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Thread: I don't think he's into me anymore

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    I don't think he's into me anymore

    I met a completely awesome guy three weeks ago at a party. We basically spent that entire evening just hanging out together, talking and getting to know each other. I sat in his lap, eventually we made out and I went with him home. Nothing happened (I said that if we still want to in a week we'll do it then) and the next morning we hugged, kissed and cuddled (even in front of one of his friends). He drove me home.

    Because we have mutual friends we met almost every day the following week, and during these meetings we held hands, cuddled on the couch and even kissed on some occasions. We texted each other a lot, and called each other a lot. These mutual friends all say that he is a WONDERFUL person, faithful, kind, just perfect, which is exactly how I feel too.

    1 week after I met him I invited him on a date at my house. I made dinner and we hung out. He went home around 12, after an awesome evening with guitar playing, singing, cuddling and kissing. Then he came the following day, and this time he spent the night for the third time, and we had sex for the first time. We stayed up real late, just talking, and everything was going SO GREAT.

    He spent the night a fourth time, and things were still going great. We texted a lot, called each other every day (even if we met that day). Ahh it was just PERFECT. Everything I'd hoped for.

    Then, almost two weeks ago now, he left on vacation with his best friend (male). They're in Spain, on a typical "party-trip" where there's drinking, relaxing and tanning involved. And obviously girls in bikinis
    Before he left he kept saying how it SUCKED that he had to leave, that he wished he'd left before he met me so that we wouldn't have to stop meeting each other for two weeks after only knowing each other for two weeks. He said that he likes me a LOT, that he cares about me, and that he would miss me SO much.

    The first week that he was there went great. He texted me, said that he missed me and couldn't wait to hold me in his arms again. He called a couple of times, and we spoke for like 20 minutes about everything and nothing. Then it about said BOOM and everything changed. I received little messages, he completely stopped calling, and the few messages I received weren't as sweet and charming as they used to be.

    He hasn't texted me or called me on his own initiative since last Thursday - that's almost a week. He's still polite, nice and writes "hugs" after a text message, but something is dramatically different.

    I'm not crazy for thinking that he's met someone else, am I? Our mutual friends say that he would NOT do such a thing, because he cares too much about me, but I can't see how that's possible. Why would he become so... Weird... If he didn't have someone else over there? Which worries me, because he really is a nice guy, and he'd never try to "keep me warm" while doing stuff to some other chick. And although it's not very probable that he's met someone who is actually from where HE is from (I am, by the way) he's the kind of guy who would probably try out long distance relationships - I mean, he's a romantic person...

    It makes me sad, of course, but most of all it makes me SCARED. He will come back in 3 days, and we will HAVE TO meet each other in the future. I have no idea how things will be when he comes back, and it's impossible for me to find out in advance. Gosh, it's tearing me apart!!!

    I've decided that if he doesn't call me Saturday or Sunday, I'll take it as a hint that he's no longer interested (he comes back on Saturday). I'm so scared, because I think I know where this is going, and I really don't like it...

    I miss him so much

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    West Michigan
    He might be just having fun at the beach. Stop over reacting about this. Being apart is hard for him, so it may be easier for him emotionally, to NOT text you. When he gets back then you can hang out more and rekindle your relationship.

    I've decided that if he doesn't call me Saturday or Sunday, I'll take it as a hint that he's no longer interested (he comes back on Saturday).
    What is this, the 1950s? Why don't you call him first? If you just wait around for him to do all the work, he will certainly see you as a dud and find someone better. BOTH people have to work at the relationship, not just guys. Get off your ass and call him. You say you want this relationship but you don't act like it. Guys watch your actions, if you don't ACT like you want it, it's over. So take action.
    I have a long time interest in psychology, specializing in relationship dynamics for 30 years.
    (Please note, we give the best advice we can based on the information given in a post. For better advice, please include the age of all romantic partners.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    oooouh thank you! YES, I shall call him. I'm thinking this was exactly what I needed to hear right now.

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