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Thread: Screw everything. Im throwing in the towel.

  1. #106
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    So you go ahead and find a virgin. What makes you think this will work out? I mean, you spent so much time waiting for that girl and she still ends up dissappointing you in other ways (many things can go wrong). Don't you guys think you pretty much wasted so much time for nothing? OR...Will you be that guy who dedicates your entire life to her because she never had sex with anyone else?. IMO, you could have been happier with someone more compatible but you were too ignorant and couldn't let the smallest things go. All of that stuff would be fine if we lived in a perfect world, unfortunately, we don't.
    -to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.- e.e.cummings

  2. #107
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    there are still some virgin midgets available. lol. (not that there's anything wrong with midgets.)

  3. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob26
    If a woman felt she had a lot to offer in every area but looks, I can see her being resentful of good-looking bimbos and of the men who chased after them.

    More importantly, I can see her wanting to marry someone who hadn't already been married before and who would be experiencing marriage, children, etc. for the first time, too.
    I don't think women who won't date previously married men take that stance out of disdain for the man having been married (unlike men who won't date non-virgins), but rather because they are not interested in dealing with an ex-wife and someone else's children for the rest of their lives. You are arguing apples and oranges.
    Last edited by shh!; 01-09-05 at 08:37 AM.

  4. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by shh!
    You are arguing apples and oranges.
    So which is it guys?


    I'd have to go with oranges.

  5. #110
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    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ooooooooooooooooooooooooranges.

  6. #111
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    It would be easier if you just found a random girl or prostitute. Got rid of the virginity and then shut the hell up!

    Viriginity is not important. Its nothing you need to "save yourself" for. It's just sex. Get used to it.

    Noones perfect in this world. Noones going to meet that perfect standard. You only live once, so take a few risks before your lonely and forever sheltered from the world.

    Evil School!!
    May not be on LF as much, due to unforeseen circumstances.
    Blame College and Homework for Everything!!

  7. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fawn
    It would be easier if you just found a random girl or prostitute.
    Y'know I was really thinkin' about just goin' out and doin' just that.

    But the more I think about it, the more I decide it might not be the best idea.

    Plus it's not like my life would change that much anyway if I did.

  8. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by tooxshort
    wow ... it all makes sense, michael ... ur known as a liar! hahaha ...

    dont blame me! blame kristen!
    Why blame me? I didn't do anything. I didn't make him lie. I didn't make him post a fake pic and lie about his age. Lieing about stupid shit like that means he is either embarassed or really bored. Or both. So yeah. Not my fault. I do not have mind control. Just my manipulative powers. muahahaha

  9. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee
    So which is it guys?...

    ...I'd have to go with oranges.
    I would say guys are apples. Harder and less forgiving if one is thrown at you.

    While oranges are more complex having all those little sections and layers. So they are more like girls.

    Plus oranges taste better

  10. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowfox426
    While oranges are more complex having all those little sections and layers.
    Wouldn't that make them more like onions?

  11. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee
    Wouldn't that make them more like onions?
    For a few girls I know that would be correct...

  12. #117
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    Interesting, My advanced cultural anthropology professor argued with me for over 2 hours today on this topic as I(offcourse) brought it up. He tried to use the relitivity of each culture to argue against my needs of a virgin. I real dis-like as how some of you and him speak to me like I know little and am shallow with my decision. Things like "just get laid and get it over with" are un-called for. I was fully aware of the argument that professor was going to bring up even before he did....oddly I had to listen as he said the obvious things that our cultures economy runs on owning property and family and thus causing sex to be a huge owner-ship issue. The thing is I dont see things that way since I dont care much for this culture...I dont care if everyone else is up-tight about sexual habits or not...I dont want to get married or "own" the girl as property. I just so happen to think that her virginity shows full devotion towards me, it gives me an ease on my mind to not think and have the hassle of her previous partners. I agree with Rob also..We got used to the fact that the guy still contributes the food on the table but the girl puts nothing down anymore accept maybe child labor(yet some dont even care for having children). I would hope that most of you would know by now that even though I joke around alot I am fairly open minded. I have not lost my virginity yet, I dont know what Keichi is on but hes not telling the truth.

    Quote Originally Posted by NeoSeminole
    I do not plan on getting married. There is absolutely no need to get married nowadays if you are a guy. You are basically signing a social contract that says if she decides she doesn't want to be with you anymore, she gets half your money and the kids plus you have to pay her child support. You are taking a HUGE risk by getting married. Women have nothing to lose. Don't believe me? Talk to guys who have gone through a divorce and talk to women who have gone through a divorce. I guarantee you the men are much more bitter. It's not like the old days when couples actually kept their promises. If a woman truly loves you, then marriage is unnecessary. A paper document should not define your commitment to each other. I don't worry about children b/c I plan to adopt.
    I agree with this to no end. While I would prefer not to adopt myslef I must respect that alot considering there is so many children in need of shelter and homes yet people continue to make new lives. Lets try to help the conscious living first before creating more lives that need help. I also find marriage usless for the same reason. I see marriage as a paper agreement to support the girl and the girl gives her body...like I said..No need for marriage to get the sex anymore...no need for marriage.

    Too other people on this..I understand that you have some dreams of a big wedding and such but then think about it...whos the social cultures B!tch now?
    Last edited by Only-virgins; 01-09-05 at 01:48 PM.
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  13. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins
    I have not lost my virginity yet, I dont know what Keichi is on but hes not telling the truth.
    This is all we wanted needed to know.

  14. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee
    This is all we wanted needed to know.
    Now everyone... Don't forget to thank Frasbee for speaking for all of you.

    Quote Originally Posted by cyborgguineapig
    I'm a bitter guy too and I agree for the most part with OV. When your a nice guy and you are nice to a girl they just in return want to tease and play these ****ing mind games with you and just wants to be your friend. Then the guy in his pimped out honda and sideways hat drives up and hits on her vulgarly and suddenly the girl wants to **** him right then and their. It really doesn't make sense to me. If she really wanted to find that tuff man inside a nice guy, she would simply have to look deeper then his materialistic outer skin appearance. .
    I have a feeling that more people feel that way I feel, they just dont come forward with it. I dont know why they wouldnt bother looking into the nice guy and it doesnt matter because the real question is what the fawk is so special about the "tuff" guy in the first place? is a better question. Maybe girls enjoy louzy sex were the guy only thinks of himself cause hes a tough guy...who knows ?
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  15. #120
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    I don't know how I missed Rob's message, but all I can say is that I have worked AND raised kids, and anyone who thinks it is harder to bring home a paycheck than to raise the kids has obviously never raised kids.

    OV - I don't think it is bad that you want to marry a virgin. Really, that is your personal choice. I think what people are taking issue with is your apparent disdain for women who have not chosen that same path. Times have changed since the sexual revolution, and there is no longer any implied promise of a virgin if you get a job after college. That was over maybe 50 years ago. There are probably some people somewhere that share your values, but I think it is obvious that the older you get, the less likely you will be to find a virgin, unless you move to Saudi Arabia.

    And about the post-divorce bitterness, well whoever it is who gets dumped is the one who is bitter, male or female. And as I have said before, marriage is a contractual partnership, and once a partnership is dissolved, all assets get split, just as they do in any other partnership. Only the romantics have a hard time understanding this principle, but when you remove the emotion involved, that is all it comes down to.

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