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Thread: My Problem: Love from one side

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    My Problem: Love from one side

    Hello guys ..
    Sorry for my bad writing style .. Because English is not my mother language
    I'm 18 years old, and I am on my first year in the college
    I will write a summary for my story, and I want some strategies or solutions for my cause..
    After my first week in the college, I saw a girl like an angel .. a strange felling come to my heart at that moment and it is start pulse rapidly ..
    I was just a admirer, but over time my admiration convert to love .. I spend all my time thinking about her, even in my sleeping , I will not be a lying if I saw that I dreamed about her 10 times or maybe more..
    I tried to approach to her, I show care and attention to her, I believed that what I do is not enough; because she was not give me the same attention and care, but the worst is she is speak with better way with another one in the college (she don't love him, I am sure in this point)
    So .. I use another strategies to approach to her rather than talking and smiling .. first I send a love poetry (written by me) to her e-mail, but from anonymous e-mail (I didn't write my name but I was sure that she will know that I'm the sender)
    Also, I put a piece of paper in her locker (love's poetry also) ..
    So .. a lot of things happened after this two events, but the most important thing is that she come to me and said " If you have anything on my on my heart forget it, because I start annoyed from you"..
    After that, I talk to her with MSN, She told me that there is no chance to me with her, and she told me to stay away from her, I avowed her with my love, but she didn't care and she told me that it's not her problem, also she told me that even if I was the last man on earth, she will never think about me after what I did to her (Just because I send a love poetry to her e-mail!)
    I tried to forget her but I can't, it's hard to forget the one you love just like that, especially if you see her 5 days per week ..
    I will not describe my miserable, and I will not describe my heart's pain, because everyone knows this, I want some advices from you ,, how can I deal with this problem? what shall I do?

    Plz don't ignore my problem

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I share the similarity with you during my school time and as well as in work place. But you did better than me, caused I'm always hold back my feeling without step for the approach. Because I'm afraid of the rejection like you face.

    But Klovi, sending a love poetry to a girl unknown of you are a big no no things, unless you are in literature class, then, she would get impressed of what you did. You simply can't catch a rabbit by using the fish as a bait.(sorry for my little harsh words here).

    And you have to change the tactics now by not approaching her directly instead pay attention to her good friends. And ignore her in the first place. Because your first round had gave you a disadvantage ground to launch any new "love-attack".

    Approach her good friend instead and maintain casual conversation only. Talk things in casual way or any interested topics with her friend (don't ask her friends any kind of info about your primary target), this would create the confusion state over your primary target as she doesn't know what happening between her friend and you.

    As long as you could brewing some interesting point of you, it
    would give you an other level ground for you to fight-back.

    But don't play cheating with her friends that you all get involved in love as this might be a mistake side-track happen in real world.

    At time when she approach you, what are you doing with her friend, then, you just merely state that you are wrong last time to rush in love by doing all those stuff.

    You merely just want to be friend only but misstep the point. Then, you walk-off immediately, this would create a in-balance state for her (a bait had out). An anchoring point been set in her heart.

    And next-time when you seen her again, you just walk up to her and give her two ticket that ask her to pass to her friends that you got this ticket free from "somebody", please pass the cinema ticket to her friend to go watch movie, but you stay out from it.

    This is another touch and go anchoring point to get her arose some mystery or interest on you.

    All this is a level off game to play equal as your original lost ground battle.

    Once on third and fourth round for other interesting point, then, you would finally set-off her alertness alarm, and wait for her approach you to be a friend.

    As long as she accept you as a friend, it is up to you to set the level again but don't rush in too fast.

    Klovi, I hope you are a real guy to love this person and really worth your effort to do this, all else it is better you spend you time on study and excel in study to impress other.

    Don't rush to get a tree and losing the whole jungle-wood.

    Hahahaha...good luck to you, may love been shine on you and your study.

    Fulfillment or emptiness is all up to you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    klovi, getting anonymous gifts, even poetry, can be really creepy. That whole secret admirer thing is just a bad idea, so you started out on the wrong foot and have been pushing the limits ever since.

    I suggest that you try something new: listen to her. Leave this girl alone before she gets a couple of dudes to kick your ass. I am not kidding.

    I know you "love" her, but you're crossing a clearly defined line and it's ultimately very disrespectful to her.
    Spammer Spanker

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Thanks for all your advices .. and really .. most of them I was thinking to practice them in the next days .. but. ..

    After what she said to me: " It's impossible to love you" , "You must to forget me" , "Even if you are the last man in the earth, I wouldn't to think about you" , "You don't have a chance with me"..

    Afte listening these harsh words for her, I started thinking that I am wasting my time for a girl I really don't have a chance with her .. So I start trying forget her, but I can't .. So now, What shall I do ?

    1- Continue trying to forget her, or
    2- Use magic tactics to appraoch to a girl she said that it's impossible to love you even if you are the last man on the earth (and what are these tactics?)


    I know that I was wrong when I do this, and I still repentant for this ..

    You said: leave her, do you think that if I can leave and forget her, I wouldn't to do this ? It's not simple to leave your love ..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    No, its not.. but yes you are going to end up getting your ass kicked, chase another girl and go about it differently
    How we survive is what makes us who we are.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    My initial impression is that you don't even really know this girl. You saw her. You admired her. You approached her. You stalked her. I don't see anything about you both really speaking much except for her telling you to leave her alone.

    You're coming off as extremely creepy and no woman is going to find that attractive. In fact, don't be surprised if she has friends approach you or gets a restraining order.
    I don't chase, I replace.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Northern Ireland
    I agree with the other posters.

    Sending anonymous poetry is creepy, and girls generally do not like that.

    When she said you had no chance with her, she meant it, and she is not going to change her mind. So my advice would be to try and forget about her. Personally, I do not think you can "love" a person you don't even know, it's just infatuation. You're going to need to accept that she is off limits.

    If you keep pursuing her, she will get VERY angry.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by klovi_09 View Post

    Thanks for all your advices .. and really .. most of them I was thinking to practice them in the next days .. but. ..

    After what she said to me: " It's impossible to love you" , "You must to forget me" , "Even if you are the last man in the earth, I wouldn't to think about you" , "You don't have a chance with me"..

    Afte listening these harsh words for her, I started thinking that I am wasting my time for a girl I really don't have a chance with her .. So I start trying forget her, but I can't .. So now, What shall I do ?

    1- Continue trying to forget her, or
    2- Use magic tactics to appraoch to a girl she said that it's impossible to love you even if you are the last man on the earth (and what are these tactics?)


    I know that I was wrong when I do this, and I still repentant for this ..

    You said: leave her, do you think that if I can leave and forget her, I wouldn't to do this ? It's not simple to leave your love ..
    Hi Klovi,
    You started this game with a wrong move and this leave you no choices but to fight the "uphill battle".

    That's leave two option for you as other suggest leave this girl or continue the "battle".

    The message she sent was very clear that you had done something which really annoyed her (although not nasty) as such she said if you are last man stood she won't love you....This is by far the strong stand.

    If you continue to pursuit the "primary target", you can't deal with her direct as I suggested previously, you need to be friend of her friend, and totally ignore her present, this is the mid-range game-plan, so you can't really see any short-term result.

    Re-read my post again and see how it go...
    But should you turn her friend become your girl-friend then you were wrongly apply this tactics, remember "friend" only to "second target".

    Hope you could focus your effort to make your present on study and excel in any academic or sports records to impress others too.
    Fulfillment or emptiness are all up to you!

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