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Thread: Weird job situation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Weird job situation

    How would you handle this situation? I work with a co-worker who is well.. let me just give an example (sorry there are going to be some less-than-pretty words in here)...

    I came in late 2 Mondays in a row early on in the new job. The second Monday before I even got my coat off to sit down my co-worker(a 60-something female) very angrily asked: "Are you interviewing??". I was quite caught off guard. I hadn't been interviewing but seeing as she seemed to already think I was and I was rather pissed me off I answered "Yes". She stewed even more. I actually got a raise later that week when my boss asked how things were going (probably bcuz of something she said to him) and I said I had another offer for more $.

    A few months go by and I have a rather serious health issue and a lot of doctors appts in a short period. The ******** (sorry.. cant help it) says to me one day "If you're interviewing why don't you just let us know so we can start looking for a replacement." I look at her and say "I'm sorry.. can you repeat that?" She says "Well.. you've been taking alot of time off.." I interupprt her and say "I've been going to doctors appointments because I may have something serious going on." Then I say something to the effect that I find it very strange and have never had anyone at any job accuse me of interviewing when I'm going to doctors appts. She says "Well.. have you ever had something serious in the past?" I can't believe she asks me but say "No" (like it's any of her f-ing business!!!). She tries to find out what is going on. I don't divulge anything. She tries again implying if I need a biopsy!!! She sticks to her guns as if she has a right to know! Then I say "BTW most people don't tell anyone on the job if they are interviewing. They'd just give their 2 weeks if they decide to take a new job.. you know?" (like.. hint, hint.. you're an f-ing weirdo!!!) Then she says something about my boss and I say "So you've told him you think I'm interviewing?". She said something like "Well, it seems like you are".. never really implying wether or not she did.

    I haven't spoken anything to her since. We sit right next to each other. I only respond with head shakes to work related comments/questions. I want to punch her in the face so bad!!!!!!!!

    So.. what would any of you do? Someone suggested reporting her on grounds of harrassment which I might be interested in except the political climate in here seems to be that it wouldn't do much.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    An excellent oppurtunity to practice some weilding of power. Firstly, the report of harassment may help. Put her obnoxious behavior on record with the company. Make sure there policy is to approach her with an anonymous complaint or else it will just fuel her fire. Another thing you could do is discreetly feed her false information. In a way that seems very accidental, let her imagination run with the idea you're interviewing. But whichever way you attempt to do this make sure you have irrefutable proof that what she believes is false. I'm trying to think of a good way, like let her see you working on apps and when she tells your boss show him what you've "really been working on" all day and have it be something spectacular. (I don't know what you do so I'm not good at thinking up the appropriate game for your case. Toy with her a bit and make her out to look like the nutjob she is. My general rule is "don't stop the problem, obliterate and humiliate it."
    Heit ist mein taug.

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