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Thread: are these signs he wants me back? or just sad?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    are these signs he wants me back? or just sad?


    My partner of 11 years broke up with me 4 weeks ago. He told me he no longer loves me last week. (i do not believe that) There were reasons to break up, mainly he felt under pressure about our future. and felt he needed to deal with himself.
    so i asked him not to contact me as i need space to stop hurting. he has waited two days than sent me this msg last night

    "I know i m not meant to msg you, but i just want you to know that i do miss you very much. It's a struggle to not call you or see you to tell you about my day. Out getting japenesse tonight....."

    I did not reply and today he has sent me this msg (back story we had plans to go to a concert with friends this friday night)

    "are you still coming to muse on friday? would you like me to bring a cd of their music over for you?"

    i had to catch up with him yesterday afternoon to discuss moving out issues, money, cat, etc

    While he was here he asked me how i was going with the alcohol. I did not know what he meant so asked him to explain. and he replied saying basically that he is drinking quite a bit each night. (he does not have a drinking problem, and never has) he seamed really sad, so i asked if he wanted to "talk" (as in about us) he than looked like he was about to cry. so i suggested that we should "talk" later. to which he just said yeah, later.

    So i hope this means he wants me back!!!
    or is it a sign he is just sad, because he feels it is over for ever?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I'm not sure what to say. How did he tell you that he no longer loves you (under what circumstances)? Is it possible that something happened before he told you that, or meanwhile (while you weren't together anymore), that has made him change his mind?
    He seems interested in you, but you can find out his reasons only from him. Talk to him and try to find out (without making it sound as if you're interrogating him) what's happening, if he wants you back or if he's just sad he's not having you anymore, after 11 years.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    He is the one who dumped YOU.

    Especially after 11 years that is a LONG time. It is very difficult to just move on. Perhaps he is having some doubts but you two really need to discuss the root of why he "fell out of love" with you.

    It can help bring closure to unanswered questions.

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