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Thread: meeting boys in college?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    meeting boys in college?

    so, since this thing with the boy from home has seemed to not work out, i'm looking ahead to this coming semester and hoping not to repeat last year when it comes to boys.

    my problem is that i'm always either the best friend (pretty much one of the guys) or the random hookup. never in between.

    i would say that i'm decently attractive and i have a nice body (i dance ballet) and i'm very flirtatious, so i don't have problems attracting guys at parties and stuff like that. the problem is that when i'm at a party (hence, a bit intoxicated) i get horny and therefore will just make out with whatever cute boy is nearby. i did this far too much last year, and i don't want to continue it for fear of getting a reputation for being easy or a whore...

    i'm fairly certain that boys would like me if they just got to know me. (a fair number of my guy friends from high school professed having crushes on me after my high school bf of about 2 years and i broke up) but where do i meet the kind of guys who would be willing to get to know a girl rather than just drunkenly hook up with her at a party? obviously i've been looking in all the wrong places.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    In your head
    well, i personally think it's not a question of "where" the serious-relationship-type-of-guys, who'd take their time to know you more, are. they are just around. well, im sure you know that THAT isnt where the real problem lies, but the reputation you have made for yourself.

    if you want guys to treat you with respect, show them you're worth of it. im not saying that you're not worth of it or anything, im just saying..guys would look at you the way you make yourself look. if guys see you as easy and whore-ish and is just up for fun, that's also how they would likely treat you.

    so my advice, work on your reputation and show them you're more than just the "best friend type" or the "random hook up" type, and youll find those guys you're looking for.
    Last edited by kalupe; 01-08-07 at 06:24 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Well said kalupe.

    It sounds like guys like you enough to be a random hookup so there is some attraction there. Its just that guys don't like things to be easy. Ask most men and you'll find that they would not continue dating a girl that gave it up to them on a first date. Not seriously anyway. So, play a little hard to get. Remember, you're worth it.

  4. #4
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    Feb 2006
    Get your bitch on, nyc. I am not kidding. For some reason, guys want to think they passed some big test to get into your life, and that they're better than the competition. Let them have that.
    Spammer Spanker

  5. #5
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    Get your bitch on, nyc. I am not kidding. For some reason, guys want to think they passed some big test to get into your life, and that they're better than the competition. Let them have that.
    This is very true.

    Why don't you try joining clubs on campus? That's an awesome way to meet awesome people with similar interests. I think you'll also find more "serious" people (in terms of relationships) at clubs and activities as oppossed to parties... It's just like that I think

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by nyc123 View Post
    but where do i meet the kind of guys who would be willing to get to know a girl rather than just drunkenly hook up with her at a party? obviously i've been looking in all the wrong places.
    I'll give you a hint, not sleazy college parties.
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  7. #7
    Charlie Boy II's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    Get your bitch on, nyc. I am not kidding. For some reason, guys want to think they passed some big test to get into your life, and that they're better than the competition. Let them have that.
    I didn't know it till I just read it, but Giga is 100% on point. Now that I think about it, all the girls that I've ended up in longer term things (including my current girlfriend) with have all made me feel like I was one of countless competitors that managed to snare her. I don't know whether that was a deliberate ploy or not... I'm starting to wonder though.

    All the other ones that came easy I got sick of after a couple of months.

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