I met a great woman at work and fell in love at first sight. Because I'm quite shy I don't to her that often, but after I talk to her (and mostly it's a good conversation ... not work related) I am so confused and not thinking of my job that I make mistakes.
I don't know her so long and even don't know her that good but it's a strange funny feeling.
I want to put her name in the facebook inputbox that quotes: What are you thinking of? But then I realise she's in my friendslist as well and I don't know how she would react when I post something like that ...
Say something to her online what I can't say in real life
She is far to good looking and I don't think I'm good enough for her altough I want to make her happy, see her happy, ...
Otherwise, she's a party animal that likes to go to late (early) parties and I don't.
I asked her out for a drink and she said yes but we didn't set up a date yet! Ah maybe worthy mentioning but she's available as well.

I'm very shy and can't talk to women that easy. Every time I want to talk to someone I like ... the first half an houre I know what to talk about and than nothing

Does anyone of you know how I can turn this situation to something I can work with easily? I know this sounds terrible but it's my first shot since my previous relationship (that lasted only 2 years and a few months) and I don't want to spoil it for myself.