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Thread: Any chance of recovery?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Any chance of recovery?

    Dear All,

    As you can probably see, I'm new to these forums.

    I have a situation that I'd like to share with you.

    My ex partner and I have just gone through a breakup (very recent) due to me not doing the right thing, I flirted with another lady on Facebook, biggest regret of my life.

    This happened a few months ago, she was very emotional about it, but she eventually forgave me after a couple of weeks, and we were back to normal.
    Naturally, she lost a lot of trust for me, and as she should.

    I saw the faults in my ways, and promised her that it would never happen again.

    A few months later, she came across some random people that I was messaging and snapchatting, a couple of them were women; (just friends, nothing more)
    Again, she had a hard time believing that, and she thought they must have meant more.

    She hasn't been able to get over it, despite me speaking to her, and trying to make her understand.

    I love this woman, she is 23, and we were in a relationship for over a year, she was the happiest she's ever been, no word of a lie, I treated as a woman should be treated, but I made that 1 fatal error, which I'm gutting myself for.

    We spoke about it, and after a few days she stated that she just can't see me right now, and she needs needs space, and that she has lost trust for me.

    The last messages went something like this;

    You shouldnt have done it ib the first place
    Or even thought about doing it ffs
    I dont want to see you.
    Just leave it.
    The damage is done.
    Im ****ing sick of guys.
    Maybe things will be different in future. But youll probably be with other chicks by then.

    I then replied with;

    If I have to wait, to let you settle, I want to do that, more than anything.

    and the last words spoken by her was;

    Ok well give me space then.

    ^^ it's been 2 days since she sent this message

    I want this woman back, I was to show her that my mindset has changed, because she is an absolute angel.

    I'm trying to work out how to go about this, she also stated that things might be different in future, but I'll probably be with other chicks by then? I need to know what she means by that, does it subtly mean that she wants me back, but she needs time to collect herself?

    I'm thinking of sending her a message after 2 weeks, if I hear nothing back.

    What do you guys think?

    I really appreciate any responses.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    that meanss that she loves you but she is so angry with you because you hurt her so much - obviously

    as for how to get her back: i have no idea.
    The problem is that on the one side you flirted with another lady - which really is no big deal. You can enjoy flirting from time to time. She has trust issues now. However apart from letting her casually rifle through your phone, telling her about everything related to that subject and generally talking to her about it you cant do much.
    Since she obviously now broke up with you, you should think about what you want. She told you to not contact her - which is something id only respect if i wanted it - or if I see fit.
    If you want her back then you will probably at some point have to fight for her. Perhaps she even expects you to.
    Maybe she also expects you to keep away from her, because it hurts so much - i dont know.
    How long are you willing to wait?
    How could you fight back for her?
    What terribly romantic thing could you do for her - without contacting her (and with contacting her)?
    If you think I am insulting you with my post or bashing you: You do not get the point.
    I am not here to insult or bash anyone. I offer up my free time to help. Take from my post what is useful to you.
    If you are angry about my post or myself, then please stop and think how that happened. Usually that is the way the brain responds if a critical belief system is challenged (its called cognitive dissonance). If you have trouble with it please answer in the thread. I will come back to you.

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