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Thread: How Do I Find Out If She Likes Me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    How Do I Find Out If She Likes Me?

    Hi all,

    I finally gathered enough energy to ask someone (or somewhere), how can I be sure that the girl I like likes me too? I'm familiar with things like facial expressions, but what are the definitive signs? Should I just go out there and ask her if she likes me, or should I tell that I really like her? She seems to laugh about my jokes and we can really get along, but whats the next step?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Regards, loveseeker55

  2. #2
    Ellynn's Avatar
    Ellynn is offline Love Gurus
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    Honestly, there is no sure way to find out other then just taking that risk and asking her out. If she is interested, she will agree to go out with you.

    The reason I say there is no sure way is mainly because people all act differently when they like someone. Some girls are more shy and quiet and withdrawn, while others are super flirty, smile, make lots of eye contact. Some are just naturally flirty and don't intend for you to take it seriously that they are into you.
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    you just have to take a chance and see what happens.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    There is one trick I like here. If a guy comes straight up and asks me if we can go out sometime. and I'm not interested in him, that puts me on the spot in an uncomfortable way. However, if he comes and casually asks me about some other guy in my life, like a guy friend or something "so are you and so-and-so involved?" this gives me a much easier way to tell him whether or not I'm interested in him - and it's safer. Don't get me wrong, because I know exactly what he's doing and she'll know what you're doing too. But this saves you both a lot of embarrassment.
    Now, to read her reply:
    1- No, there's nothing between us - I'm not seeing anyone right now
    This basically means she is interested in you, and is open to the prospect of you asking her out.
    2- No, no, in fact I'm quite keen on this other guy lately
    She's telling you she's not available - or perhaps available, but basically not interested.
    3- Yes, we're involved.
    That's pretty clear.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, ladies - but several guys have used this on me and it's always very relieving. However the most frustrating thing is when they don't understand #2 and ask you out anyway... she'd have to be a world-class bimbo if "this other guy" is referring to you, because that's a mixed signal no interested woman would want to send. It's more likely a guy you know that she wouldn't want to tell you about being interested in. Or, he might not exist.

  5. #5
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    Not sure if this will help you (but it definitely works!) If you put your finger in a girl's hand and she squeezes it then she like you! I tried it out and I can say it works! Trust me!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by mainload View Post
    Not sure if this will help you (but it definitely works!) If you put your finger in a girl's hand and she squeezes it then she like you! I tried it out and I can say it works! Trust me!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Ask her....unfortunately not the easiest thing to do but it's the only way to be sure :-) Good Luck!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SadieF View Post
    1- No, there's nothing between us - I'm not seeing anyone right now
    This basically means she is interested in you, and is open to the prospect of you asking her out.
    2- No, no, in fact I'm quite keen on this other guy lately
    She's telling you she's not available - or perhaps available, but basically not interested.
    3- Yes, we're involved.
    That's pretty clear.
    I kinda went that route with the girl I'm hoping to start dating, I asked if she was single or seeing anyone and her response was "no, i've seen a few guys since i've moved up here but it never worked out".....she made it sound like the guys she dated were leeching off her financially or trying to. I kinda got the impression she hadn't really even been seeing anyone (gut feeling). She told me she was single and went on about guys she had dated, she didn't change the subject but she didn't really smile. She smiles a lot when we're together but when I asked her IDK if she was nervous or shocked or turned off or what she just kinda stared at me before answering. I can't decide whether it was a positive or negative stare. It honestly scared me off a little from asking her.

    But then I think she told me she was single and she elaborated, kept on with the convo and didn't try to change the subject. She's shy and very confusing to me, i wanna believe she wants me but i'm just not positive....she's not real forward one way or the other how she wants this to go, its frustrating me.

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