums accordingly), that it takes a full months income to cover the food bill and mortgage after premiums are deducted. Who knows, it might even get bad enough that you have to decide between food on the table or that carton of Camel Lights.

    Until the health care system is segregated to separate the ignorant population from the healthy population, yes I do think they should tax the living sh!t out of tobacco products and charge you outrageous premiums. I don't go to work to pay YOUR medical bills, sadly due to the way insurance works, I do. I'm 22, very healthy according to the body mass index, eat healthy and exercise, yet I have very expensive health insurance premiums. Any idea why?

    Yes, you have legal rights, but your legal rights are infringing upon my freedoms, directly and indirectly. I will fight you till death do us part to protect MYSELF from YOU.
    Last edited by Cbrider; 24-08-09 at 05:15 PM.

    "What you really fear is inside yourself. You fear your own power.
    You fear your own anger, the drive to do great and terrible things."

    The Warmonger

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lipp View Post
    It's pretty amusing how you bluster about how the media distorts the view and everyone's kept in the dark when you treat a 1-week old research paper as absolute truth.
    Quote Originally Posted by Yggdrasil View Post
    PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 17, 2008
    It's pretty amusing how you bluster about your lack of attention and ignorance.

  13. #73
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    I agree with Cbrider.

    I don't agree with all the ignorant people who blame smokers for every little health care problem because of 'second hand smoke'. It's bullshit and you know it. There are far worse things in our air than second hand smoke you should worrie about.

    As far as I am concerned you've been brainwashed and conditioned by your peers and the media in such way that you are even unable to have an open mind to newer research that clearly indicates that (I quote):

    Quote Originally Posted by Yggdrasil View Post
    The discovery could help explain the long-standing medical mystery of why non-smokers develop tobacco-related diseases like lung cancer...

    Why would it be a long-standing medical mystery why non-smokers develop tobacco-related diseases if the medical world is oh so darn convinced it's because of second hand smoke?

    Exactly. So keep on being ignorant and only reading what you want to read, to re-enforce your false beliefs. Those peoples ignorance and inability to think for themselves shows with every post they make and in every sentence they speak.

    Tactics like this have been used for centuries by leaders to divert the attention from the actual problem. In Nazi Germany it was the Jews. In ancient Rome it was the Christians. Find a group of people and put the blame on them. This causes hatred, diverts the people, and while that happens, whomever is leading can keep on going their merry way.

    Do I need to explain in more detail or do you start understanding how you are being manipulated?
    Last edited by Yggdrasil; 24-08-09 at 05:53 PM.

  14. #74
    Join Date
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    Fair enough, half the time I can't be bothered to read the posts here properly, it's all the same crap.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lipp View Post
    Fair enough, half the time I can't be bothered to read the posts here properly, it's all the same crap.
    In case you hadn't noticed yet: I am not everybody else.

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